VUCA -- the military term for battle conditions, stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos, and Ambiguity, which definitely describes the conditions small business owners face every day. We start out with a plan, which is scrapped a week into the year. How can anybody plan and wend their way through all the craziness that gets thrown at us?
So in this episode, we discuss the principles that we have found to work for us:
Patricia shares the idea of yes, making a plan, but using it as a guide, as bumper rails if you will, to keep us on track of our values, vision, and purpose. AND - why you need 7 plans for your year, not just one.
Daniel shares a story about how the CEO of the health insurance company he worked at read "The Wall Street Journal", as a means of finding innovation from other industries, as well as one about decision-making.
Jennifer shares the "five-second-rule" - not the one about floor food - but the one about taking action on a decision, and why it's critical to take SOME action NOW, when you make the decision, and not just sit on the idea.
As the world and economies get more complex and more volatile, we all need to know how to plot a course that gets us through the chaos safely. These principles help you get your business through the VUCA around us.