31. Check yourself
Are you making excuses and blaming others, but not owning your part in things? Then you are giving up your power. Listen for how to shift back in to power mode!
Are you making excuses and blaming others, but not owning your part in things? Then you are giving up your power. Listen for how to shift back in to power mode!
In this episode I share tips with mindset, design, and health that will help you increase your energy and master your time!
You aren’t lazy or unmotivated, the problem is probably a design challenge. In this episode I share strategies like When/then and self reinforcement!
My story, tips and support, and of course a little mindset thrown in!
So often we forget about the incredible power of breath. It can reduce our heart rate, lower our blood pressure, calm us, increase our immunity, improve our relationships, help us process our emotions, and help us connect with our true self.
“A person who can turn a negative into a positive can never be defeated. It’s a superpower.” -Greg McKoewn. Here’s how I do it and how you can too!
Melissa Keene Berg is back with information about Kidney Water Season. As we celebrate the winter solstice, we need to focus on stillness and introspection to prepare for a productive and healthy spring and summer.
This year has been so hard. In today’s episode, I name what it is to teach during a global pandemic and offer strategies to help you be your best self and thrive as a teacher. Much of my advice can carry over to other professions as well.
This episode is about perspective. Recognizing that the narrative in our head is just a story that we have constructed can help us in our jobs, relationships, conflicts, and in parenting.
Everything is just a little bit harder right now than usual and it’s causing an extended period of low level stress to our bodies. In this episode, I bring a little Buddhist philosophy to try and help you let go and process.
You don’t have to stay stuck! There are small steps you can start to take to manifest the life you want for yourself!
Are you talking to yourself like you would a friend? Are you telling yourself, “this is hard. We can do hard things.”? It’s so important to practice self compassion and here are some ways how.
In this episode, I interview wellness coach and acupuncturist, Melissa Keene Berg, about what we need to be doing and not doing in this season. We talk food, meditation, and other strategies for letting go.
Feeling overwhelmed? Are you just hanging in there? Do you feel like you are running on a hamster wheel? It doesn’t have to feel that way. In this episode, I give strategies for overcoming this what Deepak’s Chopra calls “time sickness.”
This episode offers tips for managing September back to school stress with the added stress of a global pandemic. With a few simple changes, you can go from surviving to thriving!
Sometimes it can be easier to hold on to a safe problem than to take a risk that we know we should take. Today I share my take always from a training I’ve been doing by Tony Robbins. We have so much more in our control and power than we will often admit to. What resonates with you?
Today I give you strategies to use in your everyday life when the common limiting belief, “I’m not enough,” visits you. I even guide you through a visualization technique to clear that belief. Be sure to be somewhere where you can close your eyes for that part of the podcast.
Pregnancy is hard- for everyone involved. In this episode i give mindset tips for surviving pregnancy- whether you are pregnant, or your partner, or even just your friend or coworker.
In this episode, I share my journey in shifting my relationship with money. I share the resources and strategies that I used. It’s incredible how much mindset plays in your ability to accumulate wealth.
When working on your mindset, you can not ignore your gut health. In this episode, i talk about why you want good gut health and how you can get it.
For long term stamina and stability to live the life that you want to live, it’s so important that you protect your assets. I share insights from Judy Holler and Brendon Burchard, as well as my own experience.
In this episode, i talk about the power of changing how you define failure to seeing it as feedback. We look at having a goal of progress, not perfection. And celebrating the joy that every day is a new day and a new chance to try again.
In this episode, I talk about what it looks like to be led by your ego and strategies to take back your life and be led by your authentic self instead.
In this episode, we look at discovering how you are limiting yourself with the stories you tell yourself. We talk about how to change your mindset to be open and not get trapped in confirmation bias. You are not who you were last year, in fact, you are not who you were last week. Comfort isn’t the goal, growth is the goal.
Today I share tips and tricks for starting new habits and ending bad ones, examples from my own life, and resources that have helped me!
Integrating mindfulness and meditation has been life changing for me. I share about my story, mind blowing statistics, strategies for starting a practice, and resources.
In this episode, I talk about why self compassion is so much more effective than self criticism and give practical strategies you can use.
How do you handle grief and how do you support others in theirs? In the episode, I offer my strategies in both of these areas.
In this episode, I talk about staying out of the victim mentality and strategies you can do to take control of what you can control. I share practical tips that you can implement immediately.
In this episode, I talk about the energy that connects us all, how to tap in to it and how to manifest the life you want for yourself. AKA practical woowoo.