Episode 202: Make Bitcoin Fun Again with David Bailey
Sitting down with us today is David Bailey, Co-founder and CEO of BTC Inc. Kelley describes him as one of the original lovers of bitcoin and one of the first people that got her interested in the currency.
David starts by telling us how he discovered bitcoin and his transition from skeptic to proponent. His company began as a publication under a different name but became BTC Inc after multiple acquisitions and now becoming the blockchain media entity it is today. BTC Inc has been involved in many different projects, which David cites as the reason the company has gained so much traction in the blockchain industry. In this episode, we learn about the different position that bitcoin takes compared to other cryptocurrencies and David’s belief that bitcoin will form a foundational layer for the entire crypto economy. David describes bitcoin as digital gold and believes that, because of the economic principles backing the currency, the price of bitcoin has the potential to grow astronomically. In light of the current bear market, BTC Inc will be holding a conference this summer with a focus on making bitcoin fun again.
Topics covered:
-David’s initial belief that bitcoin was a scam and subsequent 180 degree turn.
-The formation of BTC Inc and the different market cycles it has been through.
-Bitcoin’s foundational value for entire crypto ecosystem.
-Advantages and disadvantages of Ethereum.
-Unfortunate toxicity and division around bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
-The Bitcoin 2019 Conference happening in San Francisco on June 25 and 26.
-Focus of the conference is how to make bitcoin fun again.
Links for resources mentioned:
Bitcoin 2019 Conference: https://www.bitcoin2019conference.com/
BTC Inc: https://b.tc/
BTC Store: https://store.b.tc/
Bitcoin Magazine: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/
yBitcoin: https://www.ybitcoin.com/
David on Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidfbailey