Hey everyone, it is so good to be back on here making podcasts! I am excited to find time weekly to create for yall! Anyways, I am back and want to share what has been going on in my life with you and use it as encouragement for each of you and the seasons of life you are in. Also, I am going to share my thoughts on the war happening in the middle east currently and how we as Christians can go about it. FOLLOW ME ON IG https://www.instagram.com/just_zacht/...
Oct 19, 2023•54 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast Todays topic is one that hits near and dear to my life and we are going to get real as we talk about porn. Too many of us think we need someone in our life (besides Christ) that can fix our sin issues. Well I am here to tell you it doesn't work that way! My desperate plea to each and everyone of you is to flee sin, repent and confess what it is you are living in. Whether that is porn or something else, the most important relationship is with Jesus!
Feb 27, 2023•35 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Dealing with insecurities is always hard and I desperately want to remind each person who is listening to this today that God loves you and He is Victorious! I hope that through todays episode, God will work in mighty ways in the lives of those who are listening. As I share some of my biggest insecurities and the challenges that come with it, my prayer is for me the podcaster and you the listener to relate. Thank you all for listening to this podcast! Follow me on my socials IG - just_zach...
Feb 16, 2023•44 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast In todays podcast I have a special guest on and it is my amazing wife. I am so excited to kick off this new year with her on fight the good fight. We are going to share some insight on dating, engagement and marriage as a young couple who's desire is to see God's name be known. We have taken an interest in talking about some of this stuff and even though we have only been married a few months I believe we offer a unique perspective on it. I hope you all enjoy todays podcast!...
Jan 02, 2023•1 hr 11 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Christmas is here and I am super duper excited for it! The birth of our Savior is what we will ultimately celebrate, but what a time it is to gather with our family and friends and live life with them? We have these amazing opportunities in life to gather together and praise the Lord for everything. Make sure to eat some cookies and not to rip the presents open too violently. Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Dec 21, 2022•44 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever felt alone or unworthy of God's Grace? In todays podcast I am going to share a little about my life journey and how I have struggled with these things myself. We all have unique experiences in life and they are valid and they matter. Join me in todays podcasts as I dive into this! Thank you all for listening to this podcast! Follow me on my socials IG - just_zacht Youtube - Zachary Ward Patreon - zacharytward
Dec 12, 2022•40 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Hey everyone, so I had the great honor and privilege to preach my very first Sunday sermon and I wanted to share that with you all today on my newest season of this podcast. I have been gone for awhile now, but I am super excited to be back and with each one of you. My hearts desire is to see God transform lives like only He can do. And as I talked about in Ephesians 2, we once were dead, but God who is rich in mercy poured out His Grace upon us and said you are New. I pray that each day your li...
Nov 28, 2022•47 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast This may be one of the most challenging podcasts I have ever made. I really believe up until this point I had still hid behind this one. And now that I have finally made this I feel free! This is something that I have been desperately wanting to share. Always tossing to and fro wondering if it was the right time. Well now is the right time! I hope that this one will encourage many, convict many and that maybe spark something in the lives of my listeners! All to often we hide behind this mask tha...
Mar 07, 2022•1 hr 3 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast I am so happy to be back in the saddle and here with you all! I have missed yall a lot and just excited to bring you todays topic of being fully devoted to Christ! In most of our lives I would be willing to say you are similar to me in that you have never fully devoted yourself to God. We live a half in, half out life and we wonder why we have no joy! It is because we miss Him. And sure we are gonna fail and no one here on earth is perfect but we need to seek after the Lord! HOW? 1. Repent...
Feb 24, 2022•46 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast I suppose this isn't something that I only struggle with, but I really needed to share this with you all. I mean I have gone on too long pretending that I am just doing absolutely fantastic and the truth is I am not. So I wanted to make todays podcast as a way to share that with you all and also encourage others who may be dealing with similar things. First place we have to start is in Genesis. I mean we see how Satan tricked and lied to man in order that they would turn against the Lord. ...
Feb 07, 2022•47 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Life can be really challenging some days and I find it hard to balance the challenges and choosing to find joy! In todays podcast that is exactly what we are gonna do, we are going to tackle this together and ultimately look to the Lord. My hope and prayer for each of you today is to let go of this weight you are carrying and let the Lord carry it. May you be encouraged and find your True Joy in the Savior! Follow me on my socials IG - zachary_ward98 Youtube - Zachary Ward Patreon - zachar...
Jan 27, 2022•38 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast It is a new year and oh how I am absolutely stoked to be back! We have lots to go over as we enter this new year and a lot to look back at as well. I am obviously beyond grateful to each and every one of you for being so foundational to why I am here creating this content for you. You may never fully understand this, but I am so grateful for yall. I look forward to many new things and the continuation of other things as we enter this year. So hop on board and join me as we dive into a new season...
Jan 10, 2022•36 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast One of the biggest shows on Netflix and a real attention grabber. A show that has pulled in so many invested watchers and now is just slowly fading out. But I have an important question to ask each Christian that will take the time to listen to this episode...should you watch Squid Games? There could be lots of controversial things said today, maybe a few funny side notes, but all in all I believe we can all walk away from todays episode with a lot of thinking to do and some encouragement from t...
Nov 15, 2021•28 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast So many people have completely screwed up the true meaning of love in our day and age. It breaks my heart to see such lostness, but then I am quickly reminded that I once was walking in darkness. I was lost and didn't even care. But we know love has a genuine side to it, not a worldly interpretation but a Biblical one. And in todays episode I want to dive headfirst into what genuine love really looks like. Will you join me? Follow me on my socials IG - zachary_ward98 Youtube - Zachary Ward...
Oct 25, 2021•41 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast Nothing is more important for us as Christ followers than to understand and know the Lord and all that He has done! What is also important is walking in obedience to His Word and knowing that He has a plan. We often times get so caught up in the moment that we forget that as a Christian we are in a long term, battle plan oriented life! We can't go back and forth between our flesh and Jesus. It is one or the other. Follow me on my socials IG - zachary_ward98 Youtube - Zachary Ward Patreon -...
Sep 23, 2021•36 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Do you hate sin? Are you currently living in sin? Well in todays podcast we are going to be tackling the topic of sin and why we must hate sin and flee from it! This is a serious issue that is prevalent in our day and age and if we don't tackle it we will find ourselves in a place of true emptiness. Will you join me as I talk about this topic and also consider subscribing to my patreon page as a tier 1, tier 2 or tier 3 patron!
Sep 08, 2021•34 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Every day we all are faced with the same battle. Do we choose to live for Christ or do we Choose to live for Christ? It shouldn't be a hard decision yet it is! Why is this and what can we do to be ALL IN for the Lord? Sin should cause us to get sick inside. We should hate everything about sin and want nothing to do with it. But it is so enticing, just a little won't hurt. This is the lie that the enemy will feed you. And my plea is that we would run away from sin and run to the...
Aug 31, 2021•36 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast This is a challenging subject to tackle and I am not just saying that because I am single, but I am saying it because it ties in with so many other topics as well. But I wanna ask each of you today are you truly content being single? If someone were to ask me that question, I would probably respond with, how long? The sad truth is, it shouldn't matter. We should be looking to pursue the Lord not someone else. Yet we do pursue the human above the creator. My hope through todays episode is to give...
Aug 25, 2021•36 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Our world is hurting and it has been since the beginning of time. That is ever since man sinned against God in the Garden. But every day we have a choice to live for Christ and walk in the light or live for the world and walk in darkness. My hope and desperate prayer is that everyone would come to know and believe in Christ! Nothing matters to me more than to see people walk in the True Light!
Aug 18, 2021•39 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast We live in a very sad and messed up world. But what can we do about it and how should we act? Well the truth is, we are most certainly going about it the wrong way. When was the last time you shared the name of Jesus with someone? If we love people enough, we won't tell them to do this or that. No we will share the GOOD NEWS with them! Join me in todays podcast as we talk about some of the ins and outs of todays world and what truly matters!
Aug 11, 2021•38 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast So many of us want to live a daily, Godly life. But why is it so hard sometimes? Or what are those practical things we can do to truly walk with the Lord? I know for me this is a very important step. I know I don't spend nearly enough time walking with my Savior as I should. But we don't have to beat ourselves up about, let's grow though...together!
Aug 02, 2021•34 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast As I just celebrated my 23rd birthday I look back and reflect on all that the Lord has done and brought me through! I know for each of us this past year has been quite an adventure so I think we have all had some time to reflect on things. One of the hardest things about this past year is how isolation has shown its ugly face in the lives of so many. In todays episode I hope to encourage you as we fight this fight each day. Let's do it side by side with the Lord! Also, today is the last episode ...
May 10, 2021•37 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast No, I am not asking you all to go pick fights or anything of the sort. But I do hope that you all will consider to put that white flag down and keep pressing forward. Life is full of hardships and challenges, but it should be to Christ that we look! In todays episode we will be tackling this idea of the weight that may be crushing down on you and all the challenges you are faced with each day. Join me as we dive into this and be encouraged by the truth of the Gospel!
May 03, 2021•38 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast A testimony can be a very powerful thing! But one thing that must be said is how we need to make it less about us and more about God! That is what I hope to do today as I share my testimony and answer three questions. May each of you walk away from todays episode transformed by the Gospel and not by my story.
Apr 26, 2021•40 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast All of us deal with some sort of insecurity and in some different ways. But it doesn't devalue each persons struggle and fight with it. I hope and pray through this episode that each one of us can be encouraged and grow! This always first starts with the Lord and what He has already said, so let us never forget!
Apr 19, 2021•37 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it! How true is this in your life? Better yet, how often do you miss the Lord working in your life because you are stuck in the current? As someone who was in the current and still fights the current, I hope to encourage each person that listens to this. Because if we try to do this alone we will always find ourselves stuck in the current.
Apr 12, 2021•41 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us walk through life casually and without a deep understanding of what it truly means to claim ourselves as Christ-Followers! Today I want to dive head first into some Hard Hitting Truths as well as some Good News Truths! Join me today as we enter into the scriptures!
Apr 05, 2021•40 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast We don’t always understand the way God works, but He is ALWAYS at work! I want today’s podcast to be an encouragement first and then to help us think. Remember you aren’t alone and God loves you!
Mar 29, 2021•34 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast A lot has happened in just the past few weeks and I am not sure I can accurately explain it in a few words or even 30 minutes! I do hope however that if you find your self in the midst of suffering that you will find some peace. We know as Christ followers that this life isn't easy, that we can't expect to live a life of comfort or ease. From my Grandpas death to South Carolina and now back home...here is my story of the past few weeks!
Mar 22, 2021•38 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast I believe we all can say loneliness is a real thing. Especially in this day and age with everything going on. But how can Christ-Followers and even those who don’t follow Christ combat this loneliness? In this episode I will delve into this very topic!
Mar 02, 2021•40 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast