It’s interesting and a little bit ironic that, in spite of our enlightened awareness of the power of love and compassion, we still can struggle mightily in our personal relationships. In my years as working as a psychic medium, one of the most common and often most charged questions people would ask me was, “Is the person I’m dating my soulmate?” Soulmate. What a super charged word. We say the word soulmate and we have fantasies of the perfect relationship with the partner who is our mirror twin...
Oct 31, 2017•47 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast Please join me for this powerful Quantum Conversation with PMH Atwater. There’s more to life than our day to day existence. We are the infinite parts of an evolving intelligence seeking to express itself through us. Jewish tradition teaches that babies in the womb are all knowing. They know the history and the story of the Universe. Just before they are born, an angel thumps them on the top of their lips making a tiny dent and causing them to forget all that they know. It is the process of livin...
Oct 23, 2017•45 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast We know we are powerful beyond what we realize and yet, we struggle to fulfill our potential. Many of us use this struggle to reinforce self-defeating patterns, old thoughts and beliefs that keep us from tapping into the truth of who we are. We are all part of an infinite super-intelligent mind that has the capacity to create in ways we maybe can’t even imagine. But our brains - that place where we think our true mind is stored - are actually just organs, no different from kidneys, hearts, lungs...
Oct 08, 2017•43 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast We are innately powerful. Deep within us all lives a fire, a light that is uniquely our own, that longs to shine out into the world. But sometimes life gets in the way of our light. We are deeply conditioned to surrender our light, to fall into place and do the things we think we have to do to fit in, fulfill our obligations, take our adult place in the world… When we give up our fire, it doesn’t go away. It certainly can feel like it’s gone out. In reality the embers still glow, waiting for us ...
Sep 26, 2017•31 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Edgar Cayce has long been the gold standard of intuitive insights and prophesies. The “Sleeping Prophet” as he was called was able to channel messages and deep spiritual insights that healed people on many, many levels. Cayce left behind a tremendous archive of transcripts and recordings of his private sessions with clients. Through a set of divinely orchestrated event, Dr. Mark Thurston was given the job of organizing and understanding this massive archive of material, giving us the gift of the...
Sep 12, 2017•27 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast We think we need to “fight” for peace. We take our anger and push against others who hold different views, different perspectives…we use the language of anti-this or that….we use the word resist and we spend our energy gathering ourselves against others. There is a delicate balance between resistance, fighting for what’s right and using our energy to be fundamentally creative in order to create a true new world order… a new world order where compassion and unity rules. The shift we are experienc...
Sep 05, 2017•37 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast We often operate on the assumption that humans are all the same. We have similar drives, desires and temperament. It’s almost like there’s some kind of earthly blueprint for being human and any variation that we experience away from this blueprint makes us wrong, bad or less than. Many of you may have had this experience. We are raised in families that either feel comfortable to us or families that we struggle to fit in to. I’m not talking about love here. I’m talking about feeling like you belo...
Aug 24, 2017•41 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast Please join me for this powerful Quantum Conversation with Daniel Mitel. Daniel invites us to literally take a journey into our hearts. We can’t live in our hearts if we are not in the heart of who we are. I followed Daniels heart imagery meditation from his book, Journeys into the Heart, and saw myself standing in my physical heart. As I felt the pink, pulsing walls around me, I was blown away by the love available in my own heart. Just one little visual journey into my heart and my entire pers...
Aug 15, 2017•33 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Your ability to make decisions is the most vital skill you have. You are the sum total of all the decisions you’ve made in your life. The fear of making a wrong decision and worry about the outcome can make it hard for us to be present to the blessings of our daily life. We worry. We’re distracted and we actually shut off our creative capacity and stay in a constant state of low-grade fight or flight. There is a flow of creativity and resiliency available to us if we can learn to navigate our wa...
Jul 28, 2017•25 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast We are not healing. We are “wholing”. This is the powerful word Rashmi Khilani gave me in our Quantum Conversation together. Our intention, as we wake up and consciously evolve this world, needs to not be to fix what’s broken, but to instead to focus on what is working and shift our perspective to new meanings. Meanings full of potential and possibility. Abundance, sustainability, equitable and peaceful for all. We are in the process of turning our attention to a higher level of experience, crea...
Jul 05, 2017•34 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast You are living your Purpose because you are alive. You simply can not “miss” fulfilling your Life Purpose. But you can express is more deeply, more richly and in a more satisfying way. We are taught, “Do what you love and the money will follow”. We think that means that our “work” that we do to create an income is our “work of the world”. While this is a beautiful ideal, it sets many of us up to think we’re failing if we have to go to a J.O.B. and then fulfill our passions and purpose “on the si...
Jun 23, 2017•38 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast Let’s be honest. We’re afraid of death. There is an existential worry that death will mean the end of us. Our finite lives drawn to a complete circle and then nothing… We not only fear our own death, we fear the death of our loved ones. Many years ago when I worked as a psychic medium, people would come to me wanting to connect with their crossed over loved ones. Every once and a while people would want to know where did Aunt Lucy hide the bonds she promised me in her will…. But. by far, most pe...
Jun 13, 2017•33 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast It has been said that you create your own reality. But, if that’s true, who is the “I” that creates your reality? Who you think you are, your perceptions, your thoughts, your reactions, your fears, even your beliefs can be deeply embedded in your DNA, leaving us to this profound question: Are you really who you think you are? Or is who you think you are a result of the legacy of those who have come before you? Science shows us that our gene expression is regulated by proteins located on the gene...
Jun 06, 2017•39 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast We are standing on the edge of a powerful time on the planet. All of the confusion that we have had in the past about who we are and, most importantly, the value of who you are is coming to a head and our outer reality is reflecting back to us where we are in consciousness. It’s easy to slip into a mindset that there is an “outer” reality and an “inner” reality and that what happens in the outer reality is something out there - It’s also easy to slip into a mindset that, because you’ve been tend...
May 29, 2017•26 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast The marriage of quantum science and health care - integrative health care - has the potential to change the meaning we give illness and empowers us to create a new definition of healthcare - The kind of health care that is compassionate, is easily available to everyone and radically reduces the need for a way of doing medicine that, in essence, heals only the final physical manifestation of pain, not always the root cause of the pain in the first place. Quantum science shows us that when we mani...
May 22, 2017•35 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast We are designed to live a specific life with a specific purpose in a specific way. But, our conditioning, our familial belief systems, our society and our own inner self-doubt, often cause us to try to create success in a way that isn’t right for who we really are. When we try to be someone we’re not, it takes a tremendous amount of energy to hold up the mask we’re forcing ourselves to wear. And we burn out. We struggle. We feel anxiety and depression, simply because we’re not being who we reall...
May 15, 2017•35 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Blessed are the weird! What a boring world we would be living in if everyone was the same. The evolution of humanity is dependent on people who want things to stay the same. And also on people who are weird. There are those of us who are designed to be different. Not out of rebellion. Not to prove some point. Not out of a youthful need to differentiate ourselves from our parents or our lineage. But because we are here to change the world. To take bold action to expand the understandings and the ...
May 08, 2017•30 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast For years we’ve struggled to figure out what keeps us impassioned. How do we stay motivated? Why do we resist the things we think should give our lives more material comfort? During this Quantum Conversation we talk with author and speaker Richard Barrett, author of the book ,A New Psychology of Human Well - Being: An Exploration of the Influence of Ego - Soul Dynamics On Mental and Physical Health, and discover that the secret to creating meaningful action is to make sure that your ego is servi...
May 01, 2017•32 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast According to author, Allison Carmen, we are addicted to certainty. Our addiction causes us to hold on to limited expectations and creates heartbreak and disappointment when the unexpected inevitably plays out. The solution to liberating our minds and setting ourselves free is as simple as inviting the possibility of “maybe” into our lives. When we allow ourselves to see that “maybe” we don’t have all the answers, “maybe” things could turn out better than we imagined and “maybe” it’s okay if we d...
Apr 23, 2017•22 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Quantum Physics is not only the future of science, but also the key to understanding consciousness, God, psychology, death and the meaning of life. Join us for this powerful Quantum Conversation as Dr. Goswami reveals how quantum physics is truly the Answer to Everything. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at
Apr 07, 2017•52 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast In 2008, Master Charles Cannon was leading a group students on a pilgrimage in Mumbai, India when the unthinkable happened and he and his students were victims of a terrorist attack which left two members of their group dead. Listen to Master Charles discuss his experience and his new book, Living an Awakened Life, which emphasizes the importance of a disciplined spiritual practice as a key part of activating deeper levels of creativity and love. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are...
Apr 05, 2017•36 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast