If you are someone who feels like you are not qualified to be where you are, and to make up for it you are forever chasing perfection (perfect code, perfect presentation, perfect home), this episode is for you. As I work on this podcast, my first one, I have to constantly remind myself that I am as qualified to do this as many other podcast hosts out there, and while my first attempt probably will not be perfect, it will be a creation of love and passion. So it was comforting to see that someone I look up to faces the same battles.
Clemence Tiradon is one of the best public speakers I know and someone I have learned a lot from. So I was surprised to hear the story of her unseen battle where when given the opportunity to do an important presentation at work, she felt inadequate and unsure of herself. I loved her admission that while she knows nothing is perfect, she is still a perfectionist.
You can watch Clemence’s award winning talk about biases here (highly recommended!).
You can also learn more about Clemence on her personal website or connect with her on LinkedIn.
If you have feedback about the episode, or would like to share your own stories of impostor syndrome or chasing perfection, please share them with me by leaving a comment here.