Tune in to hear: - What has Tim found helpful in helping clients to articulate their life purpose in a practical way? - What is an effective life planning strategy for ultra-high net worth individuals that don’t have a super specific “raison d’etre?” - How can we practically communicate to clients that they are whole and how do we create an environment that encourages them to draw from their internal resources? - Does Victor Frankl or Logo Therapy have anything to teach us about how to connect w...
Oct 27, 2022•46 min•Ep 223•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - A criticism that sometimes crops up is: what if this advisor didn’t sign up to be a therapist? What would Ashley say to this critique and what is the baseline set of therapeutic skills necessary for the average advisor? - When should a financial advisor make a referral to a mental health practitioner? - What is circular questioning and what is an example of where an advisor might apply this technique? - From a high level perspective, what is the notion of “stages of change rea...
Oct 20, 2022•45 min•Ep 222•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What can magic teach us about behavioral science and psychology and how does Paul marry these two worlds together? - How do magicians see the world differently? Does magic make you more or less skeptical and do you now move through the world differently as a result of knowing about the art of how the mind fools us and how we fool each other? - What are the evolutionary origins of behavioral bias and what are the implications of overcoming them? - In his years of study in the f...
Oct 13, 2022•1 hr 7 min•Ep 221•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Dr. Hunt often questions - why am I hearing this now? Why is Dr. Hunt calling for greater thoughtfulness around timing? - How can we be thoughtful about “weaponized narratives” without succumbing to seeing boogeyman around every corner? - How do we think about this narrative formation process when it comes from the inside out? Is that something we should be seeking to do proactively or should we avoid it to truly be our “authentic selves?” - How can one “let their freak flag f...
Oct 06, 2022•45 min•Ep 220•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Is this an era of particularly anti-college sentiments? - How can we incentivize the shift to better align societal needs with colleges? - How should you think about and weigh the personal passion angle vs. the job security angle when counseling families on potential college paths? - On average, how does being college educated affect one’s life in a broader sense (e.g. divorce rates, personal health)? - Are there any clear downsides to college education? If so, what are some g...
Sep 29, 2022•43 min•Ep 219•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What is the role of personal myth making in ameliorating the psychological crisis of modernity that we find ourselves in? - Thinking about the current state of generalized despair at play in the world - are we consuming the wrong messages as we move through the world? - What is the 1st step in Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey? - Why aren’t we answering the call to adventure and, realistically, are we all able to answer it? - What’s the explore / exploit dissonance? - How can w...
Sep 22, 2022•40 min•Ep 218•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Which of the ideas from ‘The Psychology of Money’ does Morgan find most useful in his own life? If he had to re-release the book today, what would he change about it or omit from the book? - What did Morgan expect readers to takeaway from the book and how does that contrast with the feedback he has received from readers? - How applicable does Morgan feel the lessons from his book are across cultures? - What’s the best conversation that Morgan has ever had about money and with ...
Sep 15, 2022•50 min•Ep 217•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Taylor was recently publicly criticized on social media. How did he think through how to thoughtfully craft his reaction to this and how did the community he's built help insulate him from this? - What role should community play for advisors and what can community provide that you couldn’t necessarily get through self-study or other means? - In setting up his podcast, what did Taylor find worked well and what ended up surprising him? - What differentiates marketing tactics and...
Sep 08, 2022•41 min•Ep 215•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What is “all duration investing” and what behavioral upside might this approach have for investors? - How can you better organize a bucketing approach to reflect those investments’ time horizons? - What about the tendency for all time horizons to become today in the face of behavioral pressure - how can we protect ourselves from this? - Why is the myth that “China owns the USA” constantly perpetuated? - A lot of people think quantitative easing is just printing money - why is ...
Sep 01, 2022•37 min•Ep 216•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - A lot of the best content creators in this industry are a bit edgy. How can very large companies create good content when they are almost, by definition, required to not be edgy? - If your brand wants to be honest about who they are - how do you begin to introspect and have that conversation? - What’s a potentially interesting brand collaboration for a fintech firm? - When is it appropriate for a brand to take advantage of a viral trend and when might it make sense for them to...
Aug 25, 2022•37 min•Ep 214•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What can Alex share about his financial literacy startup, Futurvest, and what needs or gaps did he see in the financial literacy space? - Knowing what we know about behavior, what does effective financial literacy education look like? - Is there a way we can take the fight of financial literacy to an institutional level? Also, is there any hope of having financial literacy win out when large companies often monetize people’s poor financial decisions? - If Alex had to do it all...
Aug 18, 2022•39 min•Ep 213•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the psychological mechanisms that make our vision of ourselves so cloudy at times? - If Melina hoped to draw out a deeply personal answer to the question “what are your financial goals,” how would she go about constructing the question? - What are the hallmarks of a psychologically sophisticated brand and what is the psychological impact of this authenticity? - What is the “surprise and delight” approach and why isn’t it more ubiquitous in customer service and...
Aug 11, 2022•54 min•Ep 212•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What does Ashvin propose as a better measure of investor success above risk adjusted returns? - What are the two main reasons why we invest? Ashvin thinks that, with a traditional portfolio, we will be disappointed with at least one of these two dimensions at any given moment - why is this the case? - What is the three-tiered investment approach that Ashvin came up with and how does it help ameliorate some of the disappointment implicit in investing? - How does this bucketing ...
Aug 04, 2022•30 min•Ep 211•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why is it often complicated to offer a simple and elegant solution for the common behavioral dilemmas that advisors face? - Why might psychological shortcuts potentially lead to gender bias in asset allocation? - Are there any salient differences between men and women, on average, in regards to risk tolerance? - How can we systematize the information gathering process during client intake in order to give more equitable advice? - Why is there often a discrepancy between where ...
Jul 28, 2022•33 min•Ep 210•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What role does positive psychology play in financial planning? More broadly, what is positive psychology and how is it differentiated from the popular conception of behavioral finance as the study of bias? - What is the “three good things” intervention and why does it work? Is it applicable in a financial context as well? - What do you do when someone attributes the best things in life to happenstance or luck? How can you potentially reorient this into something with a more in...
Jul 21, 2022•49 min•Ep 209•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - As one of the founders of the discipline of financial therapy, what light can Dr. Archuleta shed on the origin story of this unique discipline? - What are the lines of demarcation between financial planning, financial therapy and traditional therapy? Should financial planners look to make referrals, when necessary, for financial therapists or is this a largely academic discipline? - What’s a concrete example of a concern that is out of the scope of a traditional financial advi...
Jul 14, 2022•48 min•Ep 208•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How did Nick land on a kinder, more gentle approach, to personal finance? - What is the least conventional bit of financial advice that a reader may come across in Nick’s new book? - Nick’s new book states that most savings advice is problematic - where does he differ from the conventional wisdom with respect to savings advice? - How should we think about lifestyle creep from a data driven perspective? - How should people think about investing at a time when inflation is risin...
Jul 07, 2022•40 min•Ep 207•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - If Tim could personify himself as a guitar, what type of guitar would he be? - Tim thinks that engagement, performance and persuasion all begin with behavioral science and that behavioral science begins with the unconscious. What does this mean from a scientific perspective and how can we tap into these unconscious motivations? - The unconscious is pretty intensely guarded, and sometimes for good reason - how can we push through this and access information below the deck that ...
Jun 30, 2022•49 min•Ep 206•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - When we narrow down the financial advisors to those who we would trust to manage our spouse’s or parent’s finances, Steve thinks that we do so largely on behavioral factors alone. Which behavioral considerations make someone a trusted advisor? - From the outside looking in (i.e. if you don’t personally know an advisor beforehand), how can one make a determination about whether an advisor is going to be one of the handful of advisors that another advisor might entrust with thei...
Jun 23, 2022•39 min•Ep 204•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Jeff is known on Twitter for his complex deep dives into the world of tax legislation - what got him interested in this in the first place? - What is keeping us from a more simplified tax code? Is it really as complicated as it appears or is there some subterfuge here where the complexity is just a feature and not a bug? - When Jeff hears politicians and everyday people talking about tax schemes - which ideas sort of make him cringe and which ideas around taxation does he find...
Jun 16, 2022•49 min•Ep 205•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What was Drew’s experience studying under Richard Thaler like? - Drew thinks that you have to hold a willingness to be right and to be wrong in equal measure at all times - is this something that Thaler modeled in his behavior and how does he think about this in the context of his own firm? - What’s an analogy we can draw between Hank Aaron’s batting behavior and the act of picking stocks? - What are a few techniques Drew has discovered to de-bias his thinking a bit? - Drew is...
Jun 09, 2022•48 min•Ep 203•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Where are we at, as an industry, in terms of the application of behavioral sciences to the world of work? Where does Jez see us headed next or what’s his outlook for the industry? - Compared to something like tech, where does the financial industry fall on the adoption curve of behavioral sciences? - In what field might we have the next big, unexplored vertical jump for applied behavioral sciences? - What was the case study about helping regular folks save more money and what ...
Jun 02, 2022•43 min•Ep 202•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the primary drivers of asset flows from a behavioral perspective? - Soft factors account for a lot more of clients’ decision-making process about their assets - what is the takeaway, for asset managers and financial advisors, from this revelation? - What are the three different types of trust that Herman breaks down in his book? - Interpersonal trust might be the most important pillar of trust, as well as being the most within an advisor’s sphere of control. W...
May 26, 2022•54 min•Ep 201•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Has Kurt ever noticed a problem that isn’t ostensibly behavioral in nature that ended up being behavioral? - How can we craft a cohesive work culture without contributing to problems like group think? - From a leadership perspective, how can we open ourselves up to new ideas and not fall prey to confirmation bias? Also, if we are the person that’s going to question the status quo of an organization - how can we do that in a way that it’s likely to get picked up? - What is a wh...
May 19, 2022•37 min•Ep 200•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How did Peter get started reviewing frozen pizzas? - What is it that most people misunderstand about investing? - How does Peter, as an advisor, go about crafting a vivid and salient personal vision for his clients? - How can you bring clients back to a vision of their future selves in a difficult moment? - How, practically, does Peter try to maximize anxiety-adjusted returns when creating a portfolio? - What are some behavioral similarities between cake mixes and portfolios? ...
May 12, 2022•46 min•Ep 199•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How does technology shape the way we act? Sometimes we don’t even know the water that we are swimming in with regards to technology - how can this induce us to make good or poor decisions? - Is there a way that tech can facilitate some of the soft skills of client interaction (e.g. care, empathy and connection)? - What role should self-care, self-work and introspection play in advisors being better behavioral coaches for their clients? - When Natalie had realizations about per...
May 05, 2022•48 min•Ep 198•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How has Meb’s world, and domestic, travel shifted the way he thinks about investment? - What is Meb’s least popular idea about investing? - Why is it so important to codify and pre-commit to your own sell strategy? - What is Meb’s “red light, green light” approach? How does he think about market timing and tactical asset allocation? - Meb likes to give out free business ideas that he doesn’t have the bandwidth to take on himself. Has anyone ever run with one of these ideas and...
Apr 28, 2022•49 min•Ep 197•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the flimsy tethers in peoples’ lives that keep them from achieving financial greatness? - If an advisor’s number one job is not to make you money, what might it be? - What are the 11 different dimensions of wealth that Seth’s firm lays out? How did he arrive at these? - How do these provide a helpful framework for clients during times of crisis? - How do you balance giving your children a great amount of access without spoiling them or diminishing their self-r...
Apr 14, 2022•37 min•Ep 196•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How does Dr. Bookstaber think about and define risk in the most practical terms possible? - Does the way people like us talk about risk differ in an overly academic way from how people in the street think about it? - Which of the sort of commonly discussed current risks seem legitimate to Dr. Bookstaber and which might loom larger in peoples’ minds than they should? - Why aren’t geopolitical conflicts more catastrophic to the market than they are with how intertwined the globa...
Apr 07, 2022•49 min•Ep 195•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Dr. Portnoy says we’ve created a “Behavioral Finance entertainment complex that does very little to help real people make real decisions.” What does he mean by this? - Do you think we overlook the good behavioral finance has done because the good is subtle and simple? - What does he see as the good, the bad and the ugly of “nudging?” How can or can’t it be applied to the field of wealth management? - How can we make the distinction between normalizing clients’ maladaptive beha...
Mar 31, 2022•56 min•Ep 194•Transcript available on Metacast