You are about to enjoy a charming theatrical performance, and, while doing so, you will learn to understand and, eventually, speak Italian. As the play unfolds, you’ll get a chance to see first hand how the language works. Plus, you will discover captivating nuances of Italian culture and experience the thrill of a theatrical performance in the language you are learning.
Now, let’s take a step back and devote a few words to the format of the show. An Italian teacher, Silvia, is about to meet Connor, her new student. Connor does not speak Italian. He only knows a couple words he learned as a kid from his maternal grandparents, who, as we’ll see, are both very proud of their Sicilian heritage. Connor is really keen to start learning Italian. Why? Well, he has a special dream he wants to accomplish!
The curtain is up now. Act 1 is about to begin ( Here’s Silvia and Connor, sitting in a cozy room, sipping coffee. Many colorful books are lined up on a wooden bookcase. A map of Italy hangs from the wall. Looks like a language school. Well, let’s see what happens...
- reflexive verbs - modal verbs - personal pronouns with prepositions (con me, per te, a lui/lei, con noi, per voi, con loro) Expression: Volere è potere
Apr 15, 2015•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast
- adverbs of frequency (tutti i giorni, sempre, spesso, qualche volta, raramente, mai) - vorrei - irregular nouns Food and idiomatic expressions - Part I
Apr 15, 2015•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast
- il passato prossimo (ausiliare essere e avere, participi regolari) - accordo del participio col soggetto - avverbi di tempo (la settimana scorsa, due giorni fa, ieri, oggi, domani, fra due giorni, la prossima settimana) Food and idiomatic expressions - Part II
Apr 15, 2015•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast
- indirect object pronouns (mi, ti, le, gli, ci, vi, gli) - personal pronouns and the verb Piacere Everyday idiomatic expressions: Dai, Meno male, Da morire.
Apr 15, 2015•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast
- the passato prossimo and the imperfetto together - Modal Verbs in the passato prossimo and the imperfetto - Si impersonale Expression: Spada di Damocle
Apr 15, 2015•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast
- Personal Pronouns: The Combined Forms - Relative Pronouns: che, cui, il cui, etc. - Conjunctions: perché, siccome, perciò Expression: Turismo ecosostenibile...
Apr 15, 2015•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast