Episode description
No new ducks in the pond this week. Instead, get to know your two favorite hosts, John and Tiffany! Listen to us ramble for 30 minutes and you'll walk away smarter, happier, and with more muscle tone; that's the Duck Tapes Guarantee!
Tiffany's favorite song: https://open.spotify.com/track/74My82t6r6j68L3RPg18qL?si=Ibu7wZxtQK-8sf-uOhtKVA
John's favorite song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2Wm84PF0DHyRQx79Lj9NwI?si=YbYYDNcPRvSVskAWN-6sHQ
The White Stripes ripping up a Dolly Parton song: https://youtu.be/yXlULkwhgrc