Genuinely, I want YOU to know you matter and YOU deserve to be here. Life is hard and most of the time it’s not nice or fair. But that’s okay, because we got each other. I’ve been in the darkest of darkest places. High, drunk, just all around fuc*ed up. With no out, surrounded by people who apparently hated me. That’s the worst, being around people who secretly despise you. But I got out of that lifestyle. I took a chance on myself, and started to love myself from the inside out. I want that for...
Jul 17, 2024•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast And on this Human experience, I’m trying to help my fellow humans. Somebody’s got to do it. So I stepped up to the plate and accepted the job. It’s a lonely one and people think I’m crazy but it’s SoOo worth it. It’s worth it because I can see how much it’s impacted my children. In the right ways. From me becoming more aware, it’s made them more aware. Which is priceless. What I asked for was internal and I wasn’t sure how I was going to measure it but I see it NOW. I’m forever grateful and bles...
Jul 12, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work, and work in general and what I’m learning is I need to limit who I share things with. I give love to everyone but it’s not reciprocated. So, I’m going to take the hint and start distancing myself from others as I did in real life. It helps weed out the disingenuous people or the people who want to suck up your energy. I’m trying to reframe EVERYTHING in my life to connect with who MY tribe is.
Jun 30, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ey, beautiful souls just a reminder that I love you and you’re worthy. I got a question yesterday and I wanted to answer it. Sometimes I ask myself why I have this podcast or why I post on social media because it feels real Book of Eli. But it’s part of my purpose, I don’t have a full answer to why I do what I do. It just feels right, even when I don’t want to do it. Something is ALWAYS calling me back to the people. I don’t understand it at times and I’ve tried to walk away but I can’t. So to m...
Jun 24, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m back, LoL. I’m sorry, life has been lifeing. It’s been beautifully chaotic. I’ve come to all these realizations and inner standings. I’m finding parts of myselfI thought I lost, I’m letting go and over standing that this is MY life and it’s going EXACTLY how it should. I’m not fighting what I used to fight so deeply. This is such a beautiful experience for me, that I want others to share it if they feel inclined to. I’m not a gatekeeper and I’m NOT worried about others being better than me o...
May 29, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just because I’m gone or M.I.A, does not mean that work is not being done. I’m ONE Woman, trying to do what villages by MYSELF. It’s a lot. I get tired & burnt out. I don’t have hype men or sh*t like that. I’m the hype man, I’m the one who pulls myself out of the gravel, all bloody & tore up. I nurture those wounds back to health. I remind MYSELF that I’m a Goddess. I remind MYSELF that I’ve been doing this since a youth: with NOBODY. I would HATE that for others. I’m always around, it’s the lea...
May 04, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Life is hard but so is death. Just a reminder that you are worthy, you deserve to be here, and I love you. We are all in control of OUR own ships. YOU have the right to set boundaries and not deal with people who don’t respect you. You CAN cut people off who don’t respect you or your boundaries. One thing I learned in life is people will USE you for their benefit. They will use you till you can’t be used no more then throw you in the trash. Don’t be that person. Worrying about others will kill Y...
Apr 29, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m just HELLA happy and feeling good again. I got this new outlook on life, and I want to share and use MY time wisely. I want to make others feel good and love themselves. Call me corny or lame, I don’t care. The people NEED this. I’m here for the PEOPLE. Like genuinely. I love you & you got this.
Apr 28, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I feel like a lot of us have been indoctrinated but just because you were made to believe certain things. Doesn’t make them true. There is free will & everyone has a choice. You are nobody’s slave, remember that. You are worthy of respect, boundaries, and love. You are capable to start new cycles. I believe in you, I love you, and you got this.
Apr 24, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast That’s ALL I want. To be some sort of benefit to myself and others. I want to use my space, energy, & time in some kind of meaningful way. I don’t want to be just taking up space. I love you, you got this.
Apr 19, 2024•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast YOU are the problem and so is YOUR lack of proper parenting. We didn’t get to where we are as a society by EVERYONE doing the right thing and being good people, CLEARLY. Stop feeding yourself lies. It’s not benefiting you, it’s crippling you and this society. It starts with the person in the mirror. This sh*t feels like the twilight zone. Get your sh*t together, it’s really not that hard.
Apr 16, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m going through it, somebody help me. 🤣😆🤣. Naw, but for real. You guy’s NEED to start stepping your games up. Don’t look around, I’m talking to you. It starts with the person in the mirror. Don’t let anyone tell you different. I started this journey EXACTLY for this reason. To show others that you most definitely are not better than me. You just got a head start and an advantage. It doesn’t dismiss me from the race though and that’s what I want others to know. YOU are worthy, YOU are lovabl...
Apr 14, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I share my experiences and what I’m going through to show others that I’m Human and I get it. I want others to know, this is NOT an act. I’m coming as who I genuinely am in that moment. It’s taken me SOOO many years to be this comfortable in my own skin. It’s extremely beautiful, so much so that I want others to experience it. For that to happen. I have to be raw, uncut, and GENUINE. I have to show parts of me that others aren’t used to seeing. I have to speak from a real place because it’s all ...
Apr 06, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just a reminder to not be scared. Life is scary and you may feel alone at times. But you’re not, just because I’m not going through right now in this moment. Doesn’t mean that I haven’t went through it or I haven’t had extremely dark days. Because I have but I found the strength I needed to get through it. I just hope I can help you find your strength and keep it. Being strong isn’t being mean or putting others down intentionally. But having boundaries for yourself is IMPORTANT. You got to speak...
Apr 02, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your daily reminder that you will be okay. Even if things get scary, you will be okay. I promise, I been there. I don’t even fully speak about my experiences because it’s a lot and seems unreal. Then how it’s shaped and molded me comes off unreal at times. I’m a very Spiritual person because I’ve seen and battled things of the unknown. I’m a strong Woman and Human but it doesn’t take away the fact it was hard and I was scared. I just make it look easy, which it is not. I can only speak from my e...
Mar 30, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. These people are not Creators. They have NO ultimate say or rule over other Humans because they are NOT Creators. That’s why it’s IMPORTANT to know the unspoken rules/laws of Humanity. If you don’t, then others will try and manipulate you. Just think logically for a minute. YOU ARE NOT A SLAVE. These are man made rules by inhumane individuals. The world shouldn’t be this evil, but the actions/history play a big part in what’s unfolding in front of us. I ...
Mar 29, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast It really comes down to you and are you WILLING to do and be better. Are you willing to step up when needed? I realized this YEARS ago, I started getting ready for whatever may be coming because something told me to. When I started this healing journey, I was laughed at, ridiculed, retaliated against, pushed out, so on and so forth. For speaking up and doing the right thing. For doing the Human thing. We still deal with the aftermath of all of this. Which is trauma, emotional and mental distress...
Mar 27, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast In everything I do, I speak. Even when I’m not speaking. My ACTIONS are MOST definitely a LoVE language. Nothing sexual, just pure LoVE. In a genuine, wholesome, help YOU grow kinda way. MY LoVE is something you’ve NEVER experienced. I pride myself on this ability I have because my LoVE is infectious. Even when others don’t want it to be. It’s infectious because it’s AUTHENTIC. That’s what separates me from everyone else. Clearly. Don’t get caught up on the bullshit. Stay focused in the present ...
Mar 23, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m human and I get tired, frustrated, exhausted, hopeless, etc. Just like everyone else but I’m held at a higher standard, clearly. SoOo, I tend to show up and don’t even want to. Sometimes, I want to be selfish just like EVERYONE else. But something inside won’t allow me to act as everyone else. How is your personal development going? Good I hope. This world desperately needs it. Sh*t, I could use the help. Fighting the battle for good is hard, it takes A LOT of self development and growth. It...
Mar 22, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just reminding everyone that they’re NOT alone and this is a process. Being a better version of yourself is a WHOLE process, it doesn’t just come over night. If everyone OVER-STOOD personal development/self improvement, we wouldn’t be in this situation. I love you and you got this.
