On this episode I give some quick updates on libraries I'm using in a fresh React Native project and attempt to sell you on the greatness of Mt. Eddy. Simple Shadow View: https://github.com/pinqy520/react-native-shadow-view React Native Doctor: https://reactnative.dev/blog/2019/11/18/react-native-doctor React Native SVG: https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-svg Ben Awad's React Navigation 5.0 video: https://youtu.be/Hln37dE19bs Mt. Eddy: https://open.spotify.com/track/0TlibQyd5...
Mar 01, 2020•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is the quickest of the quackest. Hear about smashing lego trucks from a young Haupenthal, get a pretty high-level overview of an awesome library called Graphql-Codgen and how I use it in a monorepo with Typescript projects, and get a silly opinion on the Yarn 2 meltdowns. Graphql Codgen: https://github.com/dotansimha/graphql-code-generator Yarn 2: https://dev.to/arcanis/introducing-yarn-2-4eh1 Great article on Yarn 2 vs 1 vs NPM from the folks at Infinite Red: https://shift.infinite...
Feb 09, 2020•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast See you guys in a week; go practice your 3's. RIP Kobe Bryant
Jan 27, 2020•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week is the introduction of Quick Quacks aka shorter episodes that I can put out while I'm busy with project work. Today I go over and awesome state management library that makes using redux feel like you're not using redux: Rematch! Also I FINALLY reveal my favorite Nirvana song (I got tired of being harassed on Twitter). Check out Rematch here: https://rematch.github.io/rematch/ Check out Nirvana's D-7 on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4bmY2jXW8ToL019R4NbQlH?si=...
Jan 13, 2020•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Adem Bilican plops into the duck pond this week to share his experience coming from native development with Java and Objective-C to working in React Native. Adem gives his advice (and encouragement!) regarding how to create your own native modules and exposing native functionality to the javascript thread. Also, he tries to get me to understand blockchain and cryptocurrency (with varying success). Follow Adem on Twitter: @ademcan_net and Instagram: @ademcan_net Check out his site: ht...
Dec 23, 2019•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, I welcome Alex Aranda into the duck pond to discuss his current enrollment in a coding bootcamp, his motivation for switching careers, and strategies for his job hunt in the tech industry after he finishes the program. Duck Tapes Spotify Playlist Drummers are smart article Follow Alex on LinkedIn because he has no other online presence...
Dec 09, 2019•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, fan-favorite Gant Laborde comes around to discuss his work at Infinite Red using React Native and Native development, Progressive Web Apps and what they aim to solve, and organizing Chain React Conf in Portland. We also get into our Cocoa pods gripes, how Fastlane is amazing after you go through the pains of it's setup, and how to effectively create a workplace playlist that makes everyone happy (not, it's not as simple as shuffling Weezer's first two albums and early B-sides......
Nov 25, 2019•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast For our first ever BONUS episode, we're bringing you James Snell's recent talk from NodeJS OC. James discusses his involvement with http/3 and QUIC and fields some questions from the audience. It was a great talk about complex topics, presented in a way that was easily digestible and interesting. Even John understood it (well, most of it)! Follow James on Twitter: @jasnell James is Head of Research at NearForm: https://www.nearform.com/ Check out NodeJS OC: https://www.nodejsoc...
Nov 18, 2019•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, we talk to Chris Coyier about the image format (language? file extension?) that confuses us all the most (or at least John): SVGs. Chris gives us the skinny on what makes SVGs so great before we talk about how he cofounded his two most popular projects: CSS-Tricks and Codepen.io. We also talk IE and how it "encourages" online CSS research, code schools and their various enrollment options, and before trying to figure out what a lolDad really is.
Nov 11, 2019•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, we get two guests for the price of one. Asbjørn Thirslund and Andreas Gielov from Brackeys join us to talk about how they ended up running a Game Development YouTube channel with 800k+ subscribers. We had a lot of fun this episode, and for the first time in Duck Tapes history the guest takes us to task on our duck knowledge; turns out our namesake from the animal kingdom may not be as cute and friendly as we previously thought. Also, everyone loves licorice! Check ou...
