I suppose this isn't something that I only struggle with, but I really needed to share this with you all. I mean I have gone on too long pretending that I am just doing absolutely fantastic and the truth is I am not. So I wanted to make todays podcast as a way to share that with you all and also encourage others who may be dealing with similar things.
First place we have to start is in Genesis. I mean we see how Satan tricked and lied to man in order that they would turn against the Lord. And it worked and now because of that we are all doomed and in need of a Savior.
It is important that you know that for most my life I have taken on the weight of everyone else's issues and struggles and have neglected to take care of my own. I have been good my whole life at putting up this front that I am okay. I take on the weight of everyone around me without first letting go of mine.
How Do We Keep Going?
1. It is only by and through His Grace (2nd Timothy 1:8-10)
2. Finding Rest in Him Alone (Matthew 11:28-30)
3. Devoting Yourself to the Scriptures
4. Read Psalms on Repeat (Psalm 23)
5. Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7)
6. Community (Galatians 6)
7. Let Go! This is one I honestly fail at miserably, but I find it vitally important. (1st Peter 5:7)
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