Causes of sudden death, inclisiran, DOAC choices, and alcohol and VT/VF are the topics discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I – Causes of Sudden Death - Cardiac Device Interrogation After Death 'Richly Informative' - Postmortem Interrogation of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: A 15-Year Experience
Jan 07, 2022•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast PFO closure, trans-mitral procedures, yoga as therapy, and a year-end-review are the topics John Mandrola, MD, covers in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I – PFO Closure - Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects in an Analysis of Pooled Individual Patient Data From Randomized Trials of Device Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale After Stroke - Patent Foramen Ovale Closure—Harnessi...
Dec 17, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast AF triggers, rising BP during the pandemic, long COVID, cardiac arrest care, and social media are the topics John Mandrola, MD discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I – AF Triggers - Alcoholic Drinks Stand Out in Novel Trial Exploring AF Triggers - Individualized Studies of Triggers of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Dec 10, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast The AMAZE trial of left atrial appendage isolation, non-statin oral lipid lowering drugs, EHR alerts, non-MD care, and obesity are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I – aMAZE Trial - No Advantage Shown for LAA Ligation as Adjunct to Pulmonary Vein Isolation - Safety and Procedural Success of Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion With the Lariat Devi...
Dec 03, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast In AHA 2021 Part 1, John Mandrola, MD, reports on selected sessions from the virtual American Heart Association meeting. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - AVATAR - Early SAVR Tops Watchful Waiting in Severe, Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis: AVATAR - A ortic V alve Repl A cemen T versus Conservative Treatment in A symptomatic Seve R e Aortic Stenosis: The AVATAR Trial
Nov 19, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Left atrial appendage closure vs DOACs, TAVR vs SAVR, renal denervation, and an AHA 2021 preview are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - LAAC - PRAGUE-17: LAA Closure Holds Up Against DOACs Out to 4 Years - LAAO vs DOAC: PRAGUE-17 Falls Short - Left Atrial Appendage Closure versus Non-Warfarin Oral...
Nov 12, 2021•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast FFR-guided PCI, ISCHEMIA trial challenged, QFR, and one of the most important studies of 2021 are discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - FFR-Guided PCI - FFR-Guided PCI Falls Short vs CABG in Multivessel CAD: FAME 3 - Fractional Flow Reserve–Guided PCI as Compared with Coronary Bypass Surgery - The fa...
Nov 05, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast ESUS, CAC 0, Takotsubo syndrome, and chest pain are the topics John Mandrola, MD, covers in today’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I – ESUS Anticoagulation May Benefit Stroke Patients With LV Dysfunction - Left Ventricular Dysfunction Among Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source and the Effect of Rivaroxaban vs AspirinA Subgroup Analysis of the NAVIGATE ESUS Randomized Clinical Tri...
Oct 29, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Aspirin for primary prevention, induced hypothermia, half-dose DOAC, and social media, are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - ASA for Primary Prevention - USPSTF Rules Out Aspirin for Over 60s in Primary CVD Prevention - Aspirin Use to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Preventive Medication
Oct 22, 2021•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Two NEJM papers on mRNA-related myocarditis, AF and stroke, intensifying BP meds, and CCTA and high-sensitivity troponin are the topics John Mandrola, MD, covers in this week's podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I -- Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis New Reports Help Nail Down Myocarditis Risk With COVID-19 Vaccine • Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine against Covid-19 in Israel https://www.n...
Oct 08, 2021•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Coronary artery calcification and exercise, translating clinical trials, the question of metabolically healthy obesity, and Watchman complications are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - CAC and Physical Activity - Physical Activity Paradoxically Tied to Higher Coronary Calcium - Physical activity and the progression of coronary artery calci...
Oct 01, 2021•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dual antiplatelet therapy after PCI, statin side effects, nightshift work and AF, and a cautionary note regarding therapeutic enthusiasm in HF care are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - COVID - Alaska Sets Record for Daily COVID Cases II - MASTER DAPT - MASTER DAPT: 1 Month DAPT Enough After High-Bleeding-Risk PCI
Sep 24, 2021•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cardiac arrest care, finerenone, carotids, meds post TAVI: less is more and the new may not be as grand as the tried and true. John Mandrola, MD, provides a third ESC review. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - Cardiac Arrest Care - Angiography Can Wait for Cardiac Arrest Without ST-Elevation - Angiography after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest without ST-Segment Elevation
Sep 17, 2021•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast ESC Wrap-up Part II: EMPEROR-Preserved, and the STEP, Guide-HF, and IAMI trials, are discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: I - HFpEF - EMPEROR-Preserved: Empagliflozin Scores HFpEF Breakthrough - Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction II - BP Targets - STEP: Lowering Blood Pres...
Sep 10, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast EMPEROR-Preserved, the LOOP study, ablate-and-pace for AF, and salt substitute and stroke: John Mandrola, MD provides a first of two ESC reviews. To read a partial transcript or to comment, visit: 1 - HFpEF - EMPEROR-Preserved: Empagliflozin Scores HFpEF Breakthrough - Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction - Empagliflozin and Major Renal Outcom...
Sep 03, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19, NEJM vaccine safety paper, full-dose anticoagulation in COVID-19, AF and Exercise, and early results on EMPEROR-Preserved are the studies John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. 1 - COVID-19 - Heart Inflammation More Common After COVID Than After Vaccination - Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting 2 - Full dose AC in C...
Aug 27, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19, Simpson’s Paradox, LAA appendage closure, multimorbidity, and an ESC preview are the topics John Mandrola, MD discusses in today’s podcast. 1 - COVID-19 - Lacking Beds, Hospitals Ship COVID-19 Patients to Other States - Efficacy and Safety of Same-Day Discharge for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation 2 - Simpson’s Paradox - Israeli data: How can efficacy vs. severe disease be st...
Aug 20, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19, vaccine-induced myocarditis, Watchman complications, SGLT2 inhibitors, and cardiogenic shock are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. 1 - COVID-19 - 18 Months Later, the COVID-19 Memories Won’t Go Away 2 - Vaccine-Myocarditis - Myocarditis in Adolescents After COVID-19 Vaccine Typically Mild - Association of Myocarditis With BNT162b2 Messenger...
Aug 13, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast The COVID-19 surge, vaccine-induced myocarditis, Heart Rhythm news, the state of medical evidence, and doctors in unions are discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week's podcast. 1- COVID-19 Texas COVID-19 Wave Is Climbing More Steeply Than Past Waves White House Says US Can Provide COVID-19 Boosters if Needed 2- Vaccine-Myocarditis Myocarditis Tied to COVID-19 Shots More Commo...
Aug 06, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Two studies on alcohol and AF incidence and an important paper on stable CAD are the topics John Mandrola discusses in this week’s podcast. 1 - COVID-19 New Vaccinations Increasing in COVID Hot Spots 2 - Alcohol - Moderate Drinking Protective After MI, Stroke in 'Flawed' Study - Risk Thresholds for Total and Beverage-Specific Alcohol Consumption and Incident Atrial Fibrillation h...
Jul 30, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19 messaging, coffee, CTA and statins, and Watchman problems are the topics discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. 1- COVID-19: - COVID-19 Cases in US Triple Over 2 Weeks Amid Misinformation - Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines against the B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant - What Really Happened With that Weird Yankees COVID Outbreak
Jul 23, 2021•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19, Ivermectin, a dissolving pacer, clinician well-being, and finerenone are discussed this week. 1 COVID-19 US 'Losing Time' Against Delta Variant, NIH Chief Says Ivermectin for COVID: How Do We Know What to Believe? 2 Dissolving Pacemaker Dissolving Pacemaker Impressive in Early Research 3 Clinician Well-being Global Heart Organizations Unite to Promote Clin...
Jul 16, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19, mRNA-vaccine-induced myocarditis, type 2 diabetes in kids, optimal medical therapy for CAD, and Alcohol are the topics discussed by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. 1-COVID - Fast-spreading Delta Variant, Vaccination Rates, Reintroduction of Indoor Masks: COVID-19 Global Weekly Highlights - Health care 'breaking point': Cox confirms some Springfield COVID-19 patients transferred to St. Louis, Kansas Cit...
Jul 02, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Myocarditis and the COVID vaccine, lipid lowering guidelines, financial toxicity, and deprescribing statins are the topics covered by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. 1 – COVID Varied COVID Vaccination Rates May Lead to 'Two Americas' Nearly All COVID Deaths in US Are Now Among Unvaccinated 2 - COVID Vaccine Myocarditis FDA to Add Myocarditis Warning to mRNA COVID-19 Va...
Jun 25, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID vaccine myocarditis, Christian Eriksen and sudden cardiac death, therapeutic hypothermia, and revascularization of stable CAD are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. 1- COVID-Vaccine-Myocarditis AHA: Don't Delay COVID Shot While CDC Reviews Myocarditis Cases Myocarditis after BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccination 2- Christian E...
Jun 18, 2021•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID vaccine myocarditis, AF post-stroke, semaglutide, and iPhones and cardiac devices are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. COVID-Vaccine-Myocarditis More Evidence Links COVID Vaccines to Rare Cases of Myocarditis in Youth - Symptomatic Acute Myocarditis in Seven Adolescents Following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination
Jun 11, 2021•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast John Mandrola, MD, presents an ACC 2021 recap. ACC 2021 Reveiw I -- Left Atrial Appendage Closure LAAOS III: Surgical LAA Closure Cuts AF Stroke Risk by One Third - Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion during Cardiac Surgery to Prevent Stroke Watchman Registry: 1-Year Stroke Estimates Reassuringly Low II - Angiotensin-Neprilysin Inhi...
May 21, 2021•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast The upcoming ACC meeting, polypharmacy, finerenone, and ethics and professionalism are the topics covered by John Mandrola, MD, in this week’s podcast. ACC Preview: ACC.21 Looks to Repeat Success Despite Pandemic Headwinds - Level and Prevalence of Spin in Published Cardiovascular Randomized Clinical Trial Reports With Statistically Nonsignificant Primary Outcomes: A Systematic Review
May 14, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19 and BMI, TAVR vs SAVR, subcutaneous ICD, SGLT2 inhibitors, and physician-Moms are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. COVID-19 COVID-19 Severity Starts in Normal BMI Range, Especially in Young - Associations between body-mass index and COVID-19 severity in 6·9 million people in England: a prospective, community-based, cohort study
May 07, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast COVID-19 and global vaccinations, AF screening, conduction-system pacing, FDA ban on menthol tobacco, and a heartfelt essay are the topics John Mandrola, MD, discusses in this week’s podcast. COVID-19 Indians Rush for COVID-19 Vaccines as Death Toll Passes 200,000 - Vaccine Breakthrough Infections with SARS-CoV-2 Variants AF Screening: Modest Clinical Gain for AF Screenin...
Apr 30, 2021•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast