In this episode, Jordan & Kylie talk about... Challenges that arise when you are going to share your message publicly; The key principles of growing your business through social media (and in general); Overcoming people-pleasing and other mindset shifts for showing up boldly and authentically; and more! About Kylie Larson Kylie Larson is a mom, wife, entrepreneur, and coach. In a former life she was in corporate America, unsure of herself and lost, looking for something more. In 2008 she complet...
Jan 25, 2022•51 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast Ever feel like you are chasing after what you want and it leaves you feeling like you're just endlessly spinning your wheels? If you're ready to step into getting the TRACTION that you really desire this year... this one's for YOU! Connect with Jordan on Instagram @jordanypendleton
Jan 21, 2022•14 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Melinda talk about... The root causes of people-pleasing and the need for approval from others; Healing the need to please, where to start, and tools for breaking any addictive pattern; How high-achievers can have grace for themselves as they are forming new habits and breaking through old patterns; The power of facing our own mortality and the desire to leave a legacy; And MUCH more! About Melinda Jacobs As an International Intuitive Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist, ...
Jan 18, 2022•47 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast So many entrepreneurs and leaders that I know (myself included) struggle with truly owning their gifts in fear of coming off as arrogant or self-involved. Here are my 2 cents :) Attend Denver Rising Leaders and/or Donate to Support Families Affected by the Boulder Fires Connect with Jordan on Instagram @jordanypendleton
Jan 14, 2022•14 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Christine Hernandez interviews Lead on Purpose host, Jordan Pendleton. They talk about: Jordan's fear of not being liked, accepted or validated and how she has continued to move through this; The importance of taking responsibility for ourselves and our blame; Making difficult decisions in times of transition for the higher good; And ohhh so much more! About Jordan Pendleton Jordan Pendleton is passionate about helping purpose-driven entrepreneurial leaders create authentic, sus...
Jan 11, 2022•44 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan shares some key insights that we often overlook in our "goal setting" or New Years Resolutions. Check-in with these 3 points to make sure you are ready to go! About Jordan Pendleton Leadership & Mindset Coach with BOLD Leader Collective Jordan Pendleton is passionate about helping purpose-driven entrepreneurial leaders create authentic, sustainable, soul-fulfilling success! Through her podcast, online courses, and coaching programs, Jordan guides others to uncover their a...
Jan 07, 2022•21 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast Formerly Created on Purpose got a facelift! Welcome to the newly rebranded Lead on Purpose 🎉 Tune into this episode to hear a bit more about the direction and intentions for this new season and what Jordan is committed to bringing her listeners. If you are a creative or an entrepreneurial leader that wants to make an impact in your life, relationships, clients, community, industry, or the world through your life and work... then you are in the right place! It's time to unlock your message and g...
Jan 04, 2022•27 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast After 75 episodes downloads, 5,500 downloads, and 9 months since the launch, I've been taking some notes of what's been landing and what our audience is truly desiring! In this episode, I (your host, Jordan) share what's to come for 2022 including the reveal of a new name that will be launching. I also include some tips for closing out your year well and setting yourself up for success in the New Year! Grateful to have you here Cheers, Jordan Pendleton Connect with Jordan on Instagram https://ww...
Dec 28, 2021•20 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Lena talk about... The power and need for diving into the aspects of ourselves that we have the most shame, insecurity, or fear about; How we can transform our darkness into claiming our personal power; The difference between control and personal power; and more! About Lena Papdopoulos Lena is a life-purpose coach and award-winning intercultural educator. She helps impact-driven visionaries and change-makers cultivate the clarity, courage, and confidence to embrace thei...
Dec 21, 2021•37 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast This episode mentions a quote from an Instagram post that Adam Grant made a few weeks ago that says... "The hallmark of an open mind: not letting your ideas become your identity. If you define yourself by your opinions, questioning them is a threat to your identity. If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of growth." Jordan breaks this down, why it's so hard, and how to start bringing curiosity in to untangle your beliefs and your identity. C...
Dec 17, 2021•18 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Anna & Jordan talk about... Anna's upbringing in a religious cult; The importance of knowing your true identity; Where we put our identity and how to unwind our identity from our beliefs and world views; How to be more accepting and loving during a time when we are feeling pressured to put a steak in our beliefs; and more! About Anna Becker Guzman Anna was born and raised, in a religious cult, under total control, conformity, and a toxic view of God, herself, and the world. Afte...
Dec 14, 2021•43 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast Come to Denver Rising Leaders! Thursday, December 16th from 3:30-5pm MST at Thrive Workspace - Ballpark. Register here: Connect with Jordan about Upcoming Programs Connect with Jordan on Instagram @jordanypendleton...
Dec 10, 2021•14 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Nora talk about... The changes, challenges, and struggles that we have gone through in the last 2 years; How to find what matters most to you amidst the struggle; The importance of acknowledging ourselves amidst everything we are going and working through; How to give yourself the gift that we give everyone else; and MORE! About Nora Nora A'Bell has spent most of her career in marketing and advertising, building business groups for small business owners, and most recent...
Dec 07, 2021•36 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast Denver Rising Leaders 3rd Thursday of the Month in Denver! Next event: Thurs, Dec. 16 from 3:30-5pm MST Register here! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton
Dec 03, 2021•16 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast In today's episode, Jordan & Tara talk about... Living their lives from a headspace and how they learned to reintegrate their emotions; The masculine and feminine energies and why we need both; Working as a female in a male-dominated industry and the challenges that come with that; How to engage more vulnerability and empathy in your work relationships (and all relationships); and more! About Tara McFarland Tara's passion for bringing this conversation to the Engineering industry and starting my...
Nov 30, 2021•57 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Catherine talk about... Catherine's beautiful life story and how she came across hope honestly; The common misconceptions of hope and how our modern definition leaves out the essence of what hope really is; How to find hope in your life that is sustainable and not fleeting; Living in the present moment and releasing fear and worry; and more! About Catherine Hammond Catherine is an award-winning estate planning attorney, public speaker, author, and life transition guide....
Nov 23, 2021•52 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast There are times in all of our lives when it becomes clear that it's time to make a decision to stay or go. But those feelings of fear and discomfort are sometimes a calling to sink in and work through OR time to give our permission to leave something we've probably hated for a long time. Learning what to say "yes" and "no" to are key on our path to purpose and standing in our highest leadership! Let's talk it through... Connect with Jordan Follow me on Instagram @jordanypendleton...
Nov 19, 2021•14 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Nate & Jordan talk about... Navigating the unknown and building faith when our plans get messed up; The art of surrendering our expectations; How to press into "this is happening FOR me" (instead of feeling like a victim to our circumstances; and MORE! About Nate Ewert Nate started his healing career in 2000. His private sessions have evolved over the years from general injury massage to being able to aid in healing and awakening in all areas of life. Several conscious openings ...
Nov 16, 2021•44 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast We are ALL humans that get sick, injured, etc. and we ALL need rest in order to be our best selves. Do you struggle with actually taking the rest that you need, through? If so, you aren't alone. Join guest host Christine Hernandez, CEO of the BOLD Leader Collective today as she walks us through the importance of resting as a leader! She shares 3 tips for taking the rest that our bodies and minds actually need. Connect with Christine: LinkedIn: Ins...
Nov 12, 2021•9 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Heather & Jordan talk about... Changing the narrative of what it means to be a "badass" in business; The evolving technological landscape and its impacts on our mental health; How to form a healthy relationship with technology and be leaders for future generations and our children; Bringing your full self to your business; and more! About Heather Parady Heather is a mental health therapist turned online entrepreneur where she helps outside the box leaders bring their services on...
Nov 10, 2021•44 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast For most of my life, I've overthought, overanalyzed, and overprocessed just about every decision I made. At a certain point a couple of years ago, I was so stuck in my head that I couldn't even make simple daily decisions without becoming paralyzed. It was eating up so much of my day and honestly, it just doesn't FEEL good. Over the last few years, I've gained some tools and awareness that have been incredibly helpful! I do not consider myself "anxious" or an "overthinker" anymore. Hope you enjo...
Nov 05, 2021•18 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, David & Jordan talk about... David's journey from being an Olympic swimmer to the corporate world and choosing a "new path"; What's possible when we create a vision for our lives; Forming a good relationship with our Limiting Beliefs and Ego to break though the patterns that keep us "stuck"; The power that we have in creating a life that we truly love; And more! About David Karasek David Karasek is a former Olympic swimmer for Switzerland. When his swimming career ended, David c...
Nov 02, 2021•50 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast If you are a human, that means you probably have judgments - about yourself and others. But we often stop there or we make ourselves feel bad about judging someone! In this episode, Jordan offers a new perspective of judgment and how to dive into it for greater personal growth as well as forming deeper and more healthy relationships. Connect with Jordan on Instagram! @jordanypendleton
Oct 29, 2021•21 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Shane & Jordan talk about... Breaking down stigmas around money and when to start having conversations about money; Looking at money as a tool and how to align what you value with your spending, saving, and investing; Why we continue to perpetuate patterns with money and how to break free from them; The importance of incremental improvements with our finances; and SO much more! About Shane Bauman Shane Bauman has been in the Financial Services industry since 2011. During his 10+...
Oct 26, 2021•45 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast When we are working towards our goals and building our businesses, a lot of times strategy can fall short. And it's not because the strategy doesn't work, it's because we aren't grounded! We haven't taken the time to create a solid foundation to build on and we don't have our OWN compass that we are navigating on. Tune in to this episode to learn the 5 essential elements for building YOUR foundation for life & biz. Connect with Jordan on Instagram! Boo...
Oct 22, 2021•23 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Christine & Jordan talk about... Their experiences, good and bad, with the coaching industry and how they have grown through these; What they wish they would have known before working with a coach; The required elements for a successful coaching relationship and how true transformation works; How to get the most out of a coaching relationship as a client; and more! About Christine Hernandez Christine Hernandez is on a mission in this world is to help people live bold in their re...
Oct 19, 2021•43 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast When we are "called" to do something or desire to truly live and walk in our purpose, it's not always "easy". There's this whole inner game and battle that can kick in that not everyone sees! In this episode, Jordan talks about this contrast of this path being really freaking hard but also deeply meaningful and incredible! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton Book a Discovery Sesh:
Oct 15, 2021•13 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast In this Episode, Jeni & Jordan talk about.... Their past careers and mindsets and what they have learned about themselves and success; How their subconscious programming was setting them up for feelings of fulfillment; Redefining success for ourselves and throwing out the old measuring sticks for success; and so much more!! About Jeni Thomas Jeni Thomas is a Career Fulfillment and Mindset coach with RevenueTribe. As a Mindset Coach Jeni leads her clients through a structured coaching process to ...
Oct 12, 2021•43 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan talks about the main reasons that lead to discontentment, unhappiness, and sometimes purposelessness. What we are expecting of ourselves, our lives, and of others is very powerful. Learn how to tighten that gap and increase your happiness overall! Connect with Jordan Instagram: @jordanypendleton
Oct 08, 2021•10 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Jordan & Sarah talk about... What anger is, healthy ways to view it, and how to process it effectively; Rewiring how we see emotion societally; Anger's role in the grief process and how grief is not a logical thing; Breaking free from societal expectations and pressures of what we are to be and look like with our emotions to allow space for whatever we are experiencing; and more! About Sarah Caleb Sarah Caleb is a mindset coach that specializes in working with pioneers and creat...
Oct 05, 2021•1 hr 3 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast