Sunday Morning Sermon Time!
I'm no preacher but these are the things that are on my heart this Sunday morning!
We constantly are saving and grinding and worrying about what TOMORROW will bring for us. We act like TOMORROW is owed to us and is guaranteed, but the reality is TOMORROW belongs to GOD. Our heavenly father knows exactly what we need and how to get us there. We have plenty of reasons to worry about tomorrow for sure with threats of war, financial collapse, sickness and plague... but we can't forget the blessing of TODAY all for fear of what tomorrow may or may not bring! God has a plan for each of us and puts us exactly where we need to be and with the people we need to be with.
Thank you everyone who has been following my situation, the prayers are much appreciated and have helped so much. Please be sure to share this message with anyone who you think could benefit from it and be sure to follow us on your favorite podcasting platform!