Episode 232 "Who Is Listening?'
Voices are speaking out against injustices like never before. But who is truly listening? We Explore. Plus your feedback.
Voices are speaking out against injustices like never before. But who is truly listening? We Explore. Plus your feedback.
We welcome David Greyowl back to the show after his Covid-19 with pneumonia scare! also in this episode... The concept of Racism isn't' difficult. It's pretty hard to avoid the subject when millions of people all around the world are marching in protest of the treatment by some American police officers as well as other municipal and government employees towards people of color. We look at the reaction by various groups & government officials to the marches, and how they intend to move forward wi...
Health Crisis of things that well.. are not always unseen...
Mark Charles is a dynamic and thought-provoking public speaker, writer, and consultant. Mark is an independent candidate for the US Presidency in the 2020 election. In this Bonus content, he lays out his first 100 days in office if elected as President of the United States.
In this episode, we are joined by Mark Charles, a leading thought-provoking public speaker, author, and independent candidate for the US Presidency in the 2020 election. We talk about the constitution and does it truly represent all the people in the United States? Plus, your feedback. See this episode's full show notes here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/6/14/episode-230-we-the-people-means-all-the-people...
In this episode we look at how the plights of Indigenous and other people of color are closer than many want to admit. Also, have elected officials really heard the outcries of the people? We explore this & more
The United States is still in a pandemic and trying to re-open. A white cop kills a black man while on duty in Minnesota, and the entire nation justifiably protests. Despite all of this, Donald J. Trump, the guy some called "President" surrounds himself with military personnel and clears a path so that he can create a photo-op for himself. Discussions are around these stories, Plus your feedback. Full Show notes can be found here: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/6/4/episode-227-it-is-wha...
In our Native News segment: The Flandreau Santee Sioux tribe has a victory in the Supreme Court of the United States against the corrupt actions of South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem. The Drummer of Rock Group U2 Donated 100,000 dollars to help the Navajo and the Hopi. Over 8 million dollars have been raised by a variety of private groups to Help these nations who have more COVID-19 cases per capita than that of New York and New Jersey combined. Yet The United States can commit two trillion dol...
After a memorial day weekend and holiday, selfish Americans showed their true colors by largely ignoring Corona Virus warnings and guidance. We provide some guidance for Americans of our own. Plus, violence against people of color is the focus of our "Racism In America" segment. Plus your feedback. To see the full show notes for this episode, visit: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/5/28/episode-225-when-its-wrongits-wrong...
Minority-Owned businesses are finding extreme challenges in obtaining SBA loans during this pandemic. The small, lower amount of loans seems to not be worth the time and expense to some lending institutions. We take a look at why this is occurring. Also, Mail only primaries seemed to work our for Idaho... will other states do the same? And, a message from the Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association. Plus your feedback. See the full episode show notes here: http://nativeopinion.com/sho...
If anything is to be learned from this pandemic it is how woefully unprepared the United States has been in many areas. Americans are starving, as the country deals with food shortages, particularly in urban areas. A recent poll taken shows 37 % of Unemployed Americans ran out of food in the Month of April. If you can't work and make money, how do you buy food to live? Native People are also a part of this percentage who also live in urban areas. We look at this poll. Also, despite the pandemic,...
In our realities of self quarantines, Armed citizens acting like militia, and the attitude of a Federal government who has arbitrarily decided (for all of us) that it's more important to "Open America for business" than it is to protect American lives. We look at what some tribes are doing to protect their citizens, and how they have to fight not only the virus but the state that surrounds them. Also, Why are Liquor Stores and Gun Shops considered "Essential Businesses"? Also, what is the "Hidde...
The response by the Federal Government of America to the Covid-19 pandemic has been irresponsible and (as former President Obama has stated in a leaked call) "chaotic". However, that chaos is hurting millions of people, and Indian Country is included. For example, the Cares Act money has not reached the Indian Health Service, and we look at a lawsuit filed in federal district court. Will Indian country see any of that money to aid us in fighting Covid-19? SEE FULL EPISODE SHOW NOTES: http://nati...
During the Pandemic, American's are quickly realizing that food is not something that can be taken for granted anymore. Grocery Stores are limiting supplies to try to help ensure that there is enough for customers. But foods like Meats are becoming very scarce. How do you feed a nation with so little? How is Indian country dealing with food shortages in our tribal communities?
Where did the 8 Billion in COVID-19 aid go for Indian Country? Also, the 2020 Census count.. why it's important to Indian country...or is it? See our full show notes for this episode at: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/5/6/episode-219-its-old-tired-and-its-nothing-new
Following the suggestion from a listener, we provide a deconstruction of a new documentary executive produced by Michael Moore which sheds light on corporation influences within leading environmental groups, and how Indigenous people were misrepresented in the documentary. Also, a hard look at the misuse of the United States Constitution's 2nd amendment being used by the conservative "re-open" movement. Last, what happened to the 8 billion dollars "carved out" for Indian country? Plus, your feed...
Just an episode to talk about whatever comes to mind. It turns out, we ended busting on the Trump administration. I guess we needed to channel our stay at home quarantine frustration in a pro-active way. We couldn't do a regular show on Saturday, April 25th, 2019. We miss you guys! Plus, we announce that we are adding Wednesday's at 10 am to our weekly show. So Native Opinion will now broadcast twice a week! Saturdays, 9 am and Wednesday's 10 am Eastern Standard Time! See our Full Show Notes her...
Sadly, we will not have a regular Native Opinion Radio show this week as we continue to test and troubleshoot our audio problems. This is a bonus episode of Native Opinion, where we would like to get your feedback on the sound quality of this audio. If you would not mind helping us out, please e-mail us at hosts@nativeopinion.com , and please let us know if the audio sounds good. If it's BAD, what would be VERY helpful to us if you could please tell us the following information: 1.) How you list...
More coverage of COVID -19 inside of Indian Country. CBS news FINALLY decides to cover the effects of coronavirus on Indian Reservations. Also, what effect is COVID -19 having on Truck drivers in the United States?
With this COVID-19 crisis, Millions of Americans, including our tribal nations are relying on the federal government to roll out Stimulus Checks directed by the care Act. But how will that happen efficiently when more than 2000 Postal Service workers have tested positive for the Corona Virus?
During this World Wide Pandemic, here in the United States, what about the homesless? We look at 2012 report published by the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness & published in Indian Country Today'd website, and what effect homelessness has on American Indians. Also, we say goodbye to a Music legend.
Now that a historic stimulus package (called the care act) has been approved by the United States Congress, and signed by Trump, will Indian Country actually benefit from it? Will it provide not only immediate aid for tribes but long term sustainability that has been historically needed? we provide discussion around the Care Act and important budget information for tribes from 18 tribal advocacy groups.
Another episode dominated by Lot's Of Corona Updates. Also, are some Senate Republicans actually PROFITING off Covid-19? Co-host Michael Kickingbear provides some tough love for "Vote Blue" democrats, and we share a story about the United States' first Native American owned movie studio.
Coverage includes a deep dive into the Corona Virus (Covid-19) and are Native Communities prepared? A Cree Filmmaker releases stories on International Women's Day and racism has reached the Olive Garden.
EPISODE SUMMARY: People generally believe in their country. But for Indian country, that belief is tainted by the reality of continuous unkept promises and outright lies by the United States and Canada to its Indigenous citizens. In this episode, we examine various examples of this, including the continued abuse by Canada towards the Wet’suwet’en People over the Coastal Link gas pipeline. SHOWNOTES FOR THIS EPISODE: http://nativeopinion.com/shownotes/2020/3/7/episode-211-america-the-quintessenti...
In this episode we are talking politics. Some are calling this up coming presidential election "The most important election in this nations history.". But how involved should Native people be in American elections? We look at Voter supression, and some of the history behind Indigenous peoples "Right To Vote"
American federal policy has a lot to be desired when it comes to how it affects our tribal nations across the country. In this episode, we look at the history of infringement cases, lack of tribal consultation in policy. We also take a very hard look Former New York Ciy Mayor, and Media Billionare Mike Bloomberg. Is he right for Indian Country? We think we have the answer.
EPISODE SUMMARY: What can Native American Indian tribes do to protect their burial and sacred sites from destruction?. What if the people doing the destruction is the Federal Government? In this episode, we look at the situation with the border nation of Tohon O' Odam who's a burial site and cultural grounds are being destroyed for Trump's Border Wall... _________________________________________________________________________________________ How To Reach Our Show: E-Mail: hosts@nativeopinion.co...
*PLEASE NOTE* This episode is being re-released due to a previous audio quality problem. There is also additional content that was not featured in the original release of this episode. EPISODE SUMMARY: Dr. Martin Luthor King's "I have a dream" speech is a narrative people so often take out of context. In America's history of the civil rights fight, Native people have been largely left out of that part of American History. We look at why, and how Native people did benefit from the work of, Dr. Ki...
This is some bonus content for you guys. I am on the mend, slowly but surely. Short music clips are featured in this bythe following artists: JimmyWolf: http://jimmywolf.com/home YARINA, Music from the Andes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/nawi/115566138 ROBBIE ROBERTSON: https://music.apple.com/us/album/making-a-noise/724750139?i=724751178 Joseph Firecrow & Oliver Shanti: https://music.apple.com/us/album/best-of-oliver-shanti-friends-circles-of-life/301275627...