In this episode, Art went into his vault and found some sales tips he first shared in the 80's and 90's... which are as relevant, and even more important today. You'll hear some brief tips on motivation, closing, building relationships. and more.
Oct 31, 2019•8 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast Remember in the movie, Jerry Macguire, Tom Cruise's impassioned make-up speech to his wife? And then after finishing she says, "You had me at hello." That is similar to what salespeople do every day... talking too much, when the customer already is sold. Often with negative outcomes. You'll hear what to avoid, and what TO say to close the deal, and not "buy it back."
Oct 28, 2019•7 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast This is a training session on how to easily develop your own interest-creating cold call opening script (without the cold), which also can be used as an effective voice mail, by just filling in the blanks on the free Smart Calling Template. You can download the template at
Oct 23, 2019•40 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast The wildly-popular show, Seinfeld, used a type of humor that made it easy for us to relate to the crazy situations the characters got themselves into. We can use similar methods in sales. When we can help prospects and customers relate to pains and problems in their mind, then it is easier for them to be open to our suggestions. You'll hear what to say, and what questions to ask in order to do that.
Oct 21, 2019•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Using Stu Heinecke's "Contact Marketing" campaigns, he, and his clients have achieved a 100% success rate of getting meetings with their high-level targeted prospects. In his book, "How to Get a Meeting With Anyone," introduced the concept of Contact Marketing, which is reaching out to prospects with unconventional approaches. In his new book, "Get the Meeting," Stu gives lots of examples and case studies of it in action, and in this episode, shares what it is, and how we all can use it....
Oct 17, 2019•27 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast The way some salespeople--or people in general, for that matter--communicate, it sounds as if they are speaking a foreign language. Of course, the language anyone understands best is their own. As salespeople, we must work to speak THEIR language, not hope they understand ours. Here are quick tips and ideas to connect with anyone, in their language, in all areas of your life.
Oct 14, 2019•6 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast Ever have a prospect go silent on you? Tired of sending countless emails and leaving repeated voice mails that essentially say, "I'm trying to get back in touch"? You likely need to be more effective at following up. And part of that is setting up the follow up. In this episode you'll hear exactly what to say to ensure there's a good reason to follow up, and that they will commit to do so.
Oct 10, 2019•7 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast Sam Richter is recognized as the world's leader in how to use the Internet and the "invisible web" to get intel on prospects, their organizations, and situations. We of course can than use this intel in our outreach and sales process to be more relevant, have a greater chance of standing out from all of the noise we compete with, AND have more intelligent sales conversations. Sam shares some of his ninja techniques and secrets that anyone can use right away to save time, and get more and better ...
Oct 07, 2019•41 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast A lot of sales training suggests that when a prospect says, "We are happy with who we are using now," you should respond with, "Oh, what do you like best about them?" Actually, you should AVOID that question, since it provides the opposite of what you want. You'll hear why, and lots of examples of what you should say instead to get them thinking about what they want that they aren't getting now.
Oct 03, 2019•6 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast Fear hinders many in sales to not reach their potential. Much of that fear is absurd. And THAT is one psychologically-proven way to deal with that fear. You'll hear a simple process to view your fear as ridiculous so it doesn't hold you back.
Sep 30, 2019•5 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast Lots of stats are thrown around every day regarding sales... how many calls or touches it takes, how many times you need to close, how many objections you'll hear before someone will buy... and it's all irrelevant. You'll hear about the only numbers that matter. The phone numbers you call.
Sep 26, 2019•6 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Some salespeople use the "Your Baby is Ugly" approach. It directly tells the prospect that they have a problem, or are doing something wrong. And it should be avoided. You'll hear how Art received this approach in an email, why it should be avoided, and how you can actually use a more subtle, nuanced approach to help them reach the conclusion on their own that they have a problem.
Sep 23, 2019•7 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast One simple way to get people to actual keep their commitments is to attach time frames to them. Otherwise, it's too easy for people to blow things off, which they do more and more today. See actual questions and phrases to use to get people to actually do what they say they will.
Sep 19, 2019•6 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast Email can be an effective tool in prospecting, when used the right way, not the spammy way. Today's guest, Jason Bay is an expert in cold email prospecting, and shares his REPLY Method, which you can adapt and implement as well to capture the interest of cold prospects. In fact, he used this method with Art to get on the podcast....
Sep 16, 2019•38 min•Ep 84•Transcript available on Metacast If a salesperson doesn't believe in what they sell, how could they possibly get someone else excited about it. This episode has some straight talk that might cause some people to reevaluate what they are doing. Which is good.
Sep 12, 2019•6 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast This was a situation I encountered the other day. A waitress made several sales mistakes in asking for what she wanted, and they are the same mistakes many salespeople make every day. You'll hear what she did, how salespeople do the same things, and what she, and salespeople should do instead to create a win-win for everyone.
Sep 09, 2019•7 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast Ben Gay’s accomplishments as a sales pro, speaker, author, and trainer are unmatched. Today Ben shares several interesting stories about just a few of the many sales and motivational celebrities he has worked with, including how Zig Ziglar actually worked for him. And how he spent nine hours in a San Quentin jail cell with Charles Manson. Ben reveals his favorite close, and the concept of Sales Infiltration, which he considers the most powerful tool a sales pro can use....
Sep 05, 2019•52 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast There are hundreds of millions of dollars left on the table every day simple because people do not use this simple technique. Regardless of what you do in life, sales or not, this will help you get more of what you want.
Sep 02, 2019•5 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast Too many sales calls start out with "I'm just touching base to see how it's going." That is horrible, and provides no value to the listener. Hear what you should say instead to create interest and engage a prospect or customer.
Aug 29, 2019•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast An article in Men's Health magazine discussed how "Words, wielded wisely, can be a powerful instrument of seduction." It gave five romantic scenarios with what not to say, a better alternative, and why it worked. Art takes each of those scenarios and adapts them to sales. You'll be able to use them in your own sales situations as well.
Aug 26, 2019•7 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast Brandon Bornancin--still in his 30's--has made millions in his sales career, lost it, and made it back again. He is CEO of, "providing the best sales leads on the planet." Sign up free at He shares his stories of rapid growth and sales success, and what you can do to skyrocket your results as well.
Aug 22, 2019•40 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast When a prospect or customer raises a concern, and then they hear a tired, old objection "rebuttal," they typically become even more defensive and adversarial. However, when the next response is unexpected, more like a real conversation, that is when they open up. Here is a very simple technique you can adapt to your own situations and use with the very next objection you hear.
Aug 19, 2019•6 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast Objections are inevitable in sales. A great way to handle some is to address them before they even are said by the prospect. You'll hear how to do this, and get several word-for-word examples you can use right now.
Aug 15, 2019•6 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast Oren Klaff, author of the million-copy-selling book, "Pitch Anything" shares fascinating insight from his brand new book, "Flip the Script---Getting People to think Your Idea is Their Idea." The ideal sale occurs when a buyer tells you "Let's do this," instead of having to use techniques to close him or her. Oren discusses using "Inception," and several of its components, that we all can use to help our customers decide to buy from us....
Aug 12, 2019•52 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast A type of approach that gives sales a bad name in general is misrepresenting the purpose of a call or outreach. Hear examples of what these are, and what TO do instead to be totally upfront, AND successful with your efforts.
Aug 08, 2019•7 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast For many salespeople, their lack of production is not for a lack of being busy. It's because that "busyness" is typically "avoidance behavior." Avoidance behavior means we engage in things that cause us to NOT do the productive things we should be doing in sales: prospecting, following up, and speaking with prospects and customers. See examples of this avoidance behavior, and seven tips for getting rid of it so you can be be more productive by bringing in more sales and profits....
Aug 05, 2019•8 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast Trial attorneys need to be master influencers, and "sell" in many different ways and situations. Today's guest is a prominent, experienced litigator who shares some of his sales success secrets as they relate to interacting with clients, jurors, opposing attorneys, and judges. You'll be able to adapt these ideas and methods to your own interactions and sales situations.
Aug 01, 2019•33 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast We can learn how to be better at sales by observing and studying other professions. Police detectives are very skilled questioners. A fictitious one from an old TV series, who used several great techniques was Columbo. Hear the techniques he used to get people to really open up, and how you can easily use them too.
Jul 29, 2019•6 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast One of the biggest fears of salespeople--or anyone--is hearing NO. Our guest today, Leo Quinn, is embracing the "Go for No" philosophy and is on a mission to hear 1000 NO's in the summer of 2019. You'll hear what is he doing, why, what he has experienced and learned, and how he has changed. And, you will be more motivated to put yourself out there more, laugh at no's, and get more success as a result.
Jul 25, 2019•31 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast Here's a question that is proven to unlock creativity and possibilities in the minds of people who hear it. And we should be asking it more of everyone, especially our prospects and customers.
Jul 22, 2019•5 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast