This particular episode has been painful to edit. I've been sitting on it for over a year. Just before I was going to share it with you in 2022, Dan Palmer passed away aged 47.
It has taken me this long to pluck up the courage to revisit our conversation - and it is now with love and respect for my dear friend Dan that I release this conversation. This week his film Reading Landscape is also going live - sharing the observational design practices of permaculture founder David Holmgren.
Dan and I shared a love of permaculture, living systems design. I felt we were kind of kindred spirits and I really valued how deeply and intensely he cared about the world and humanity - how he was not only full of ideas but he got out and made so many happen!
Dan launched Permablitz in Melbourne, co-created the permaculture design and education business Very Edible Garden, and was an avid permaculture design teacher.
He hosted a podcast (which I joined him on) called Making Permaculture Stronger and I loved listening to his exploration of permaculture in relation to Holistic Decision Making and what he described as a Living Design Process.
I miss Dan. I wish he was still with us. I hope you enjoy tuning into our conversation.
I'd love to hear from you. Text me here.
This podcast is a project of the Permaculture Education Institute.
We work with people on six continents, teaching permaculture design and skills - from how to be a community leader to creating a regenerative permaculture livelihood. Visit our website to find out more. You can start any time, in any capacity!
We teach permaculture and host permaculture teacher courses. We also share conversations through monthly masterclasses, Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film clubs in a supportive global community.
This podcast is broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country.
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