"Know your worth" means understanding your value, believing in yourself, and not letting others underestimate you. It’s a reminder to have confidence in your abilities and stand up for what you deserve. Conversation 1: Person A: I’m thinking about applying for the team leader position, but I’m not sure if I’m good enough. Person B: Of course, you are! You’ve worked hard and have great leadership skills. Know your worth and go for it! Person A: You’re right. I should believe in myself more! A: 我在...
Mar 08, 2025•1 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast to have too much on one's plate: means to have more tasks, responsibilities, or problems than one can handle. It’s often used when someone is feeling overwhelmed or stressed by all the things they need to do. Conversation 1: A: I heard you're working on a new project. How's it going? 我听说你有一个新项目, 进行得怎么样? B: Honestly, it's tough. I’ve got so much going on right now. I feel like I have too much on my plate . 说实话,很难。我现在有太多事情要做,感觉我的任务太重了。 A: Maybe you should ask for some help or delegate some tasks. ...
Mar 02, 2025•1 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Foul Play : The act of breaking the rules in a sport or competition, especially when it is done deliberately. Conversation 1: A: “Did you see the short track speed skating race at the Asian Winter Games? There was some serious foul play during the event!” 你看今天亚冬会的短道速滑比赛吗?比赛中发生了严重的犯规! B: “Yeah, I saw that! It’s crazy how the pressure of international competition can sometimes push athletes to cross the line.” 看到了!真的很疯狂,国际比赛的压力有时候让运动员突破底线。 A: “Exactly. While the pressure to win is intense, i...
Feb 11, 2025•2 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Reverse Culture Shock : The feeling of disorientation or discomfort a person experiences when returning to their home country or living in a foreign country, where they are exposed to cultural norms or practices that are vastly different from what they are used to. Conversation 1 A: I saw on Xiaohongshu that drinking hot water is a huge thing in China. Isn’t that fascinating? 我在小红书上看到喝热水在中国真的很普遍。太有意思了 B: Totally! When I first came here, it felt like reverse culture shock —everyone was so passion...
Jan 22, 2025•1 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Annual reviews : A formal meeting where your boss rates your work for the year—also known as the “please don't fire me” meeting. Conversation 1 A: So, annual reviews are coming up. What do you think? 年终总结快到了,说两句啊? B: Honestly, I’m not sure if they really matter. It’s always the same: I say I’ve done great, and they say, "Good job, here’s your bonus." 说实话,我觉得其实没什么意义。每年都是一样的:我自吹自擂完了公司表示“干得不错,奖金 给你 ”。 A: Ha, right? It feels more like a formality than an actual review. Like, do they even remember wh...
Jan 04, 2025•2 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast corporate slave : This term refers to someone who is excessively overworked in a corporate environment, often to the point of feeling exploited, with little regard for their personal time, health, or well-being. Conversation 1 A: I’ve been feeling like a corporate slave lately. Every day, it’s just endless meetings and emails. 最近我感觉自己像个牛马,每天就是无休止的会议和邮件。 B: That sounds rough! Is there any way to break the cycle or find a balance? 听起来好惨!有没有什么办法打破这种循环找到平衡呢? A: Honestly, I’ve been trying to set boun...
Dec 27, 2024•2 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast ring in the new year : meaning to celebrate or welcome the new year, often with festivities or special traditions. It’s commonly used to refer to how people mark the transition from the old year to the new one. Conversation 1 A: I’m excited to ring in the new year with a fireworks display! 我很期待迎接新年,打算看烟花表演! B: That sounds fun! I think I’ll ring in the new year with a cozy dinner and some good music. 听起来很有趣!我打算和家人一起吃顿温馨的晚餐,放些好听的音乐。 A: Sometimes it’s the simple things that make New Year’s Eve memo...
Dec 25, 2024•1 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Over-the-top : This phrase describes something excessive or exaggerated, often in a way that's unnecessary or showy. It's commonly used to talk about decorations, behavior, or spending during holidays or celebrations. Conversation 1 A: Christmas feels so different now compared to when we were kids, doesn’t it? 你有没有觉得圣诞节和我们小时候相比,真的感觉很不一样了? B: Totally. It used to be all about family and simple joys, but now everything’s so over-the-top , like a competition to outdo everyone else. 完全同意。以前更注重家庭团聚和简单...
Dec 22, 2024•2 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast defying expectations : It means going beyond what people commonly assume or breaking stereotypes. This can refer to surpassing societal norms, roles, or prejudices that limit a person's potential. Conversation 1 A: Zhang Weili’s win as Female Fighter of the Year is such a powerful statement. She’s showing that women can be unapologetically strong. 张伟丽被评为年度UFC最佳女拳手,真是一个有力的宣言。她展示了女性可以毫无歉意地追求强壮。 B: Absolutely. She’s defying expectations about women’s roles, especially in physically demanding ...
Dec 07, 2024•2 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast bundle up : practical for the colder weather, symbolizing preparation and care as temperatures drop Conversation 1 A: Winter’s really setting in. It’s Major Snow today—did you bundle up before heading out? 冬天真的来了,今天是大雪节气——你出门前穿暖了吗? B: I did! I even pulled out my thick scarf and gloves. Major Snow always reminds me to prepare for the deeper chill ahead. 穿了!我还特意戴上厚围巾和手套。大雪总让我想到要为更冷的天气提前准备。 A: Same here. It’s not just about staying warm but about embracing the season with the right mindset—like slo...
Dec 06, 2024•2 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast quality of life: discussing end-of-life care, including hospice options and personal decisions about dignity in aging Example 1: A: Did you hear about that famous writer’s passing? It’s so heartbreaking, but it raises questions about how we as a society handle quality of life in the later stages of life. 你听说那位著名作家去世的消息了吗?真的很让人难过,但也让人反思我们作为一个社会是如何应对人的晚年生活质量的。 B: Definitely. We need better systems in place—like making hospice care accessible and educating families about how to support a loved one’...
Dec 05, 2024•2 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast detached from reality : describing something that is unrealistic, disconnected, or impractical compared to how things actually are in the real world. Example 1 A: Have you seen those "domineering CEO" micro-series everyone's watching lately? 你最近看过那些“霸总”短剧吗?大家都在讨论呢。 B: Oh, you mean those where some super-rich, overbearing executive falls for an ordinary person in the most unrealistic way. “霸总”?哦,你是说那些霸道总裁的故事吧?就是那种超级有钱、专横的总裁以最不现实的方式爱上一个普通人的情节。 A: Yeah! The plots are so detached fr...
Nov 26, 2024•2 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: A: This week has flown by! Before you know it , the weekend will be here. B: Can’t wait! I’m ready for some relaxation. 这一周过得好快!眨眼间周末就要到了。 太好了!我已经准备好放松一下了。 Example 2: C: Start practicing now, and before you know it , you’ll be a pro at playing guitar. D: That’s encouraging—I’ll give it my all! 现在开始练习,很快你就会成为吉他高手。 听着真有动力——我会全力以赴!...
Nov 23, 2024•1 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: A: The uproar over low-quality sanitary pads is a reminder that women need to take a stand for better health protections. B: Totally. When we stand together, change becomes possible. Example 2: C: This debate should push women to take a stand and demand stricter quality control. D: Exactly. It’s time to prioritize women’s health and safety....
Nov 22, 2024•1 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: A: Those couples on that divorce reality show are brave, airing their dirty laundry on national TV. 那些参加离婚综艺的夫妻真是勇敢,把自己的隐私都曝光在全国观众面前。 B: True, but it’s refreshing to see such raw honesty about relationships. 是啊,不过看他们如此真实地探讨关系问题,也挺新鲜的。 Example 2: C: Would you ever air your dirty laundry like they do on those shows? 你会像他们那样公开谈自己的私事、糗事吗? D: Not a chance! But I admire their courage. 绝对不会!不过我很佩服他们的勇气。...
Nov 18, 2024•1 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Hey, dear audience. Welcome to "English Conversation," where I bring you authentic dialogues with a key phrase in each episode. Today’s phrase is “quite the character”, commonly used to describe someone with a unique, memorable, or eccentric personality. It’s perfect for discussing people who stand out for their quirks or charm. Listen as we explore its use in everyday conversations, helping you understand and use it seamlessly in your English vocabulary. Let's get started! Example 1: A : Have y...
Nov 17, 2024•1 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: A: Have you seen Li Ziqi’s videos? They’re like a slice of life from the Chinese countryside. 你看过李子柒的视频吗?就像是来自中国乡村的生活切片。 B: Totally. Watching them makes me feel so calm and connected to nature. 完全同意 。看她的视频让我感到平静、更贴近自然。 Example 2: C: I love how her content gives you a slice of life you don’t usually see in modern media. 我喜欢她的内容,它展现了现代媒体中不常见的生活切面。 D: Same here. It’s refreshing to see something so authentic. 我也是。能看到这么真实的东西真是让人耳目一新。...
Nov 16, 2024•1 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Ex1 Lily : Theautumnal equinox reminds me of how life is a balancing act between work andrelaxation. Chris :Exactly. Just like the day and night, we need to find our own balance. 莉莉:秋分让我想到生活就像在工作和休息之间的平衡行动。 克里斯:没错。就像白天和黑夜一样,我们也需要找到自己的平衡。 Ex2 Taylor : Lately,it’s been a balancing act managing my job and family. Jordan : Iknow the feeling! The equinox is a good reminder to strive for harmony in bothareas. 泰勒:最近我一直在工作和家庭之间努力平衡。 乔丹:我懂!秋分提醒我们要在两者之间寻求和谐。...
Sep 23, 2024•1 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: Amy:Did you hear about that internet celebrity who got caught selling fakeproducts? 你听说那个网红因为卖假货被抓了吗? Tom:Yeah, it’s a total fall from grace . Everyone used to trust them, but now theirreputation is in ruins. 是啊,彻底塌房了。大家以前都很信任他们,现在他们的名声全毁了。 Example 2: Ben:I can’ tbelieve how quickly that famous actor's image collapsed. 简直不敢相信那个明星的形象崩得这么快。 Sarah:It’ scrazy. One minute they're adored by millions, the next they ’ ve completely fallen from grace . 太扯了。前一秒他们还被百万粉丝追捧,下一秒就彻底塌房了。...
Sep 21, 2024•1 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1: Katie: Did you see the recent news about that big tech company facing privacyissues? 你看到最近关于那家大型科技公司隐私问题的新闻了吗? Mark:Yeah, but I bet that's just the tip of the iceberg . I’m sure more details willcome out soon. 看到了,但我觉得那只是冰山一角。肯定还有更多细节会被揭露出来。 Example 2: Josh:That rapper’s scandal is getting crazier by the day. 那个说唱歌手的丑闻一天比一天疯狂。 Lily:You know it’s only the tip of the iceberg . There's probably a lot more we don'tknow yet. 你知道那只是冰山一角。可能还有很多我们不知道的事情...
Sep 19, 2024•1 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Example 1 Sophie: The Olympic Games were so inspiring this year! Those athletes really gave it their all. 今年的奥运会好励志啊!运动员们都拼尽全力了。 Alex: I know, right? Watching them going the extra mile really motivates me to put more effort into my own goals. 就是说,看TA们不遗余力的样子让我更有劲去实现我的目标了。 Example 2: Nina: Did you notice how the gold medalists were always the ones who seemed to go the extra mile ? 你发现了嘛冠军都好拼啊 Leo: Yeah, it’s like they had that extra bit of determination that set them apart from the rest. 确实,感觉TA们...
Aug 24, 2024•1 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast Up in the air - 悬而未决、不确定、未知 对话1 Emily: Have you heard anything about our project deadline? 关于咱们项目的截止日期,你有听说什么吗 James: Not really. Everything is still up in the air since the manager hasn’t made a decision yet. 没有,啥都没定呢,因为经理还在考虑 对话2 Emma: Have you finalized your vacation plans yet? 你的度假计划敲定了吗? Jake: Not yet. Everything is still up in the air because we're waiting to see if we can get time off from work. 还没有。啥都还没定,因为我们在等着看能否请到假。...
Jul 21, 2024•1 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast Run of the mill - 很普通,没什么特别的 对话1 Jake: Hey, how was the new restaurant you tried last night? Jake: 嘿 你昨晚去吃的那家餐厅咋样? Emma: Honestly, it was pretty run of the mill . The food was okay, butnothing special. Emma: 说实话很一般。吃的还行,但却是没啥特别的。 对话2(用在名词前要加连字符) Eric: Did you see the new movie that cameout last weekend? Eric: 上周末新上的电影你看了吗? Mark: Yeah, I did. It was a pretty run-of-the-mill film. The plot was predictable, and the acting was just okay. Mark: 我看了,挺一般的。情节老套,演技也就那样。...
Jul 09, 2024•1 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast Alice: Tom! Have you heard about the new project our team isworking on? 爱丽丝:汤姆!听说咱们团队有新项目上马了吗? Tom: Not yet, Alice.What do they have in store for us this time? 汤姆:没呢,爱丽丝。这次他们给咱们准备了啥新鲜玩意儿? Alice: Well, I justspoke to the manager, and it seems like we have a lot of exciting challengesahead. It's going to involve some cutting-edge technology. 爱丽丝:我刚和经理聊过,看样子咱们要迎接一堆刺激的挑战了,而且项目里还会用到一些前沿技术。 Tom: That soundsintriguing! I'm curious to see what they have planned for our roles...
Jul 06, 2024•2 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast