Panel: David Richards Dave Kimura Eric Berry Catherine Meyers Special Guests: Eliav LaviIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel talks to Eliav Lavi about his article How I Built Timeasure . Eliav works for Riskified where he is a back-end developer working with Ruby mostly and recently some Scala . In the past, he studied music but had always been into technology from a young age. They talk about how got to where he is today, what the developer scene is like in Israel, and Timeasure . They tal...
Jul 10, 2018•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Dave Kimura Eric Berry Catherine Meyers Special Guests: Vishal TelangreIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Vishal Telangre about his blog post entitled Ruby 2.5 prints backtrace and error message in reverse order . Vishal is working remotely for BigBinary where he works with Ruby on Rails , Kuberernetes , and Elm . They talk about the power of blog posts at BigBinary, give suggestions for people wanting to get into blogging, and inspiration for blog posts. They also touc...
Jul 03, 2018•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry Catherine Meyers David Richards Special Guests: Daniel P. ClarkIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Daniel P. Clark about improving Ruby performance with Rust. Daniel has been a hobbyist programmer for over 20 years and started blogging about Ruby and other technical matters about 5 years ago. One of the things he is well known for is his Faster Path gem on GitHub, which has over 700 stars. They talk about his blog article Improving...
Jun 26, 2018•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry Catherine Meyers David Richards Special Guests: Victor ShepelevIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Victor Shepelev about functional programming in Ruby. Victor is a Ukrainian programmer and poet who has been programming since he was a child. He has been programming with Ruby for the past 12 years and has contributed a lot to the open source community, as well as mentors and participates in discussions about Ruby’s progress. They ta...
Jun 19, 2018•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry David Richards Special Guests: Paweł DąbrowskiIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Paweł Dąbrowski about metaprogramming and DSLs. Paweł is a Ruby developer, is on the iRonin team, and runs a Ruby blog , which he started in January 2018. They talk about his blog, the importance of contributing to the community, and why he chose to create his own version of RSpec . They also touch on how hard it was to get into blog writing as a de...
Jun 12, 2018•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry David Richards Special Guests: Nathan KontnyIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Nathan Kontny about his video Should I use Ruby on Rails? Nathan has been a Rails developer since about 2005 when he created a startup and has since been making software and starting business. He has just recently been running the CRM Highrise and is now onto more projects elsewhere. They talk about his prior experiences as a software developer, why he ...
Jun 05, 2018•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Dave Kimura Eric Berry David Richards Catherine Meyers Special Guests: Olivier LacanIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Olivier Lacan about his blog post Why Won’t Bundle Update? and related topics. Olivier was originally a designer/web developer who fell into Ruby around 2010 and has been working on Code School , which is sadly in the process of being shut down. They talk about what package managers are, where you would you see them normally in code, dependencies, gems,...
May 30, 2018•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Dave Kimura Eric Berry Catherine Meyers Special Guests: Dean NasseriIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Dean Nasseri about Fir. Fir is the friendly interactive Ruby REPL that Dean created when he was inspired by the REPL Fish . Dean is a software engineer at VTS , which is a commercial real estate software platform that uses Ruby on Rails . They talk about why he created Fir, how he approached creating it, how long it took him to build, and much more!In particular, we di...
May 22, 2018•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood David Richards Dave Kimura Catherine Meyers Special Guests: Noah GibbsIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Noah Gibbs about measuring Ruby performance with Rails and Discourse . Noah wrote a book called Rebuilding Rails and is currently analyzing Ruby performance for AppFolio . They talk about how he puts benchmarks around Discourse, the 2 distinct audiences that come to Rails, and how Rails is constantly improving. They also touch on his life as a progra...
May 15, 2018•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood David Richards Dave Kimura Special Guests: Luca GuidiIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Luca Guidi about Ruby elapsed time. Luca works remotely for DNSimple and is most well known in the Ruby community for his open source projects, such as Hanami . They talk about NTP, time drifts, and the pros and cons to using a monoatomic clock. They also touch on the importance of being exposed to different languages in order to be a well-rounded developer.In partic...
May 08, 2018•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood David Richards Special Guests: Aslak HellesøyIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panelists talk to Aslak Hellesøy about Cucumber. Aslak has been a software developer since around 1997 and has been in the Ruby community since around 2003. He created Cucumber in 2008, which has been his hobby on the side since its creation. They talk about the difference between TDD and BDD, what Cucumber is, and how it works. They also stress the importance of having conversations in order...
May 01, 2018•1 hr 13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Brian Hogan Eric Berry Dave Kimura David Richards In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel talk about their thoughts, gripe about things they don’t like, and discuss some new ideas. Some of the things they discuss include having a frozen version of your code, node modules, code dependencies, and more. They also touch on the fact that making shortcuts now means that you will have to pay for it later.In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Having a frozen version of your co...
Apr 24, 2018•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses code automation. They talk about how automating things tends to make them more efficient and speed the time up it takes to complete them. In a world where time is precious, it’s important to automate anything you can so that you can save yourself valuable time and money. They also touch on the importance of having a structure and a consensus among the company in order to have the best productivity and the pro...
Apr 17, 2018•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Eric Berry Dave Kimura David Richards Special Guests: Takashi KokubunIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses Ruby 3 with Takashi Kokubun. Takashi works for Treasure Data as a layers application engineer and works with template engines such as Haml and Hamlit . They talk about JIT Compilers and the upcoming Ruby 3.0 launch and the efforts that are going in to making this launch run more smoothly. They also touch on the importance of optimizing your code and discuss the 3 by 3 c...
Apr 10, 2018•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Eric Berry Special Guests: Daniel Azuma and Tee Parham In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses geospatial programming with Daniel Azuma and Tee Parham. Daniel is a developer at Google and has been doing Ruby for about 14 years. Tee is co-founder and CTO of Neighborland , which is built on Ruby on Rails . Before that, he founded, managed and led technical projects for a small startup for about 8 years. They discuss what geospatial programming is, what RGeo Gem ...
Apr 03, 2018•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry David Richards Special Guests: Jacob StoebelIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses code reviews with Jacob Stoebel. Jacob is a Rails and JavaScript developer and works for ePublishing where he does mostly front-end programming. He talks about how he believes that code reviews can be both honest and nice, and that they should inspire the programmer to want to go back and make his/her code better, not tear him/her down. He also gives four...
Mar 27, 2018•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood Dave Kimura Eric Berry David Richards Special Guests: Catherine MeyersIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses music, musicians, and programmers with Catherine Meyers. Catherine is a software engineer at Mavenlink in San Francisco and is a co-organizer of a meet-up called Women Level Up . Before getting into coding, she was actually an opera singer. They talk a lot about why she decided to change her career and how she came to be a successful coder after being ...
Mar 20, 2018•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max Wood David Richards Special Guests: Aaron SumnerIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses removing business logic from Rails controllers with Aaron Sumner. Aaron is a long time Ruby developer, using mostly Rails , writes a blog called Everyday Rails , and most people know him from his book, Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec: A practical approach to test-driven development . They discuss service objects, the pros and cons of using them, and they emphasize not trying t...
Mar 13, 2018•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max WoodDave KimuraEric Berry Special Guests: Justin Gordon and Rob WiseIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses React on Rails and Webpacker with Justin Gordon and Rob Wise. They talk about the origins of React on Rails and compare it to Webpacker. They also talk about how the two go hand in hand and how you can use them in your own coding to make your life easier.In particular, we dive pretty deep on: React on Rails library Ruby on Rails adopted Webpack and called it ...
Mar 06, 2018•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max WoodDave KimuraBrian HoganEric Berry Special Guests: Greg KushtoIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses how to thwart insider threats with Greg Kushto. Greg is the vice president of sales engineering and security at Force 3 . Greg talks about how it is a team effort to uphold information security in a company, especially insider threats. He got started with computer security when he worked at a helpdesk and then moved his way up to making it his full-time career. T...
Feb 27, 2018•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid Richards Special Guests: NoneIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses where they are right now and what their day to day looks like. Dave is with Sage Software and continues to push himself so that he will always be learning and progressing. He has three kids currently and he tries to have a good work-life balance so that he can separate both of his worlds. David is currently at a Fintech company where he is on the core team and does the data sc...
Feb 20, 2018•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel: Charles Max WoodEric BerryDave KimuraDavid Richards Special Guests: Sebastian SogamosoIn this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses failures with Sebastian Sogamoso. Sebastian is a software developer of 6 years, and working with Ruby for the last 5 years, and before worked with Java and PHP. He is currently living in Panama City, but grew up in Colombia. He now works for CookPad and organizes a Ruby conference in Colombia. Sebastian stresses the fact that everyone fails no matter wh...
Feb 13, 2018•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Dave KimuraEric BerryDavid RichardsSpecial Guest: Nathen Harvey and Nell Shamrell-HarringtonIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panelist speak with Nathen Harvey and Nell Shamrell-Harrington. Nell is the Senior Software Development Engineer at Chef , the CTO at Operation Code . Nathen is the VP Community at Chef. The topic of discussion is about Chef. Chef is a platform that enables teams to collaborate, share, and automate everything.In particular, we dive pretty deep on: What is Dev Ops? A ...
Feb 06, 2018•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Dave KimuraEric BerryDavid RichardsSpecial Guest: Justin Searls and Josh GreenwoodIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues speaks with Justin Searls and Josh Greenwood. Justin and Josh both work for a software agency called Test Double , who are a fully remote software agency. Both Josh and Justin are well versed in many technologies and platforms of development such as Ruby, Javascript and much more. Both Justin and Josh are on the show to talks about their recent presentation “There's Nothing Ne...
Jan 30, 2018•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraBrian HoganEric BerrySpecial Guest: Daniel AzumaIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues speaks with Daniel Azuma, Daniel is has being a “Rubyist", and has been developing for over 20 years, and currently works at Google apart of the Cloud team with programming language support specialist. Daniel leads the Ruby and Elixir team at Google.Daniel is on the show to discuss Ruby debuggers with the Ruby Rogues panel. Topics cover ruby support, cloud debugger, projects, process...
Jan 23, 2018•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid RichardsSpecial Guest: Amit ChoudaryIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues speaks with Amit Choudary, Amit is based in India as a Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and Fullstack Developer. Amit is working with a company called Big Binary . Big Binary builds web apps and a variety of mobile applications. Amit mentions his informative blog on Ruby 2.5 at blog at Big Binary.Amit and the panel discuss app failure emergencies and holidays. Importantly this episode i...
Jan 16, 2018•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid RichardsBrian HoganEric BerryIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss things they are playing with or working on now. Much of the discussion covers technologies in Rails and Ruby, Rails. 5.2 beta, React, Sprinkles, redux, and more details with these technologies. Each of the Ruby Rogues members comment on their workflows and personal applications for apps and web applications. Also, how playing with things or technologies, helps build your skills and ...
Jan 09, 2018•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid RichardsEric BerryIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Ruby 2.5 with Jesus Castello. Jesus has been a developer for several years, and has learned Ruby 6 years ago and is now teaching Ruby. Jesus is on Ruby Rogues to talk about Ruby 2.5 and performance improvements and performance documentation. Also, Jesus talks about the everything Ruby 2.5 and the next editions for the language.In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Improvements and documentati...
Jan 04, 2018•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid RichardsEric BerryIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Rails, Development, and More with David Heinemeier Hansson. David is the creator of Ruby on Rails, the founder and CTO of Basecamp, and the hosts of The ReWork Podcast . David Answers a number of questions form the panel about the front-end on Rails, Turbo Link, Stimulus, How does this differ, cheaper labor, better hardware, and much more. This is a great episode to understand the background o...
Dec 27, 2017•2 hr 32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panel:Charles Max WoodDave KimuraDavid RichardsIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Standard vs Reality. The panel discusses how realistic it is to expect standards. Charles, Dave and David cover topics on the appearance of code, the family of origin, conforming when working with a team, community projects, company repos, challenging old standards, and much more concerning how workflows are performed today. This is a great episode for developers to learn to ask if there is a better or ...
Dec 22, 2017•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast