All relationships have ups and downs, and none is exempt from conflict.
To help us understand and resolve conflicts in our relationships, today's guest, Annie Lalla, will join us in this episode.
Annie is a coach with knowledge of biology, philosophy, and psychology. Today, she will be teaching and advising us on how to build a good couple relationship and feel safe through conflict resolution and couple communication.
Remember, no relationship is perfect, but there is always room for improvement.
[0:30] The three entities of the relationship: you, your partner, and the relationship.
[4:30] The lover vs. the fighter.
[6:21] How to be a lover and not a fighter?
[9:30] How to resolve relationship conflicts?
[13:15] How do I know what role I play in my relationship?
[17:28] How past relationships influence present ones.
[24:37] Codes of conflict.
[27:54] Should we break up after a conflict?
With an Honors Science Degree in Biology & Philosophy (minor in Buddhism), Annie studies include evolutionary psychology, integral theory, spiral dynamics, intergenerational family systems and therapeutic sexuality. With professional certifications in Emotions Coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnosis, her tools extend to metaphoric reframes, role-play and interacting with clients as their highest selves.
If you enjoyed hearing from Annie on our podcast and want to stay connected with her, be sure to follow her on her social media channels! You can find her on:
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