A simple technique that reveals extraordinary insights about your life.
Asking yourself how you feel about something on a scale from 1-10 is about as simple as it gets. But this practice, if applied consistently over time, begins to show you insights about your overall life, or aspects of your life, that you can then continue to improve to better your overall experience. You can begin with “how do I feel about my life overall today?” as a more general way to start, or you can get more specific. “How do I feel about my relationship today?” “How do I feel about my health and wellbeing today?” “How do I feel about work today?” In this episode, Rob provides a breakdown of the scale he uses to generate consistent results, which over time, illustrate the ups and downs of his existence. This allows him to target elements of each aspect he tracks and identify things that repeatedly cause lower ratings. Developing qualitative awareness can lead to a much higher quality of life.