TGU is bringing the feminine to y’all today. I got to sit down with both Peyton and McLean for a deep dive into all things partnerships, co-parenting, motherhood, and how to best care for a woman in her postpartum period. These doulas share some beautiful wisdom – a lot of which may be unfamiliar, as our culture has strayed from these ancient traditions that once were essential to our wellbeing.
In this conversation we dive into...
→ Letting go of undesired parenting habits.
→ Engaging in curious conversations with our children; specifically, those deemed unsuitable.
→ Giving our partner space to become the best version of themselves.
→ The spiritual journey into motherhood.
→ Ways to celebrate and support a woman in her postpartum period.
→ Peyton’s latest project; Dads, this one's for you!
Connect with McLean:
• Website
Connect with Peyton:
• Download Peyton's Ebook Here!
• Website
Connect with Cal:
• YouTube
• Website
This show is produced by Soulfire Productions