Edgar Cayce has long been the gold standard of intuitive insights and prophesies. The “Sleeping Prophet” as he was called was able to channel messages and deep spiritual insights that healed people on many, many levels.
Cayce left behind a tremendous archive of transcripts and recordings of his private sessions with clients. Through a set of divinely orchestrated event, Dr. Mark Thurston was given the job of organizing and understanding this massive archive of material, giving us the gift of the synthesis of Edgar Cayce’s work as well as his own insights to help us ground Cayce’s insights in our modern world understanding.
I find it fascinating that so much of Cayce’s work was devoted to helping people discover their life purpose and that we are still intrigued by the questions of who we are and why we are here.
In many of our Quantum Conversations we talk to spiritual teachers and leaders who have created systems to help others discover who they are and why they are here. Dr. Thurston and Edgar Cayce and shared with us a different kind of message about our purpose - suggesting that perhaps there is no one way or system of self-discovery other than the way that works for you.
Your soul is calling you to fulfill your true purpose. This powerful conversation with Dr. Mark Thurston will help you understand how to interpret the signposts that are revealing the answers you seek….