02:04 - Mindaugas Mozūras Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Vinted pronto 02:36 - Automating Code Reviews03:17 - What is a code review and why do it?03:39 - Styles of Code Reviews: What parts should be automated? 06:04 - pronto vs rubocop flay Brakeman metric_fu flog 08:26 - Workflow10:14 - Runners11:42 - Feedback13:21 - Use Cases for Pronto14:28 - How has pronto changed your codebase?15:34 - Feelings and Code Reviews; Agreeing on Standards as a Team17:38 - Return Values Ruby Rogues Episode #248:...
Mar 16, 2016•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:00 - Gilad Bracha Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Dart JavaScript Jabber Episode #008: V8 and Dart with Lars Bak and Kasper Lund Dartium 09:17 - Programming Language Evolution and Design Elm Ruby Rogues Episode #212: Elm with Richard Feldman and Evan Czaplicki 10:47 - Capabilities and Language Features Newspeak “Functional” 12:46 - Actors16:41 - Live Programming Bret Victor on Live-Coding 19:07 - Smalltalk REPL (Read–eval–print loop) Monkey patching 29:01 - Designing a Language “Programming ...
Mar 09, 2016•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:00 - Dan Luu Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 05:33 - Dan Luu: Normalization of deviance in software: how broken practices become standard 08:59 - Yossi Kreinin: People can read their manager's mind 19:32 - The Letter ‘Z’ and Security25:13 - Notifications and Alerts31:24 - Fixing/Not Fixing Things; Feedback42:57 - How to Prevent Deviancy John Banja: The normalization of deviance in healthcare delivery 47:54 - Bruce F. Webster: The Wetware Crisis: the Thermocline of Truth 53:43 - Finding a Job...
Mar 02, 2016•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast 01:49 - Erik Michaels-Ober Introduction Twitter GitHub Ruby Rogues Episode #127: Erik Michaels-Ober 02:07 - The Crystal Programming Language and Statically Typed Programming Languages Erik Michaels-Ober: An Introduction to Crystal @ PolyConf 15 06:54 - Type Inference Union Types Duck Typing Monkey Patching Sandi Metz Blog Post on the Wrong Abstraction 15:06 - Crystal vs Rust or Go 20:10 - Linting Rubocop 20:44 - Type Annotations and Perimeters Keyword Arguments 22:53 - The History of Crystal and...
Feb 24, 2016•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:02 - Ray Hightower Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog WisdomGroup ChicagoRuby WindyCityRails WindyCityThings 03:22 - Parallella Raspberry Pi 05:39 - Web Developers and The Hardware World12:38 - Does a hardware background inform software?18:42 - Learning and Playing Verilog 22:22 - Concurrency and Parallelism The Most Energy Efficient Supercomputer on the Planet by Ray Hightower at Madison+ Ruby 2015 github.com/parallella/parallella-examples 32:48 - Getting Started with Parallella Parallella Qui...
Feb 17, 2016•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:00 - Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog OrderUp readthesource: Clearwater with Jamie Gaskins 02:23 - Clearwater Clearwater Gitter Channel Opal roda 03:51 - How an App is Typically Structured React TodoMVC Code TodoMVC Demo 05:39 - Persistence and Wiring Up to the Backend grand_central 06:49 - Why Clearwater Was Created08:26 - How does it compare to prevalent JavaScript frameworks? Clearwater — Ruby on the front end outperforms React.js Virtual DOM Implementations Roadmap to 1.0 11:23 - What pro...
Feb 10, 2016•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, we’re bringing to you a behind the scenes look at the man behind the mic and the guy who puts out over 5 hours worth of free audio content per week to support the development community: Charles Max Wood.Long-time listener, Thom Parkin , asked Chuck if he would sit down and do an interview with him to describe all the interesting things he’s been up to and his goals for the future. In this interview, Chuck gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look at all of his podcasts, the DevChat.tv ...
Feb 03, 2016•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is from Ara T. Howard ’s talk at Rails Remote Conf 2015. You can watch the full, unedited presentation, Program Like You Give a Damn , on YouTube at your convenience. Check out All Remote Confs for next year’s remote conference lineup! Freelance Remote Conf will run from February 24th-26th. The speaker lineup is all but complete! Ruby Remote Conf will run from March 23rd-25th. Get your tickets or submit a CFP! Special Guest: Ara T. Howard. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.co...
Jan 27, 2016•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:36 - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3642768199/ref =as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=3642768199&ie=UTF8&linkCode=as2&linkId=UTPZTXY2HXM5NO54&tag=chamaxwoo-20 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermeneutics 05:42 - http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/Naur .pdf 07:55 - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1622030613/ref =as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1622030613&ie=UTF8&linkCode=as2&linkId=XUQDR6SKKGNPHZL...
Jan 20, 2016•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:34 - Mike Gehard Introduction Twitter GitHub Pivotal 03:23 - Monoliths 04:18 - Microservices 09:47 - Migrating a Monolith to Microservices Via an Evolutionary Path Organization The Application Continuum: Evolving toward distributed systems 15:21 - The Steps Along the Continuum Where do engines fit in? Service Boundary Definitions 19:25 - Bounded Context The Ruby Rogues Episode #228: The Lotus Framework with Luca Guidi 21:52 - Evolution Conway’s Law Unbuilt Gems 30:40 - Dependency on the Datab...
Jan 13, 2016•1 hr 25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out Ruby Remote Conf : coming to you live in March! Buy a ticket or submit a CFP! 02:17 - Phil Spitler Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 03:20 - Panel opinions: What makes a good developer?07:26 - “Successful” vs “Great” Developers Growth Mindset 12:45 - Mentors: What to they epitomize? Maintainability 14:37 - How do newbies find/identify mentors?17:45 - When Becoming Great Starts to Matter27:51 - How People “Arrive”; Necessary Skillsets Code Archaeology 30:51 - Bloc.io 36:44 - As a mentor,...
Jan 06, 2016•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:05 - Marcus Blankenship Introduction Twitter Blog 02:52 - Pain and Difficulties of Moving From Programming to Management Identity Credibility 10:50 - Image and Identity (Cont’d) Expectations Role Models 19:16 - Management; Making the Move to Management Aikido “Everybody deserves a good manager.” 23:37 - How do you know if you have a bad manager?27:13 - Feedback; Tone of Communication33:54 - What should you do when you get promoted to a management position? Nix Production Code Tasks Meet with ...
Dec 30, 2015•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is from Peter Cooper ’s talk at Ruby Remote Conf 2015. You can watch the full, unedited presentation, Swiss Army Rubyknife , on YouTube at your convenience. Check out All Remote Confs for next year’s remote conference lineup! Ruby Remote Conf will run from March 23rd-25th 2016. Buy a ticket or submit a CFP! JS Remote Conf is running from January 14th-16th 2016. Check out the speaker lineup! Freelance Remote Conf will run from February 24th-26th. We’ve already got a great list of con...
Dec 23, 2015•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out JS Remote Conf and submit a Ruby Remote Conf CFP! 02:26 - Refactoring (Definition) and Where People Fail03:55 - Tests and Refactoring How do you decide when your codebase is untestable? 10:59 - Managing Scope11:42 - Why We Refactor; The Value of Refactoring Coraline's Data-Driven Refactoring Talk 17:13 - Refactoring Tools 20:40 - When Refactoring Gets Put Off; Establishing a Code Culture26:23 - Refactoring Strategies Extract Method Extract Class Introduce Explaining Variable 37:38 - Pe...
Dec 16, 2015•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out JS Remote Conf and All Remote Confs ! 02:32 - Brad Urani Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Procore 04:01 - Immutable/Persistent Data Structures; Advantages Changing the Unchangeable: The Hows and Whys of Immutable Data Structures @ RubyConf 2015 hamster 07:30 - Tools for Debugging08:23 - Why do Rubyists care about things like Elm ?09:39 - Persistent Data Structure Use Cases; Functional Programming12:07 - Testability13:51 - Where does “functional play a role in a typical CRUD app? Active...
Dec 09, 2015•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:10 - Brian Underwood Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Neo Technology 02:55 - Neo4j Neo4j [GitHub] 04:31 - Graph Databases vs Traditional Databases06:02 - Relations Have Directions06:58 - Modeling a Domain as a Graph; How it Works cypher 13:25 - Built-in Query Processor15:04 - Neo4j.rb => ORM; OGM Mongoid Influence 18:06 - Declarative Schema 21:09 - The Ruby Client vs The Java Client25:48 - Use Cases35:53 - Who is using Neo4j? Ashley Sun Lending Club: Managing Microservices with Neo4j @ Gra...
Dec 02, 2015•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out JS Remote Conf ! 02:07 - Rob Miller Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Big Fish Marketing Text Processing with Ruby: Extracting Value from the Data That Surrounds You with Rob Miller 03:11 - Why does text processing matter?07:32 - One-off Data Processing, Core Competency The Perl Programming Language 10:36 - Processing Less-structured, Unstructured Data12:45 - The Command Line Ruby's -e, -n and -p switches Antipatterns Class: IO 29:15 - Abstractions and Refactoring35:12 - Munging: Tools ...
Nov 25, 2015•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:28 - Jerod Santo Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Object Lateral, Inc. 02:44 - Adam Stacoviak Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 02:55 - The Changelog and Beyond Code (Background) 5by5 Wynn Netherland The Changelog #172: GitUp, Git UX, and More with Pierre-Olivier Latour The Changelog #145: 10+ Years of Rails with DHH The Changelog #139: The Rise of io.js with Mikeal Rogers The Changelog #155: The Future of Node.js with Scott Hammond JavaScript Jabber #147: io.js with Isaac Schlueter and Mikeal...
Nov 18, 2015•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:36 - Responsibility and Communication Slack “Ask Anything” 12:10 - Onboarding Experience for Remote Employees15:55 - Measuring New Employee Metrics 17:41 - Onboarding Onto a Team vs Onboarding Onto a Project20:51 - What it Means to be a Senior Developer29:20 - First Impressions and Team Member Categories33:26 - How do you decide what you spend time learning?40:57 - Code Reading The Web Platform Podcast Picks Private Internet Access (Avdi) Darkest Dungeon (Avdi) imprint (Coraline) The surprisi...
Nov 11, 2015•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:20 - Eric Normand Introduction Twitter GitHub Democracy Works LispCast Clojure Gazette PurelyFunctional.tv 03:31 - Old vs Young Programmers Robert C. Martin: My Lawn “Uncle Bob” Martin Speaks at Yale SOM 05:38 - Teaching Fundamentals Kathy Sierra 11:02 - Teaching Backgrounds12:13 - Why is so hard to be a good teacher?15:54 - Teacher Feedback19:46 - Asking Questions25:56 - Community Education28:20 - Order of Operation29:36 - Recognizing Students Understanding of Fundamentals NPR Planet Money: ...
Nov 04, 2015•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Go check out Rails Remote Conf! 02:30 - Lee Byron Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Facebook 02:46 - GraphQL [GitHub] graphql Relay 04:16 - GraphQL vs REST09:43 - Endpoints Security 13:33 - How the Stack Works graphql-ruby 19:35 - GraphQL on the Front and Back Ends Type Checking Contracts Versions 36:14 - Calculating Tradeoffs43:38 - Structuring46:17 - Building the Ecosystem48:16 - Use with Other Frameworks JavaScript Jabber Episode #152: GraphQL and Relay with Nick Schrock and Joe Savona 49:50 -...
Oct 28, 2015•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out and get your ticket for Rails Remote Conf ! 02:00 - Sarah Mei Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Devmynd RailsBridge 06:11 - Why It’s Hard to be “The First Person” Biases Mind the Gap - On the unconscious bias we all carry, and how it applies to hiring Avdi Grimm: What it’s like to come back to a Ruby project after 6 months 13:27 - Transmitting Cultural Values16:01 - What Companies Can Do Dev Team Diversity #Realtalk - On the unprecedented opportunity we have right now to diversify our s...
Oct 21, 2015•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast When is it worthwhile to introduce a new language, tool, or database? And when will it likely bite you in the rearend?02:43 - Episode Idea Background PolyConf @polyconfhq 04:28 - Implementing Standards and Comparisons Minimize Entry Level / Maximizing Payoff 08:23 - “Dumb Code” and Developer Expectations10:48 - Code Coverage and Regular Expressions Oniguruma Fizz Buzz Ruby Rogues Episode #120: RR Book Club: Understanding Computation with Tom Stuart 12:49 - Risk Impact/Probability Chart , Risk - ...
Oct 14, 2015•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:00 - Luca Guidi Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 02:35 - The Lotus Framework @lotus_rb Lotus Mailing List A Rails Criticism by Luca Guidi 03:56 - Working Full-time on Open Source04:55 - Flat MVC06:26 - Maintainability07:42 - Entities and Repositories10:42 - Controllers, Views, Conventions, and Templates (Structure)16:41 - Helpers17:56 - The Controller Layer20:12 - Validations23:26 - Testing capybara BDD (Behavior-Driven Design) 29:23 - The API32:37 - Contributing to Lotus Contributor Code of ...
Oct 07, 2015•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Check out Rails Remote Conf ! Submit a CFP!01:53 - Daniel Kehoe Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 02:07 - Digital Nomad Lifestyle Daniel Kehoe: Why I Left My Heart in San Francisco Nomad List Remote Year 08:45 - RailsApps & Rails Tutorials @rails_apps [GitHub] RailsApps RailsClips #007: Rails Composer Daniel's Kickstarter Project: Rails Composer with Rails Tutorials -- Runs until October 6th, 2015! Michael Hartl's he Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book and Screencast Series Learn Enough Command Line ...
Sep 30, 2015•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:03 - Laurent Bossavit Twitter GitHub Institut Agile 03:11 - The Leprechauns of Software Engineering by Laurent Bossavit 04:52 - The 10x Programmer Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition by Steve McConnell 13:07 - The Custom Defects Curve15:33 - Leprechauns and Local Truths (Does Needing to Prove Others Wrong = Fear?)22:53 - The Feedback Cycles25:09 - Agile, Waterfall, and The Software Crisis Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman “Bugs in the brain” =...
Sep 23, 2015•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:18 - Ben Browning Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Red Hat JRuby 02:46 - TorqueBox @torquebox 04:05 - Use Cases and Benchmarks TechEmpower's latest round of benchmark results, filtered to just the Ruby servers running Rack/Rails/Sinatra/etc apps and their JSON serialization test 06:32 - The Genesis of TorqueBox Bob McWhirter 07:49 - JBoss WildFly 09:15 - The Name “TorqueBox”10:12 - Adoption12:05 - Documentation DocBook YARD 13:18 - When should/could you use TorqueBox?17:25 - Monolith vs Micro...
Sep 16, 2015•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:05 - André Arko Introduction + Bundler Twitter GitHub Blog 04:28 - Ruby Together Trade Association Brian Mikulencak 10:52 - Ruby Central 501(c) Organization 14:23 - Ruby Together Timeline16:01 - Open Source People Depend on vs Open Source as a Hobby17:03 - Corporate Member Rights / The Structure of Ruby Together Monthly Contributions 20:19 - How the Board Makes Decisions Slack 23:00 - Membership Numbers24:03 - How Voting Works26:58 - How much work is involved in maintaining these projects?3...
Sep 09, 2015•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast 02:35 - Yorick Peterse Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog Rubinius The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome libxslt 03:07 - oga nokogiri 06:38 - Fixing vs Writing an Alternative Feature lexers Parse Tree 14:01 - Doing a Document Instead of a Programming Language16:01 - Modifying XML Documents17:19 - Inputting in Memory19:09 - Extending oga with C ffi 22:44 - Parsing racc ruby-ll 25:16 - Resources LL Parser 28:57 - Lessons Learned Building oga 30:14 - Writing Parsers in Other Languages31:19 - Getting ...
Sep 02, 2015•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t miss out! Sign up for Angular Remote Conf ! 02:28 - Sean Griffin Introduction Twitter GitHub thoughtbot @thoughtbot 02:53 - Rails 5 Ship Estimate?03:15 - What’s Coming in Rails 5? actioncable turbolinks 3 04:13 - Approachability For New Developers Turing School 05:49 - Making Decisions06:46 - “Syntax”07:40 - Adding or Matthew Draper 09:36 - The Attributes API 12:57 - Serialization & Deserialization21:26 - Feature Proposal & Policies The Rails Core Mailing List The Rails Talk Mailin...
Aug 26, 2015•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast