I haven’t posted a podcast for a while now. I’ve been dealing with a lot of loss in my family recently, and it has caused me to fall into a bit of a depression quite honestly. I really needed to record this podcast because it helped me be able to begin to heal. I haven’t talked about it very much with anybody outside of extremely close family. Loss is never easy that is for sure. I hope that there are lessons in all of this for not just me, but for you and your family as well. #DadPodcast #DadAd...
Dec 17, 2023•37 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast I absolutely LOVE going to the movies! Check out my first ever true movie review as i give my opinion and take on the latest Mission Impossible installment from Tom Cruise. I also discuss whether or not Tom Cruise is the "last action hero" and why his movies are so good!#missionimpossible#moviereview#amctheaters#tomcruise#deadreckoning
Jul 16, 2023•20 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast We would all like to think our parents will never die or get older. But eventually it will be time that we have to take care of them as they did when we were children. I share my experiences over the last month in dealing with having to care for my mother in her time of need and the lessons we can pass on to our kids.#dads #dadpodcast
Jul 13, 2023•19 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast FAther's Day is here and we all look forward to be celebrated...but should we be celebrating ourselves or should we be celebrating fatherhood in general and remembering the father's and male role models who shaped us as fathers? Also, we delve into some of the craziness that has begotten the world in regards to the Bud Light Protest and the influence of woke ideology in our schools and media.I haven't ever got on a rant about these types of things and I am certain it wont be the last time. WE ha...
Jun 18, 2023•22 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Each year as a youth sports coach brings new challenges. Not every year. Are things going to turn out the way you want them. In this episode I share my experiences about how this year is going for myself and my young men. I also delve into some strategies as to what we can do as coaches to make sure That we are being the best we can be in the situations.#coaching#youthsports#Baseball#YouthBaseball#DadsThatCoach
Jun 16, 2023•21 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast What an unbelievable quote by Giannis recently after his recent loss in the playoffs when questioned about whether or not, he would consider this year a failure for the Milwaukee bucks. I think that there are parallels all around us that we can help kids connect the dots to as we are coaching them in youth sports. It is our job as coaches to do so. Often we get caught up in trying not to offend kids or their parents. Unfortunately, sometimes being forthright with them, is what is needed. #Coach ...
Apr 28, 2023•47 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast He is Risen!!! Easter is always a favorite for me because it gives everyone a stark reminder that we have victory over the grave. Jesus didn't say that he died for just a few select people... no, instead he said i will die for everyone's sins and rise from the grave and everyone who believes in me will not die but have everlasting life... We don't deserve it but he did it anyway... He loves us as we should love each other!Coach Dad is in full swing. lots of bad weather have prevented me from bei...
Apr 09, 2023•27 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast I cant believe I am having to talk about another schoold shooting much less it being in my home state and within an hour of my house... I have done videos in the past that have addressed how I think we should solve the horrifying problem of these school shootings and I echo the same solution again! When will we take this seriously and stop arguing amongst ourselves over political crap?#nashville#nashvillestrong#covenant#protectourkids#guncontrol
Mar 29, 2023•34 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast How do you react to criticism? Do you overreact? Do you take it out on others? Or does it drive you to make things better? Either way our kids are watching and are taking notes. They want the validation to be able to know what to do whenever we are having a bad day. #DadAdvice #WorkAdvice #DadPodcast
Mar 16, 2023•19 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast This is a very difficult thing to explain, but in a way being a coach is harder than being a dad. What I mean by this is when you are a coach that is a dad. It is 10 times as difficult to separate your emotions as a parent and your logic as a coach. In this episode, I try to break down exactly how to separate being a father and being a coach at the same time. #dadpodcast #coaching #youthsportscoach #mentorship #dadadvice
Feb 28, 2023•28 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast How do you handle anxiety? What about your kids or loved ones? Do we have strategies on how to overcome anxiety? The Bible has some wise words that SHOUDL give us all comfort! #christianpodcast #sundaysermon #dadadvice #dadpodcast
Feb 28, 2023•12 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Often at work or in building any type of organization leaders try and build said organizations on false narratives, lies, slight of hand, and exaggerations. Unfortunately for people in positions of leadership they are left with a decision of doing things the hard way and building a strong foundation for their organizations, or they can take the easier road of lying, deceiving, and misleading people in order to get the end that they desire. The problem being, that everything eventually comes full...
Feb 17, 2023•16 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of great changed to the podcast this year (2023)! I look forward to putting out more content on set days this year! Sundays: "Sunday Morning Sermon" We will talk about spirituality and how our walk with God affects our relationships with our kids, wives, mothers etc. Wednesdays: "Windshield Talk" Here we will talk about anything and everything that has to do with work, relationships, money, health-- and how all of this affects us as fathers, brothers, husbands, etc. Thursdays: "Coach Dad" ...
Jan 29, 2023•14 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Loneliness It has claimed many a man's hearts and minds. It's something that plagues us all but does not have to define us. God never meant for us to be alone and doesn't ever leave us so we are never TRUELY alone as a result. But is loneliness really just remedied by just asking for and going after what we want in life? Can it be as simple as JUST asking? I think so. I share some personal insight with my son and some strategies I recently used in a teaching moment I recently had with him that I...
Dec 04, 2022•26 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Sunday Morning Sermon Time! I'm no preacher but these are the things that are on my heart this Sunday morning! We constantly are saving and grinding and worrying about what TOMORROW will bring for us. We act like TOMORROW is owed to us and is guaranteed, but the reality is TOMORROW belongs to GOD. Our heavenly father knows exactly what we need and how to get us there. We have plenty of reasons to worry about tomorrow for sure with threats of war, financial collapse, sickness and plague... but we...
Oct 02, 2022•21 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Wholesale Changes are coming to the show... These aren't decisions I came to lightly... I have had some life changing moments happen since I have last recorded stemming from a thyroid surgery that led to a subsequent cancer diagnosis... Its TIME.... it's time for myself and every dad I can reach to begin practicing what we preach and becoming much more than just a protector and provider... we are LIONS... we teach, we encourage, we discipline, and (yes) we protect and provide... It's time we sta...
Aug 21, 2022•17 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast You know we love a good hot sauce review! But what happens when we combine a hot sauce review with a review of the All Inclusive Mexican Resort we just returned from? One word-- Awesomeness! We thank Woos! Hot Sauce for sending us all three of their hot sauces from their hot sauce line up. Three levels of heat and three levels of tastiness... how will they fair on our rating scale? Secrets Akumal was a great experience for us as a long awaited adults only get away. The service-- second to none. ...
Jul 24, 2022•45 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast We all want our kids to grow up being polite and productive people right? Of course we do... What is the best way to get there in terms of how we raise them? Do we want to raise them to be timid, shy, agreeable folks who go along with everything anyone ever throws out there to them? How do we think that will go over when they start dating? Will they leap to the first person who gives them attention and get walked all over and do it all gleefully in the name of "being in love"? OR How will this p...
Jul 01, 2022•14 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast I really tried to move on from this subject. It's really not the kind of content I like to put out-- but as a father, I feel like I have to weigh in on the absurd way that this situation was handled and how I would like to see security in out schools change. A few episodes back I did a reaction to the Uvalde tragedy and gave what I thought was a reasonable safety measure to protect kids from these kinds of events whilst the "gun debate" can wage on. I proposed that we put guards or security in o...
Jun 21, 2022•19 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Reading some of the headlines out there (without getting to political) is often hard, but I try and steer clear from political crap and only point out things I find to be relevant or boarder on absurdity. I think we as Dad's have to stay abreast of the happenings in the world today and be able to formulate our own opinions based on the values we want to instill in our kids. DON'T just read the title and nothing else-- often the news organizations pick the most hyperbolic statement they can (ofte...
