Panel:Dave KimuraEric BerryDavid RichardsSpecial Guest: Nathen Harvey and Nell Shamrell-HarringtonIn this episode, the Ruby Rogues panelist speak with Nathen Harvey and Nell Shamrell-Harrington. Nell is the Senior Software Development Engineer at Chef, the CTO at Operation Code. Nathen is the VP Community at Chef. The topic of discussion is about Chef. Chef is a platform that enables teams to collaborate, share, and automate everything.In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
What is Dev Ops? A cultural and professional movement, focused on how we build and operate high-velocity organizations, born from the experiences of its practitioners.
Chef Automate - the platform that enables teams to collaborate, share, and automate everything.
Cultural and Professional
Continuous Automation - Chef, InSpec, Habitat
3 Main Focuses: Infrastructure Automation, Compliance Automation, Application Automation
Instanbul, AWS Cloud, Etc.
AWS Bean Stalk
Chef works best at “Massive Scale”
Where Chef shines!
More on compliance
Things to do at the minimum?
Talks about issues with infrastructure issues at Knight Capital
Habitat - Application Automation, Build, deploy, run any application, anywhere.