I really tried to move on from this subject. It's really not the kind of content I like to put out-- but as a father, I feel like I have to weigh in on the absurd way that this situation was handled and how I would like to see security in out schools change.
A few episodes back I did a reaction to the Uvalde tragedy and gave what I thought was a reasonable safety measure to protect kids from these kinds of events whilst the "gun debate" can wage on. I proposed that we put guards or security in or around schools. I caught quite a bit of flack for those comments both from my immediate circle of friends and from folks reacting to my video. Most of them had to do with the fact that I am not an "expert"... well... guess who is... Jocko Willink.
In a recent episode of Jocko Podcast (#338), he apparently agreed with what I suggested. Jocko!.... An EXPERT! Finally someone with sanity! Link to video below!
The fact still remains that these types of tragedies are preventable...some will argue that they are preventable if we ban guns... not realistic in my opinion and also not convinced it stops deranged people from finding ways to hurt people. I believe that guarding schools like we do other events or venues is the solution for the short term (and maybe long term). Police clearly need more training to be able to execute their duties without hesitation in these types of instances. But in the mean time I'm not sure I would be willing to give up my firearms and put them in the hands of folks like the Uvalde Police Dept who are untrained and ILL- prepared for these types of scenarios.
#Uvalde #Jockopodcast #Gundebate
Jocko Podcast #338 Link: https://youtu.be/a0OXa02j6dE
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