I went for Narcissists and assholes because it was more familiar to feel *not good enough* than to feel valued. That was my version of safe. That was what I knew love to be. I pushed away every nice guy that came my way and prioritized going back to hurtful relationships with men who never valued me for me (they valued me so long as I fit in the box they wanted me to fit in). This podcast unpacks my story. I know you may see yourself in it.
Website: Emotional Abuse Coach and high-conflictdivorcecoaching.com
Instagram: @emotionalabusecoach
Email: jessica@jessicaknightcoaching.com
{Substack} Blog About Recovering from Abuse
{E-Book} How to Break Up with a Narcissist
{Course} Identify Signs of Abuse and Begin to Heal
{Free Resource} Canned Responses for Engaging with an Abusive Partner