Jun 18, 2022•29 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast This was an episode I really had to think long and hard about whether I wanted to publish it or not... I have not ever had a medical issue in my life but have quickly learned that it is something that will rock you to your core... It made me think about some changes both to my job and people around Me's job that seem to be in "flux" at the moment. It made me think about how I spend my time and energy and whether or not it is fruitful for me to entertain being potentially taken advantage of at wo...
Jun 14, 2022•17 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast As a Coach it is very difficult to teach kids how to win... It is even more difficult to teach them how to operate in the confines of a more hostile championship atmosphere. In this episode I detail our experience as a team in our league championship game & Oh what a game it was! I also recap my overall assessment of the year and how proud I am of all "my boys". It should go without saying that if anyone had questions about whether their kids should play youth sports, games like this one mad...
Jun 14, 2022•21 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast It has been a long hard road but we are finally here! We have earned the right to play in the championship game! These kids have made me proud all year regardless of their win/loss record. The improvement and buy in have been second to none this year and it is showing on the field. Obviously as always there are things we can work on to get better but for the most part I am VERY happy with how we played. Now on to the championship game... coaching kids to win in a championship environment is diff...
Jun 11, 2022•20 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Check us out on all your favorite podcast platforms! Also check us out on Youtube, Rumble, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok! Links in below! __________________________________ 🎵 Song: 'Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero' is under a creative commons license license. https://www.youtube.com/c/keysofmoonmusic 🎶 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/ETbsXdqgcTM _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ YouTube : h...
Jun 06, 2022•1 min•Transcript available on Metacast What a week this has been. Between the city league changing the dates for our games several times over the last week, to playing our first tournament game, to teaching my wife to shoot a handgun for the first time, to CRASHING A 10 yr High School Reunion on accident-- we have had a lot going on! Coach Dad updates include the results from our first tournament game as well as having to "coach up" an assistant coach, and more praise for how improved our boys have become over the season. If you show...
Jun 05, 2022•27 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast This Dad Rant was one I really debated and contemplated not doing... I don't usually comment on these types of things, but felt like as a father I had to say something about how this situation was handled by police officials and also express my condolences to the families involved. The tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas again rocks us as Americans to our core... Are guns to Blame? No, I don't think so... Was it a mental health issue? Probably... I'm not here to debate gun laws or gun contro...
May 29, 2022•23 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast An update on how my Coach pitch boys are doing is long overdue-- check out my update on them for sure! Also, we look into some of what is going on in the world today...What the hell is Monkey Pox anyway? Are we ready for another pandemic situation? Can this country handle another Lock Down? Are you and your family prepared if we do? Lets talk about it! #CoachDad #monkeypox #beprepared Check us out on Youtube, Rumble, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & all your favorite podcasting platfor...
May 21, 2022•23 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast It has been a HOT MINUTE since we have done a Hot Sauce Review! I'm pleased to say it has officially returned and with the return, we sample three GHOSTLY offerings-- (of course) a sauce from the "international box of mystery", B.J. Reece Orchard's Caspar the Friendly Ghost Pepper Sauce, and Marshall's Haute Sauce Whiskey Smoked Ghost Sauce. Two of these three were surprises i think for us and one is an obvious BUST! And of course we always want to shout out our friends at Siete-- Check all thei...
May 14, 2022•15 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast When we try we succeed...win or lose. Whether we give our all and win and gain the satisfaction of a job well done or we lose and gain knowledge about ourselves and where we need to improve for next time-- either way we WIN. Kids often don't have to mindset that they can get better from a loss. Ed Mylett calls it "blissful dissatisfaction"... I call it the relentless pursuit of perfection... I may have inadvertently stole that somewhere along the way but the fact still remains that in order to a...
May 04, 2022•22 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Often we just expect kids to go out on the field of play (or Life) and jsut figure out how to win. But for many kids its just not that simple. We have to get our hands dirty as coaches and get in there and teach them how to manage emotion within certain situations. we don't do this by simply calling out individual players and pointing out their mistakes in an effort to embarrass them into fixing the issue. We instead have to take the time to break down the situation and use it as teachable momen...
Apr 26, 2022•13 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast