Talia is a pelvic floor physical therapist in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is experienced in treating all types of pelvic floor disorders but is primarily focused now on helping moms raise their families without pee leaks, prolapse or pain. In this episode, we talk about everything you need to know about your pelvic floor, weak vs overactive pelvic floor, prolapse, pee leaks, kegels, how a desk job impacts your pelvic floor, what a session looks like and so much more!
Connect with Talia:
- Instagram: @holistic_pelvic_health
- Pelvic Health During Pregnancy course
Connect with Alex:
- Free Preview of SYNCED Course: nutritionmoderation.thinkific.com/collections
- Instagram: @nutritionmoderation
- TikTok: @nutritionmoderation
- Website: www.nutritionmoderation.com