Epic marketing failures in history! Here we look at failed products due to poor marketing and failed marketing campaigns, including Bud Light. Not every marketing campaign is going to be a success, but these were downright terrible fails! For this video, we’ll be looking at campaigns or statements from major corporations that went badly wrong, resulting in tons of negative press and business loss. Our list includes , Ford Motor Company, KFC, American Express (AMEX) and Bud light! Can you think of any other marketing disasters? Be sure to let us know in the comments below! 📱 Want to jump on a free Strategy Call with us...? After generating double digit profit growth for 30+ clients in 40+ countries... We can likely save you lots of time, and help you avoid burning tons of cash by trying to figure all this marketing stuff out all by yourself... Here's the link to book a quick call: https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/d... If you like the content in this video and want to learn more about marketing techniques and tools to grow your business, I've got a free video for you, just head over to stepstogrowth.com and you can check out that video here: https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/f... ACCESS MY FREE RESOURCES BELOW ======================== MARKETING ASSESSMENT If you want to assess your business against the key processes of marketing, to find where you are strong and what you need to fix NOW, get a FREE marketing plan assessment template (PDF), by clicking this link: https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/m... POWER WEB INFLUENCE TEMPLATE How to get more POWER and PRODUCTIVITY in marketing, your career and personal development - The power web or web of influence used to map stakeholders, employees, organizations according to power and trust levels in a matrix. https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/o... PERCEPTUAL MAP TEMPLATES How to do perceptual mapping in marketing. https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/f... Try Skool by Sam Ovens as complete system to deliver courses, training, community, learning management system and chat! Try it 14 days for free, sign up using this link: https://www.skool.com/join?ref=2f4aea... ======================== PS - Whenever you are ready, here are the best ways I can help you further… 1) Free resources section of our website: https://stepstogrowth.com/resources 2) Join the Marketing Growth Nation Facebook group to join the conversations and learning about Marketing Led Profit Growth: https://www.facebook.com/groups/86716... 3) 1-on-1 Marketing Coaching and Consulting: https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/f... ABOUT GARETH FLOOD ======================== Gareth Flood is a Marketing professional with over twenty years of experience and a principle at Steps to Growth Ltd. Who we are: A team of Marketing professionals who have worked across industries in businesses of all sizes – passionate about helping businesses grow with our proven marketing framework and tools. What we do: Provide easy to implement and cost-effective marketing tools and techniques to take your business to the next level. Pick what you want, when you need it, with additional help always available to you. https://stepstogrowth.com ======================== #marketing #brand#branding#brandstrategy #budlight #ford #kfc #amexplatinum #campaign