Mar 10, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast I just want to remind others how IMPORTANT personal development is and how MY journey with this is going. Sharing is CARING, BaBiii. I GENUINELY love you guys, so I want the best for YOU. I’m HUMAN, I want EXTRAORDINARY things for the other Humans and GOOD energy/beings. If that’s what I want then I have to be living it. I don’t ask anything of anyone else, that I haven’t done. I lead by example. But what is your personal development goal for the DAY? Work on that if things are shit*y. Baby step...
Mar 07, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m at a loss for words. I try to believe that others aren’t this inhuman but they are. Which blows my mind. How can people who harp on being civilized and how they’re better than everyone else, NOT over-stand Humanity? How do you make a system this evil and then act as if it’s not. You got to be a special kind of evil to be that delusional. I’m just trying to over-stand the lack of Humanity that is held by this thought process. Logically. If you’re NOT a racist, you’re just a piece of poop. The...
Mar 05, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just a reminder that you’re not alone. Sometimes you have to check YOURSELF. You’re not perfect, you’re NOT god. Is personal development really that hard of a concept? I don’t believe it is. EVERYONE is capable of it and for FREE. It literally takes NOTHING but your SELF WILL, DETERMINATION. Imagine that. I love you.
Mar 02, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I work a lot on personal development, so I feel like I can speak to it in a truthful, raw way. I know that it’s the KEY to helping Humanity. I want to help others be MORE self aware. It’s important. Just like you’re important. That’s why I’m sharing what I know because that’s what friends do. I love you and you got this.
Feb 29, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast I’m getting into a space where I’m about to talk about EVERYTHING. Why do I have to keep quiet to save other people’s feelings but they would NEVA do the same for me? I don’t and neither do you. If others want to be pieces of poo, then let them but let’s talk about it. If it’s okay enough for you to show your ass and act a fool in public and around others. Then it’s more than okay for me to talk about it. If you don’t want to be talked about, then be better people. If people are being crappy to ...
Feb 28, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast I really am. I’m SoOo grateful I want to share it. My joyful makes me want to spread the word of Humanity. Especially, because bad/evil people get to spread their energy. But we can’t spread ours. How come they get to hurt others with no consequences? That’s doesn’t make sense. EXCEPT that whoever “runs” things are bad and shouldn’t be in charge of ANYTHING. I was taught MY WHOLE life, that’s YOU CAN’T act like that. Others can just be pure evil but if you REACT to that, then YOU’RE bad. This ha...
Feb 25, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just a reminder you’re NOT alone and life definitely gets hard. But you’re strong enough to handle it. All you got to do is work on you and dig. Life is hard, get used to it. You just need to learn how to grow through it. I love you.
Feb 24, 2024•23 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast I’m rooting for you, and your healing. We can’t go on like this as a Human race, we can’t. It’s not fair to the youth. I know it’s scary out here but you know what’s even scarier than that? The after life. The death journey. If there is nothing after this life, then why are we PUSHED to be evil? Don’t believe me, it’s ALL around us. Why are these individuals wanting to play god? When they can’t even be human. I’m here to get you thinking and speak truth to you. I’m here to represent LoVE because...
Feb 22, 2024•22 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Just trying to keep everyone REALISTICALLY motivated. I feel like people of “influence”, lie a lot. That’s not cool. I’m not here to lie, I’m here to make sure you’re in the present. If not, people can tend to get delusional. Which leads us to where we are right now. With everything. It’s a sad state but that’s why you have to work on yourself. It ALL starts with that. Change.
Feb 19, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast When I say, “It’s ALL about YOU”. I’m talking about a HUMANITY sense. I’m talking about in who YOU are EVERYDAY and especially in the dark. This society isn’t just uncivilized by accident. It’s intentionally. People just need to dig and open their EYES. Be uncomfortable because CHANGE doesn’t come from comfort. Remember that.
Feb 16, 2024•25 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast