Wondering about the b2b2c business model and b2b vs b2c marketing strategies?
If you are in the b2b2c business model (business to business to business to customer/consumer) and wondering how you need to adjust your marketing strategies, you've come to the right place. Putting a B2B company or customer between you and then the end customer or consumer as the one who ultimately USES your product or service, so a B2C customer, requires a specific skill set - lets find out what that is...
1) In this episode, we are going to go over the b2b2c business model. Its as complex or as simple as you want to make it.
2) We're going to cover the two biggest thigs you need to do with your marketing to hit your goals in this environment
3) Last, we are going to talk about what to do in marketing planning and marketing strategies for b2b2c
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If you like the content in this video and want to learn more about marketing techniques and tools to grow your business, I 've got a free video for you, just head over to stepstogrowth.com and you can check out that video here: https://marketing.stepstogrowth.com/free-video
00:00 Introduction
00:59 Contents: The B2B2C Model, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Planning
01:10 The B2B2C business model 01:32 B2B2C Definition
02:20 B2B2C Examples and variations
08:10 Two key steps in your marketing strategy
09:27 Free video and case studies for marketing growth
09:48 Explanation of a channel map and channel management
10:45 Two biggest things for your marketing plan in B2B2C
17:06 How to get marketing led profit growth
18:10 BONUS POINT! Distributors are not customers!
19:45 Conclusions: KISS, brand, integrated plan