You have SO many lists.
Different papers, planners, notebooks, stickies.
Not to mention all the electronic lists: Notes app, Asana, Evernote, Google Tasks.
Even though they’re supposed to make you more organized, you’re still in confusion or disarray.
What you need is a really good and reliable TODAY list.
BUT, that doesn’t mean 15 tasks on a separate piece of paper…in addition to the 20 other things that come up during the day….which of course you can’t complete.
AmIRight?? On this episode, I’m breaking down step-by-step how to break this annoying cycle and finally have ONE list you can rely on every day.
Click here for episode 12: Five Reasons Your To-Do List Might Suck and here for episode 36: You'll Keep Procrastinating If You Don't Nail This.
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