In this final episode of our special 2023 Urban Agriculture series, join me as I dive into a new way of approaching change-making and sense-making with William Padilla-Brown. William is a certified permaculture designer, a citizen scientist, urban agriculturalist, mycologist, phycologist, a featured in the film Fantastic Fungi and someone I consider a public professor of mycosymbiotics.
It was great to meet William as he is someone I've wanted to interview for a while! Mycosymbiotics is what William calls 'biological aides for permaculture systems' and we explore what this means for practical implementation in both our permaculture systems and as a philosophy in this fascinating conversation.
If you want to find out more, you can check out William's work at, join his newsletter for updates and check out MycoFest 2024 to catch him live!
I'd love to hear from you. Text me here.
This podcast is a project of the Permaculture Education Institute.
We work with people on six continents, teaching permaculture design and skills - from how to be a community leader to creating a regenerative permaculture livelihood. Visit our website to find out more. You can start any time, in any capacity!
We teach permaculture and host permaculture teacher courses. We also share conversations through monthly masterclasses, Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film clubs in a supportive global community.
This podcast is broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country.
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