120. CEO Series: Values as a Compass
This is the first episode a a new mini series that Kai and I are producing. The series is Being the CEO of Your Own Life! This first episode dives in to using your values as a compass in all areas of your life.
This is the first episode a a new mini series that Kai and I are producing. The series is Being the CEO of Your Own Life! This first episode dives in to using your values as a compass in all areas of your life.
This Valentine's day, I want to encourage us to celebrate ALL the kinds of love. Love for family, friends, pets, nature, things, hugs, strangers and yes, even those we struggle with. We can use love to overcome fear in our lives. Make the intention to be a light worker in this world, spreading our love to all those we encounter.
In this episode we talk about building our resilience fortress, so that we are better able to handle the stressors that come our way. If you are currently in a state of overwhelm, I give strategies for getting out of that feeling. As you get stronger, things that used to take you down will no longer.
Our self worth and our success are inextricably linked. Even if we experience success, we will self sabotage if we we don’t believe we are worthy of the success. So how can you raise it? In this episode, I share strategies for doing just that
It’s so easy to get stuck living in reactivity. Today I will share about ten areas of our life that will most lead to transformation. I guide you through deciding on a non-negotiable habit for each area.
What if you could change your perspective around those difficult situations in your life? What if you could see them as gifts? In this episode, I talk both methods to dig below the triggers and do the healing work.
This episode, I talk about clarity and how you bring more of that to your life. It’s a series of little adjustments. You are capable of thriving, rather than just surviving. And it starts with little tweaks.
It’s so important to take the time to review your accomplishments and the lessons you’ve learned. We’ve often done more than we think we have. This can give us the momentum to set a vision for the future. In this episode, I share my top ten lessons from 2023. Listen, and then write yours down and share them with me!
This episode I talk about the many ways we underestimate our own power. We are always manifesting, whether we mean to be or not. Our thoughts are just thoughts. You can shift them at anytime!
In this episode, I discuss all the aspects of our life that can be improved through improving our mind body connection. We talk gut health, emotions, mood, workout results, catching health issues, and energy management.
The only constant is change itself. In this episode I discuss the importance of and strategies for embracing impermanence in all aspects of our lives.
This week, I dive into the power of detachment. With any desire, we need to turn inward, dismiss the ego and connect with that we really need. The base for any relationship or goal is a strong send of our own self love and self worthiness.
What we pay attention to grows. So how can we grow our attention muscle? How can we stop self sabotaging? How can we reign in those spiraling thoughts that don’t serve us? All this and more in this week’s episode.
How do we live as loving, empathetic humans in this world and not be taken down? How do we show up authentically as ourselves and not be crushed by the hatred that can come at us? In this episode, I share strategies for not only protecting your energy but increasing it. Free yourself from your attachments and people pleasing tendencies. Connect with your ability to heal.
In this episode I dig into what it really means to have patience and lean into belief. How to stop manic manifesting and understand that control is an illusion. Whether you are frustrated and think you aren’t where you should be right now or you are in a situation you see no way out of, the tools are the same. Come explore them with me.
These difficult relationships in our life are divine assignments for what we need to heal. Instead of pointing fingers, use them as a mirror to see what you need to work on.
In honor of National Coming out day, I’m sharing my story. I share my story so that we can make this world a more open and accepting place for our queer youth.
The Universe has your back, but how do you know! In this episode, I talk about all the ways I connect with source energy. I discuss Angel numbers and their meanings, Animal totem magic, and how I use cards.
This episodes digs in to owning what is ours to own. When someone says something hurtful to you, it has nothing to do with you. And vise versa, when you find yourself getting angry or frustrated with someone else, dig under and figure out what that is revealing within yourself that needs to be healed.
Toxic positivity is definitely a thing, but there are definitely a lot of positive mindset strategies that are not toxic and help you move from surviving to thriving.
I’m this episode, I celebrate it being my 100th episode by talking about all things 100- Angel number 100, math facts, random facts, and percentages in life.
You have the power to shift out of overwhelm. In this episode, I talk about steps you can take. Be ready for some tough love.
This word gets thrown around a lot these days. Let’s take a look at what they are and what they are not, why we need them, and how to set and hold them.
Today I delve into the difference between our ego self and Self with a capital S. Our resources self that can help us heal. Everything we need to heal is already inside us, we just need to get that ego out of our way.
Is there something in your life that you wanted to do, but you’ve given up on? In this episode, I give tips for getting beyond that mental block. Our brains are much more powerful than we give them credit for. Let’s start using that power to serve us rather than block us.
This meditation trains you in how to drop down into a deep relaxation quickly, even if you only have 1 minute. The more we can drop down into these meditative brain waves, the more we can go things like heal ourselves. Tap into your untapped power!
Are you trying to manifest someone or something out of a place of fear and scarcity? Nothing positive comes from that frantic, needy energy. In this episode, I talk about tools you can use to shift back into love and abundance.
People pleasing and “fixing” are actually protector parts covering up a deep core wound of not feeling enough. This episode, we dive into the signs, the causes, and how we can shift things.
In this episode, I explore reasons that you may struggle to relax and how you can start. These are tips that worked for me in my journey to give myself permission to relax.
Are you staying with the known even if it’s not serving you anymore, just because you are afraid of the unknown?