Episode 108: Kavita Gupta of ConsenSys Kicks Off UCLA Cyber Days with Veronica Reynolds
During the UCLA Cyber Days we were able to catch up with many bright minds, and you’ll hear two of them during this episode. Kelley talks with Veronica Reynolds, UCLA student and one of the co-founders of the UCLA Blockchain Lab, and Kavita Gupta, founding managing partner at Consensys.
UCLA Cyber Days was a blockchain & cryptocurrency conference where attendees got to meet investors and learn more about the state of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Veronica tells us more about the event, and why the UCLA Blockchain Lab was started.
ConsenSys is a major player in the blockchain ecosystem. Kavita Gupta, founding managing partner, is here to blow your mind and explain the many facets of their business. Some of these include:
- ConsenSys Academy: Education for both developers and non-developers, bridging the Ethereum knowledge gap and revolutionizing education through blockchain technology.
- ConsenSys Labs: A venture studio providing world-class resources, tools, and talent to entrepreneurs and developers around the world.
- ConsenSys Solutions: A consulting arm which helps organizations across the globe build, test, and deploy public and private blockchain solutions.
Kavita explains these and more in detail and outlines what’s to come from ConsenSys in the future at their fast-growing company.
Links for resources mentioned:
ConsenSys Website: https://consensys.net/
ConsenSys Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/consensussystems
Kavita Gupta Twitter: https://twitter.com/KavitaGupta19
Veronica Reynolds LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronicareynolds/
Veronica Reynolds Twitter: https://twitter.com/vlectronica