What a pleasure to share this conversation with you today on Sense-Making in a Changing World with my wonderfully talented friend, Jane Milburn.
Jane is a Slow Clothing champion and 2019 Churchill Fellow. She presents a compelling case for why we need to change the way we dress. She is also the founder and creative force of Textile Beat - inspired by her growing understanding of the impacts of our clothes on people and planet, and our own personal health.
Jane published Slow Clothing: Finding meaning in what we wear in 2017 and throughout it presents a new narrative about clothing that is regenerative. Slow clothing is more than just wearing natural clothes . Jane has a whole slow clothing philosophy which she shares through her slow clothing manifesto: think, natural, quality, local, few, care, make, revive, adapt, salvage.
Jane offers a beautiful everyday practical philosophy that is accessible to everyone everywhere, that brings us to wholeness through living more simply, creatively and fairly .
I hope you love this conversation just as much as I did, and see how it's the little things we do that can actually make the world the of difference.
Since Jane wasn't able to travel this year with her Churchill Scholarship due to COVID, she held a 'virtual Churchill' - zooming with her guests. Check out her interviews on Textile Beat. To make the most of her time, she did her permaculture design course and immediately saw the parallels and calls slow clothing.
"Permaculture Clothing is Slow Clothing"
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This podcast is a project of the Permaculture Education Institute.
We work with people on six continents, teaching permaculture design and skills - from how to be a community leader to creating a regenerative permaculture livelihood. Visit our website to find out more. You can start any time, in any capacity!
We teach permaculture and host permaculture teacher courses. We also share conversations through monthly masterclasses, Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film clubs in a supportive global community.
This podcast is broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country.
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