I first met Mat Fisher when I was seeking out a mentor to train me in TRE, or Trauma Release Exercises. Created by Dr. David Berceli, TRE is a simple yet innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. That may seem like a weird concept — and it was to me when I first heard of it — but I experienced the benefits of these exercises first-hand so I wanted to learn more about it. The funny thing is, when I first reached out to Mat, I didn’t hear anything back. I started to make all of these assumptions and judgments about why, but as it turned out, he just wasn’t coaching anymore and didn’t check that email address. (You know what they say about assumptions, right?) However, when he eventually saw it, something in my email shifted Mat; he felt called to dust off the gym shorts and the whistle to coach me. And I couldn’t be more grateful. Fast forward to today, Mat is one of my most trusted brothers. In this conversation, you will get a glimpse at the depth of character and the quality of inquiry that Mat wields. Having these types of conversations with Mat definitely helped catalyze the Great Unlearning journey I’m on today. He has a unique way of asking questions and framing the world, and if you really take a moment to consider the questions he asks and do some of that inner work with us, those small internal shifts can really make a huge difference in the way you approach life. We Discuss: 04:30 - Why the exercise community is like the trunk of a tree 10:00 - Learning to show up as the person who I want to be (and not the person who I think I’m supposed to be) 14:55 - Why did I build such a strong suit of emotional armor when I was younger? 18:30 - Owning the fear 25:10 - Creating the software of your own operating system 30:10 - Being empathetic and understanding as a parent 39:45 - What happens when you’re on a pedestal 49:15 - Being on purpose 53:50 - Embodying both masculine and feminine energy 56:30 - A different view on trauma and history 01:08:30 - Learning from your triggers (and not quieting them) Resources: The Four Agreements: www.thefouragreements.com (http://www.thefouragreements.com/) Trauma Releasing Exercises: traumaprevention.com (http://traumaprevention.com/) Mankind Project: mankindproject.org (http://mankindproject.org/) Adyashanti 5-day silent retreat: www.adyashanti.org/programs/retreats-experience (https://www.adyashanti.org/programs/retreats-experience) Connect with Cal: Website | https://www.thegreatunlearn.com (https://www.thegreatunlearn.com/) Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bunkercal/ (https://www.instagram.com/bunkercal/) Twitter | https://twitter.com/BunkerCal (https://twitter.com/BunkerCal) Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/BunkerCal (https://www.facebook.com/BunkerCal) YouTube | The Great Unlearn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCneI0an6qiL7t-7sne9TjhQ) Subscribe to the Great Unlearn Podcast: Apple Podcasts | https://apple.co/3a4ATpc (https://apple.co/3a4ATpc) Spotify | https://spoti.fi/2Rb7emv (https://spoti.fi/2Rb7emv) Google Play | http://bit.ly/2sehHUE (http://bit.ly/2sehHUE) Stitcher | http://bit.ly/2t8wHE6 (http://bit.ly/2t8wHE6) If you are called to support the podcast, please share the show with a friend!!! This is the best way to spread the message ❤️🙏🏼: (https://pod.link/1492460338) The Great Unlearn is a production of (http://crate.media/)