When I ask this survey question: "What's your #1 biggest productivity challenge you're struggling with right now?"
Here's the number one answer I get: "Not having time to work ON my business. I don't have systems in place, but I'm so busy with client projects that I don't feel like I have the time to stop and put them in place, so I keep re-inventing the same thing over and over again."
If you can relate to that, you don't want to miss today's episode on prioritizing what's most important. Cuz the truth is, EVERYTHING is important in your business.
BUT everything does not have the same priority.
Find out how to figure out where exactly you should put your focus and energy so you get the best results in the shortest time with the least stress.
Click here for the episode "The Easiest Hack For Focus" and here for the episode "Three Steps To Take Control".
Get full show notes and more information here: https://lifeisorganized.com/podcast/94/
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