Oct 28, 2019•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bad news, duckheads. The duck pond froze over this week, because your two favorite hosts were so busy with projects they forgot to turn the heat on. Don't fret- we'll be back next week with a huge guest! In the meantime, catch up on our back catalog, give John's new podcast a listen, and watch Tiffany's twitch channel if you are really fiending for some new duckiness. See you next week! John's other podcast: https://anchor.fm/triplet Tiffany's Twitch: https://www.twitch.t...
Oct 21, 2019•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Rachel Valentine swoops in to discuss her role as Head of People at Vincit California, where your two favorite hosts work! Rachel gives a peek into the HR world as she discusses which resumes stand out from the rest, good and bad interviewing techniques, her background as a recruiter, and obvie Vanderpump Rules comes up. We forgot to ask Rachel what music she listens to when she codes, since she doesn't code, but it's a well-known fact that Rachel is an emo fanatic. Follow...
Oct 14, 2019•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Boy, do we have a Whopper© of an episode for you this week! Software hacker (we make the distinction between hacker vs engineer in the episode) Jonny Burger aka the Burger King jumps head first into the duck pond after his 1,342nd consecutive run to discuss why he runs every single day (no exaggeration), hackathon strategy and mindset, and his multitude of apps and projects. We also get to the bottom of the mystery haunting us all: What does John's last name really mean? Follow...
Oct 07, 2019•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Laurence Bradford flies in from the East Coast for a dip in the cool, calm waters of the duck pond. We talk about her inspiration for creating her online community at Learn To Code With Me, and discuss why she chose to leave her career in Economic Development in Bangkok to pursue the a life of coding, teaching, and more teaching in New York. Check out learntocodewith.me , especially if you're nervous about transitioning into the tech field! Follow Laurence on Instagram and...
Sep 30, 2019•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Ben Wurth plops into the pond to talk about his agency experience working with .NET, C#, F#, G#, and A♭. Some of those are jokes but that's up to you to figure out. We also discuss where web assembly is going, how context works, and the fact that, as per usual with our guests, he doesn't have a favorite band. SNAKE WARNING: An anaconda followed Ben into the pond and hissed during the entirety of his interview. Apologies for the audio quality! Follow Ben on Twit...
Sep 23, 2019•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Returning guest William Strong comes in hot in this episode, planning to discuss resources for self-learning before quickly getting sidetracked by his two favorite hosts. Then we talk about when Will utilizes testing before getting into a Lord of the Rings vs Harry Potter vs Game of Throne debate, some book recommendations, and a little music talk. Obviously we end up pondering the emotional damage device addiction can have before shaming Tiffany about not knowing Jack White by name....
Sep 16, 2019•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, William Candillon pops in the duck pond to discuss React Native gestures and animations. We talk about the differences between handling the two in vanilla React Native vs using the popular declarative libraries react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated. Will convinces us to go back on our initial denouncing of Expo before discussing his popular YouTube series "Can It Be Done In React Native?" Follow William on twitter: @wcandillon Check out his YouTube serie...
Sep 09, 2019•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast No guest this week! Instead, we pick up where we left off in our last John & Tiffany Mix and answer the questions you, the fans, have been begging us to address. We cover the new React DevTools update, because after all this is a tech podcast, before jumping into the meaty stuff like World of Warcraft, Bon Jovi, chips and salsa, and Rivers Cuomo. It all ties together seamlessly. Check out Will Strong's blog at the DevTools update: https://www.vincit.com/blog/the-new-feature...
Sep 02, 2019•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Shawn "Swyx" Wang joins us in the Duck Pond to take a deep dive into his coding philosophy "Learning in Public." We take some time to discuss his role at Netlify, how he got started in coding (after a full career in a different industry!), and of course Jack White comes up. Follow Shawn on twitter: @swyx Check out his recent React Hooks talk: https://youtu.be/KJP1E-Y-xyo And his retrospective on his first year at Netlify: https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one Powered by V...
Aug 26, 2019•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Nader Dabit jumps on a raft and paddles down the Mississippi to meet us in the Duck Pond. We discuss AWS Amplify, GraphQL, and React Native, before getting into the important stuff like futurism and the Matrix. Follow Nader on Twitter @dabit3 Sort and rank Nader's project on GitHub Check out Jay-Zeezer Powered by Vincit...
Aug 19, 2019•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast No new ducks in the pond this week. Instead, get to know your two favorite hosts, John and Tiffany! Listen to us ramble for 30 minutes and you'll walk away smarter, happier, and with more muscle tone; that's the Duck Tapes Guarantee! Tiffany's favorite song: https://open.spotify.com/track/74My82t6r6j68L3RPg18qL?si=Ibu7wZxtQK-8sf-uOhtKVA John's favorite song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2Wm84PF0DHyRQx79Lj9NwI?si=YbYYDNcPRvSVskAWN-6sHQ The White Stripes ripping up a Dolly Part...
Aug 12, 2019•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Eemeli Aro flaps his wings and flies all the way from Finland to plop in to the duck pond to discuss coding as artistic expression, science fiction fandom, and most importantly, his involvement in the open source community. And of course we find out his favorite band (you haven't heard of them). Eemeli's Github: https://github.com/eemeli Eemeli's Twitter: https://twitter.com/eemeli_aro?lang=en Eemeli's favorite band: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1mXwYnXKiqmfKHVKb526oB?s...
Aug 05, 2019•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Scott Tolinski hops in to the duck pond to discuss break dancing, working for Ford, working for himself, among a variety of other topics. We don't think he will ever run out of stories to share! Level Up Tutorials >> https://www.leveluptutorials.com Scott Tolinksi Breakdancing >> https://www.scotttolinski.com Scott's 90s playlist >> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/42tTDR1B1NbAWihMnxEQ6n Follow Scott on Twitter >> https://twitter.com/stolinski Follow Scott on ...
Jul 29, 2019•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a big week for the Duck Tapes as we welcome back our first return guest, Storybook phenom Otto Kivikarki. Otto joins us to discuss what you can expect getting started with React Native. Otto Storytelling with Storybook >> https://vincit.com/blog/getting-started-with-storybook-js-with-react React Native Itself >> https://facebook.github.io/react-native Follow Otto on Twitter >> https://twitter.com/OttoKK Powered by Vincit ....
Jul 22, 2019•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Kent C. Dodds jumps in to the duck pond to talk teaching, learning, open source, and involvement in the development community in general. Kent Being Kool (newsletter @ bottom) >> https://kentcdodds.com #1 Testing JavaScript Course >> https://testingjavascript.com 0 to 60 Software Development >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qPh6I2hfjw Follow Kent on Twitter >> https://twitter.com/kentcdodds Powered by Vincit ....
Jul 15, 2019•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast We're coming back hot with an interview with the great Wes Bos! We talked to Wes about his coding journey, from customizing his friends' Myspace profiles to the javascript guru he is today. We also got his thoughts on how to stay up to date with changes in the industry and forced him to recommend a VSCode extension on the spot. Take Wes Bos Courses >> https://wesbos.com/courses Follow Wes on Twitter >> https://twitter.com/wesbos Follow Wes on Instagram >> http...
Jul 08, 2019•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hello dedicated fanbase! After an impromptu hiatus during which Scott flew off and Tiffany flew in, we're back in your feed with the same high-quality content you duckheads have come to know and love. We'll be returning with weekly episodes starting Monday, July 8th. Our first episode back will feature an interview with javascript guru and all-around cool dude Wes Bos ! See you in a week! Powered by Vincit ....
Jul 01, 2019•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, CSS Wizard Mark Youssef trades his cloak in for some swim trunks and takes a dip in the Duck Pond to teach us a few things about styling in web development. He tells us what potions he had to drink and spells he had to cast to defeat his greatest of foes, the Voldemort to his Harry: The Button . He drops some hot tips about animating in CSS, giving his recommendations on how to take your fps from bumpy to buttery. In the end, we all agree that Magic: The Gather...
May 01, 2019•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, we recount a tale of social engineering that we recently unwittingly took part in. Leaning heavily on the " tangentially related" portion of the phrase " tangentially related to software development," we leave no stone unturned and go into painful detail in the retelling of an incident that walks the thin line between irrelevant and enlightening. Don't put your credit card number into a site that's not secure. Brought to you by Vincit ....
Apr 21, 2019•19 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast