Jim and Jeff talk with Henry Bagdasarian, Founder, and President of the Identity Management Institute about the benefits and options there are for getting certified in the IAM field. Show Links: Connect with Henry on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/identitymate/ Connect with the IMI on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/identity-management-institute/ Visit the Identity Management Institute online: https://www.identitymanagementinstitute.org/ Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn he...
Oct 19, 2020•39 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Mary Berg, Vice President of Channels and Alliances with CloudBridge, about the IGA trends she is seeing before going into what the IGA sales cycle is like. Show Links: Connect with Mary on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marybergbroyles/ SecurEnds: https://www.securends.com/ Clear Skye: https://clearskye.com/ SATH ID Hub: https://idhub.sath.com/ Ilantus: https://www.ilantus.com/ Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn: Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdo...
Oct 12, 2020•33 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Mary Writz, Vice President of Product Management at ForgeRock, about the challenges and thought process that goes into designing an identity product. Show Links: Connect with Mary on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marywritz/ Visit ForgeRock to learn more about what they offer: https://www.forgerock.com/ Ping Identity Identify 2020 Virtual Conference: https://www.pingidentity.com/en/events/identify.html Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn here: Jim McDonald: h...
Oct 05, 2020•46 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with David Doret, IT Risk & Cybersecurity: IAM & PAM Manager at BNP Paribas, and founder of the Open-Measure project about the initiative and his upcoming research about measuring IAM performance. Be sure to connect and follow David on LinkedIn to be notified when his research will be made publicly available. Show Links: Connect with David Doret: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviddoret/ Open-Measure website: https://open-measure.atlassian.net/ Ping Identit...
Sep 28, 2020•45 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with David Pignolet, founder, and CEO of SecZetta, about how they address the problems of managing third party identities and some of their associated risks. Show Links: Connect with David Pignolet on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpignolet/ SecZetta: https://www.seczetta.com/ Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn here: Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/ Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadma...
Sep 21, 2020•37 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Rebecca Nielsen, Director of Technology Integrations at PKH Enterprises, about Zero Trust, "Strong" Authentication, and her work on the US Department of Defense ICAM reference design. Show Links: Connect with Rebecca on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccanielseniam/ Identiverse 2020 On-Demand: https://portal.inxpo.com/ID/PingIdentity/IdentiverseVirtual/ About FICAM: https://arch.idmanagement.gov/ NIST 800-63: https://www.nist.gov/itl/tig/projects/special-pub...
Sep 14, 2020•31 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Jerod Brennen, Music Teacher and IAM Renaissance Man, about his IAM journey, Identity Centric Security, and some of the IAM education sessions that he has developed. Show Links: Connect with Jerod on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/slandail/ LinkedIn Learning: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/instructors/jerod-brennen Webinar - Hacking Identity: The Good, Bad and Ugly of Identity-Centric Security Controls: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/18458/430843 Jerod's...
Sep 07, 2020•45 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Frank Villavicencio, Head of Product for Shared Services at ADP, about the IAM user experience and how to optimize security and convenience. Connect with Frank on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fvillavicencio/ IDSA Webinar - Hacking Identity: The Good, Bad and Ugly of Identity-Centric Security Controls with Jerod Brennen of SailPoint: https://www.idsalliance.org/webinar-hacking-identity-the-good-bad-and-ugly-of-identity-centric-security-controls/ Connect with J...
Aug 31, 2020•1 hr•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Vittorio Bertocci, Principal Architect with Auth0, about the effects of browser tracking and how it is affecting the identity space. Connect with Vittorio on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vittoriobertocci/ Follow Vittorio on Twitter @vibronet Learn more about Auth0 here: www.auth0.com Listen to the Identity Unlocked Podcast: www.identityunlocked.com Check out the Identiverse On-Demand Session "Browser Features vs Identity Protocols: An Arms Race?" from June 17...
Aug 24, 2020•59 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Julie Smith, Executive Director of the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), about their mission, IAM frameworks they have developed, and future focus. Episode Links: Connect with Julie on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliaesmith/ Follow them on Twitter: @IDSAlliance IDSA Security Outcomes: https://securityoutcomes.idsalliance.org/ Learn more about the Identity Defined Security Alliance: https://www.idsalliance.org Best practices: https://www.idsalliance...
Aug 17, 2020•45 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Andrew Shikiar, Executive Director and Chief Marketing Officer of the FIDO Alliance, about what FIDO is and the challenges it seeks to solve. FIDO Alliance website: https://fidoalliance.org FIDO paper: https://fidoalliance.org/white-paper-cxo-explanation-why-use-fido-for-passwordless-employee-logins/ Authenticate 2020 conference (free!): https://authenticatecon.com/ Krisp.AI is the microphone noise reduction software mentioned on the show. They are not a sponsor of the sho...
Aug 10, 2020•47 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about the challenges of multifactor authentication and solving some of the unique challenges that come with it. A Security Update From Instacart: https://news.instacart.com/a-security-update-from-instacart-89beb7bf5121 NIST 800-63-3 and Levels of Assurance: https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63-3.html Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn here: Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/ Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadman/ Visit the show at...
Aug 03, 2020•50 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Mark Perry, CTO for Ping Identity APAC region, about his Identiverse talks around the user experience with IAM and the Open Banking Standard. Connect with Mark on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markperryau/ Mark's Identiverse Talks: https://portal.inxpo.com/ID/PingIdentity/IdentiverseVirtual/ June 15th - Stop Blaming the End User! Using Empathy and Understanding to Deliver Better Identity Experiences. July 28th - Will User Experience Kill Open Banking? Learn mo...
Jul 27, 2020•42 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Darran Rolls, former CTO and CISO at SailPoint and current "Identity Dude" about the recent Twitter breach, the new revelations as to the scope of the MGM data leak, and how ITSM is positioned as a platform to build IGA services on. Visit Darran on the web here: https://darranrolls.com/ Connect with Darran on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darran-rolls-068b84 Get Darran’s book here: https://darranrolls.com/general/identity-attack-vectors/ Twitter...
Jul 20, 2020•56 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with an IAM Knight of the Old Republic, Jackson Shaw, about his 36 years in the IAM space, some of his observations over the years, and the intersection of IT Service Management (ITSM) platforms and Identity Governance & Administration (IGA) technologies. Connect with Jackson on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jshaw Follow Jackson on Twitter @JacksonShaw "Jackson’s List of Things About IAM"™ (Working Title): Conferences & Organizations: Martin Kuppinger &...
Jul 13, 2020•54 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast Jim, Jeff, and special guest Phil Meneses from Preempt Security talk about insider threat and an upcoming report that Preempt is releasing about the hidden risks of workforce identities. Click here to access the Preempt Whitepaper "2020 Identity Risk Infographic": https://www.preempt.com/white-paper/2020-identity-risk-infographic/ Visit Preempt Security here: https://www.preempt.com/identity-information-detect-threats/ Connect with Phil on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philmeneses/ ...
Jul 06, 2020•42 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk almost nothing about IAM and instead reflect on the show turning 1, some of their favorite episodes from the first year, a new show website, and what to expect in the future of the podcast. Visit the show at www.IdentityAtTheCenter.com and follow @IDACPodcast on Twitter.
Jun 29, 2020•34 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with IAM Architect and fellow Identropian Helio Gomez about the lessons they have all learned when it comes to role mining and engineering. Thanks to listener Andrew C. for the topic suggestion! Connect with Helio here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helio-gomez-1507765/ Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn here: Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/ Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadman/ Email the show at questions@identityatthecenter.com or...
Jun 22, 2020•42 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Eve Maler, CTO at ForgeRock about her work in the IAM space which includes helping found standards like XML and UMA, why we think blockchain identity is over-hyped, and some of the highlights of the recently released ForgeRock 2020 Consumer Identity Breach Report. 2020 ForgeRock Consumer Identity Breach Report: https://www.forgerock.com/resources/2020-consumer-identity-breach-report ForgeRock ROI Calculator: https://www.forgerock.com/roi-calculator/ Find Eve here: Twitter:...
Jun 15, 2020•50 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about IAM Program Drivers & Requirements and which comes first. LastPass Report: https://www.lastpass.com/identity-and-access-management-by-industry Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn here: Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/ Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadman/ Email the show at questions@identityatthecenter.com or send us a message on LinkedIn....
Jun 08, 2020•52 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about some of the findings in the recently released 2020 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Privileged Access Management. Grab the report from any of these leading vendors (in alphabetical order): BeyondTrust: https://www.beyondtrust.com/resources/whitepapers/kuppingercole-leadership-compass-privilege-management CyberArk: https://lp.cyberark.com/kuppingercole-leadership-compass-pam-2020.html Thycotic: https://thycotic.com/why-thycotic/analysts-opinions/kuppingercole-leadershi...
Jun 01, 2020•56 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about some of the findings in the recently released 2020 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (link below). Report link: https://enterprise.verizon.com/resources/reports/dbir/ Identiverse 2020 Conference Link: https://identiverse.com/ Connect with us on LinkedIn: Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadman/ Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/ Email your questions, suggestions, and topic requests to the show at questions@identityatthecenter...
May 25, 2020•50 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about some of the findings in the recently released Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) report "Identity Security: A Work In Progress" Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
May 18, 2020•35 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about passwords for World Password Day (May 6th) and a Barracuda Networks commissioned study about the security concerns businesses are seeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
May 11, 2020•43 min•Ep 43•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Ron about the IAM program framework he is developing and some of the challenges some organizations face when it comes to IAM context and operations. Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
May 04, 2020•38 min•Ep 42•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Paul Volosen from Centrify about the IAM concepts used to secure server access. Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
Apr 27, 2020•52 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about how to develop a Return on Investment (ROI) strategy when it comes to IAM. Link to Auth0 Forrester report we discuss: https://auth0.com/forrester-total-economic-impact/ Risk Management Concepts: https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/category/certifications-training/cissp/domains/security-and-risk-management/cissp-risk-management-concepts/ Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatth...
Apr 20, 2020•40 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk about how consumer/customer IAM (CIAM) is a fundamental part of a digital transformation strategy. Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
Apr 13, 2020•43 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Richard Bird , Chief Customer Information Officer at Ping Identity, about data privacy and why data privacy regulations are dead on arrival. LinkedIn article by Richard: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/data-privacy-joke-your-town-nation-richard-bird/ Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
Apr 06, 2020•51 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Jim and Jeff talk with Andy Clark , Principal Consultant at Okta, about access management including the why's of OIDC and SAML, scopes, and flows. To register for the free virtual Oktane 2020 conference, visit https://www.oktane20.com/ Want to join the conversation? Leave us a message here: anchor.fm/identity-at-the-center/message or email us at questions@identityatthecenter.com....
Mar 30, 2020•36 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast