🔥 For those who've ever faced the challenge of building a product team from scratch, this one's for you... 🔥
Imagine this: You're tasked with building a product team of 35 in just 2 years. Not only that, but you're also navigating the complexities of a new culture. Sounds daunting, right? 🌪️
Enter Sailendra Kumar, the mastermind who did just that, and more. 🌟
Join us on "Product Team Success" as we delve into:
➛ FROM SCRATCH TO SUCCESS: How Sailendra built an entire R&D partnership, transitioning from Staffing Solutions to Indeed Pay.
➛ CULTURAL TECTONICS: The seismic shifts that led to the closure of the London office and the challenges of adapting to a new workplace culture.
➛ RADICAL CANDOR: Finding the perfect balance in leadership and communication.
➛ REVOLUTIONIZING AN INDUSTRY: Sailendra's vision to bring transparency and efficiency to the staffing industry.
➛ TEAM DYNAMICS: The art of hiring, building, and nurturing a team from its infancy.
➛ **EMPATHY & COLLABORATION**: The non-negotiable traits for a harmonious and productive team.
➛ NAVIGATING CHANGE: The importance of over communication and ensuring everyone's on board.
➛ SUCCESS METRICS: Crafting quantitative definitions of success for product management teams.
➛ THE POWER OF INTROSPECTION: Sailendra's personal journey of self-awareness, influence, and effective communication.
➛ LEADERSHIP PRIORITIES: The triad of direction, data, and people.
➛ ACQUISITION STRATEGY The mantra of "Eliminate, Automate, Simplify" and its role in user experience.
Hosted by Ross Webb this episode is a masterclass in leadership, team-building, and product management.
🔊 Don't miss out:
[Product Team Success - Building a Product Team from Scratch: Navigating New Cultures and Challenges with Sailendra Kumar]
Stay curious. Stay inspired. Stay tuned.