Wanna attract people without being a salesy spammer? This changes everything in your network marketing business! Once you understand the power or curiosity and attraction marketing, you start showing up differently, you start creating content with a different perspective. These are the methods we use for our success! “Lead with value, lead with content that will help your audience know you, like you and trust you.” 00:00 - Episode intro 02:30 - Whether you have small or big goals, this conversat...
Apr 25, 2023•13 min•Ep 243•Transcript available on Metacast Let me guess: You’re not good at recruiting. That’s ok, we all start somewhere! Recruiting is the number 1 skill that will help you succeed in network marketing. That means you gotta get good at it! So let’s talk about it and build up your confidence so you can become a recruiting machine! “Say it with me: I’m not afraid to reach out to people. I’m not afraid of crossing people off my list!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:10 - You will start to love recruiting after listening to this 03:13 - Doing the...
Apr 20, 2023•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Is ChatGPT taking over your job? Will your next TikTok video go viral? Is Facebook dead? We’ve done the research, and we have all the answers! These are our top social media predictions for 2023 to help your Network Marketing Business thrive. “If all social media disappeared, would you be able to grow your business?” 00:00 - Episode intro 04:01- Social media in 2023 will be a little messy. Here’s why 08:06 - Let’s talk about trends and what you should test and tweak this year 11:43 - Short-form ...
Apr 18, 2023•30 min•Ep 241•Transcript available on Metacast Wealth creation starts with cutting down on your spending and getting smart with money. We had to learn that the hard way! We’ve put all our knowledge into this training, especially aimed at our friends in the Network Marketing community. Having a home-based business is an amazing opportunity, but nobody teaches you about money mindset. That changes today! (This is not financial advice.) “What’s the point of making more money if you don’t get to keep what you worked so hard to earn?” 00:00 - Epi...
Apr 13, 2023•35 min•Ep 240•Transcript available on Metacast You can create a full-time income in network marketing! Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes! The question is: how bad do you want it? Here’s what you need to stop playing around with to turn this into a business instead of a hobby. “Nothing changes if you don’t.” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:13 - One big truth about building a massive network marketing business 05:42 - You don’t need to know everything before you do anything. Here’s what it means 08:33 - If you have a bad upline, here’s what you can...
Apr 11, 2023•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast The economy is stopping your network marketing business from growing? You don’t know enough people? Don’t have enough time in the day? You’re too shy to make videos or stories? That’s ok. It’s normal to feel that way! But life is short, time flies and it’s not waiting for you. So shift your mindset and master these 5 factors to become a top earner! “There’s people out there winning who have less resources than you, less time, less creativity, less everything! They have more ambition, more drive,...
Apr 06, 2023•14 min•Ep 238•Transcript available on Metacast Short viral videos are awesome, and I've seen so many people grow their business thanks to them! But does anyone remember the basic stuff we did on social media before TikTok & Instagram existed? Here's why you need to go back to basics for your network marketing business. "When the algorithm is no longer in your favor, it's time for a restart, time to go back to basics." 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:29 - Discover where most of your ideal people are at with this strategy 05:40 - Start doing this eve...
Apr 04, 2023•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Prospect, recruit & duplicate, that’s the holy trinity of your network marketing business. You stop doing one of those and things start to slow down! Rob Sperry knows how to keep the ball rolling to eventually have your best recruiting month ever. “There’s nothing more important than having new business conversations every day. How? Reach out to more people.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:12 - This is the #1 Skill you need to focus on if you want to make a full-time income 02:49 - 3 major keys you ne...
Mar 30, 2023•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Social media is an amazing way to build your network marketing business, but the basics & fundamentals of the profession are never going out of fashion. Let's talk about the daily money-making activities you should do if you're serious about growing your business. And if you're struggling, going back to basics is gonna launch you forward. "The struggle ends when you change your mindset, when you realize you're the CEO of your business, and you actually start treating it like a million-dollar opp...
Mar 28, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Selling without sounding like you’re selling, that’s curiosity marketing! I’m sharing some great ideas and tips to help you build curiosity for your network marketing business using social media. And the best part is, you already have all the tools you need to implement this! “How would you promote something you’re not making money on? Like a movie or a restaurant. That’s where curiosity marketing starts!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:43 - Master these two skills to attract more eyeballs to you 04:4...
Mar 23, 2023•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Making money in your sleep, time freedom, a legacy for your family. These things sure sound great! How bad do you want them? Your network marketing business has the potential to give you all of this and more! But there’s a catch: it’s not easy & it takes time. Are you willing to do the work to build an empire? “If you love your company and believe in your products & opportunity, you’re becoming unstoppable!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:09 - Most people say they'd do this, but before you do, hear th...
Mar 21, 2023•13 min•Ep 233•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna launch your network marketing business successfully? I’ve seen many people fail, quit, give up, come back and disappear again! I’m giving you the best tips to get started, get momentum and keep going as far as you want to go! “The reason why you’re in this business is more powerful than the ingredients of any product. Share your story!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:20 - Here’s what it really looks like to have a simple and duplicatable onboarding system 04:18 - As a leader here’s how you ident...
Mar 16, 2023•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you’re stuck thinking about what to ask prospects, you’re overthinking it! There’s no magic phrase that will grow your network marketing business, in fact, some of these questions are stupid simple! “How you say it matters more than the exact words you actually say! Enthusiasm is contagious!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:24 - This simple statement can lead to a million things 03:14 - Get your prospects talking with these variations of questions 04:25 - Don’t miss this script when you do your dail...
Mar 14, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast You don’t suck at recruiting. We all start our network marketing business with zero recruiting skills, it’s like we forget how to speak human! The good news is: You can get better! You can build an amazing team! “I love what I do and how it changes lives. Why wouldn’t I share it?” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:23 - Most people suck at recruiting because of this common reason 05:31 - If popping the question scares you, this conversation is for you 09:06 - A mindset shift for you if you are building a ...
Mar 09, 2023•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your upline went missing after you signed up? Can’t rely on your direct sponsor? It’s great to have someone you can get support from, but we’re talking about YOUR network marketing business here! This is what you should do to get into action and adopt a CEO mentality. “I learnt the most from my bad uplines, and I became the leader I always wish I had.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:06 - This sounds funny, but it is true in the Network Marketing space 03:00 - If you are a leader or aspire to be one, y...
Mar 07, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast You can’t just hand a steak to a baby, right? Network Marketing is a big steak! New recruits are your babies.You need to give them small portions, hold their hand, teach them how to walk and be independent. It takes time, patience and for you to be a better leader. Here’s how to manage your new recruits. “Be the leader you wish you had.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:26 - Every recruiter in the Network Marketing space needs to hear this 06:06 - Three main things you need to know if you’re a leader or...
Mar 02, 2023•13 min•Ep 228•Transcript available on Metacast Having teams around the world is making money while you sleep! How do you reach out to someone in another continent though? How do you grow a team in another language? Frazer Brookes is here to guide you on the first steps to building an international network marketing business! “Before you go global, make sure you’ve done your work at home.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:40 - Two things you need to know before you start building a team internationally 05:08 - Don't miss this Facebook Hack when findi...
Feb 28, 2023•18 min•Ep 227•Transcript available on Metacast If an hour of your time was worth $1,000, would you hire someone to help you in your business? We’ve made it to the top of the Network Marketing business, but we didn’t do it alone. Our team is what helped us get to where we are. Here’s how to outsource and build your empire. “You can do everything, but you can’t do it all.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 03:15 - Your successful outsourcing process starts with this 08:16 - If you constantly see yourself doing these on repeat, it's time to outsource 11:34...
Feb 23, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast You’re the only one working hard in your network marketing business and your team is doing nothing. I know, I believe you! Let’s dig deep, fix your prospecting and recruiting, all the way up to a system and helping your team get results and stay involved! “Not everyone has the same commitment because everyone has different goals. Ask them what they are!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:21 - You need to stop telling yourself or other people these 04:18 - Here’s how to know if you recruited a unicorn 08:...
Feb 21, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast What Justin Prince and I have been through should have made us quit Network Marketing years ago! We’ve grown our business through good economy, bad economy, crashes, pandemics… you name it! Here’s how to grow your business, no matter what. “The economy is bad for everyone right now. You can either make excuses or get results!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:43 - Three things you can do to grow and stand out online during trying times 09:02 - A simple mindset shift to bring back the fire and passion in...
Feb 16, 2023•16 min•Ep 224•Transcript available on Metacast I made a list of all the reasons why you’re not recruiting people for your network marketing business. I used to hate recruiting too! But things start to change once you get over it and make the decision to get better. “The 3 most important things in Network Marketing: Recruiting, Recruiting & Recruiting! And you have to do them in order!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:06 - If you struggle in recruiting and selling, you need to listen to this and start posturing up 03:34 - 3 common questions every pr...
Feb 14, 2023•17 min•Ep 223•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t feel bad if you didn’t recruit as many people as I did. Network Marketing is basically a personal development program with a compensation plan attached to it. The more you grow, the further you can take your business. Here’s everything that got me to where I am today. “When I got started, I was scared. But I did it anyway!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:29 - There’s no other way to 10X your network marketing business but doing this 04:26 - If you’re not yet where you want to be in your business...
Feb 09, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you building wealth or stacking up dollar bills? It’s time to have the money conversation for your Network Marketing Business, your family, your lifestyle, your legacy! And if you think money don’t come easy to you, there’s a stupid simple reason why. This is how we’ve been preparing for wherever the economy goes. “Building wealth over time means earning, learning and investing, without upgrading your lifestyle just yet.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:12 - A scarcity mindset is inevitable in the ...
Feb 07, 2023•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Network marketing is more than just recruiting and selling products, and this other side is the most impactful. These 5 mindset shifts can help you build a powerful business for your and your team, and the life you want for you and your family. “The road to success can get bumpy and scary, but we can tell you it’s worth it!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 03:33 - Here’s why we fell in love with this industry and why we say it’s the best on the planet 07:00 - Turn every frustration into fascination. Here’...
Feb 02, 2023•31 min•Ep 220•Transcript available on Metacast These Attraction Marketing strategies can help you get attention on social media. Your Network Marketing business doesn’t grow if you don’t attract the right people. The right people are those who relate to you, your story, your why… Here's how to reach them! “When you show up on social media, lead with value, education, entertainment and authenticity!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:38 - If you get better at doing this on a daily basis, you’ll sell more 04:32 - Three of the best ways to show up onlin...
Jan 31, 2023•26 min•Ep 219•Transcript available on Metacast Are you making these mistakes when selling and building a team in your network marketing business? If yes, don’t worry, even if you’re not good at these things right now, you can get better! “You’re either selling or getting sold. You’re either selling someone on why your business or product is awesome, or they’re selling you on why they’re not getting it.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:55 - These back-end activities are as important as you posting valuable content 03:59 - You are not working hard en...
Jan 26, 2023•16 min•Ep 218•Transcript available on Metacast Is it still possible to get leads for your network marketing business in 2023 with the economy slowing down and social media being saturated? Yes! Here’s 3 ideas to make attraction marketing work for you and your social selling strategy. “We challenge you to reach out to 10 people this week. Start with the people you already know, and keep going from there!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:50 - The best way to think about your Social Media if you’re in the Social Selling industry 04:19 - It is unbeliev...
Jan 24, 2023•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast What’s the plan for your network marketing business in 2023? I know you’re probably tired of the ‘new year’ theme by now, but I want you to take action and achieve your goals. The amazing Jennifer Serfer interviewed me this time, we talked about the year ahead and how you can make it a success! “When you get comfortable doing the uncomfortable, that’s when you start seeing massive change.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:46 - Two of the best skills you need to develop to start building your life around...
Jan 19, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Alex Morton has built a huge international team for his network marketing business. He’s been through ups and downs, and today he’s one of the best people to learn from in the industry. These are his best tips for you to make this year an explosive one. “Every time you share your business with someone, you’re giving that person an opportunity to change their life.” 00:00 - Episode Intro 02:01 - Social Media tips you can implement this year to get more attention online 05:19 - Consistently showin...
Jan 17, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast New year, new network marketing business strategy! Avoid these mistakes to transform your recruiting and team building in 2023. These are lessons I learnt after 20+ years in the industry. Today, I’m one of the top earners. “Inaction is your worst enemy. Don’t get stuck doing nothing just because your afraid to make mistakes!” 00:00 - Episode Intro 01:55 - Posting and talking about your business online is good, but not doing is a huge mistake 04:14 - Most people are afraid to show up online becau...
Jan 12, 2023•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast