Episode description
Jim and Jeff talk with Mary Berg, Vice President of Channels and Alliances with CloudBridge, about the IGA trends she is seeing before going into what the IGA sales cycle is like.
Show Links:
Connect with Mary on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marybergbroyles/
SecurEnds: https://www.securends.com/
Clear Skye: https://clearskye.com/
SATH ID Hub: https://idhub.sath.com/
Ilantus: https://www.ilantus.com/
Connect with Jim and Jeff on LinkedIn:
Jim McDonald: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmcdonaldpmp/
Jeff Steadman: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffsteadman/
Visit the show at www.IdentityAtTheCenter.comand follow @IDACPodcast on Twitter.