Do you struggle with self-doubt and shame when it comes to sharing your creative work? In this episode, we explore how to cultivate a sharing mindset. Even if we are proud of what we’ve made, we still often feel an overpowering desire to hide. We might drop our work limply onto the floor and slink away, instead of holding it up for everyone to see.
In this episode:
Sharing and Shame [00:00:05 - 00:03:28]
Chase Jarvis talks about the shame that creators often feel when sharing their work and how it can stifle ambitions and creativity. He shares his personal experiences with shame and how he has learned to manage it.
You are not your work [00:03:28 - 00:04:18]
Chase discusses the importance of recognizing that you are not your work and how it can be difficult to reconcile because your work reflects your skills, taste, values, and beliefs.
Managing Shame [00:04:18 - 00:08:06]
Chase shares his personal experiences with shame and how he has learned to manage it. He talks about the importance of nurturing and parenting ourselves, and how meditation can help in coping with vulnerability and shame.
Brene Brown's Technique [00:08:06 - 00:10:26]
Chase talks about Brene Brown's technique of keeping a tiny list in her wallet with just a few names of people who matter most to her. He discusses how this technique can help in coping with shame and the weight of other people's opinions.
Building a Business with a Niche Audience [00:11:23 - 00:12:23]
Chase Jarvis talks about how creators can build a lucrative business by pleasing a tiny fraction of the world.
Developing a Sharing Mindset [00:12:23 - 00:13:32]
Chase Jarvis emphasizes the importance of developing a sharing mindset and putting your work into the world despite the responses from others.
If self-doubt and fear of not being good enough have been holding you back, this one is for you.