If anything is to be learned from this pandemic it is how woefully unprepared the United States has been in many areas. Americans are starving, as the country deals with food shortages, particularly in urban areas.
A recent poll taken shows 37 % of Unemployed Americans ran out of food in the Month of April. If you can't work and make money, how do you buy food to live? Native People are also a part of this percentage who also live in urban areas. We look at this poll.
Also, despite the pandemic, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is back in operation, and working virtually. One of their cases may affect the jurisdiction of Oklahoma as it pertains to the 5 tribes within the borders of the state. At stake... Did the United States Congress dissolve the Muskogee Creek reservation, and remand jurisdiction to the state of Oklahoma? We take a look at Federal Indian Law, as well as potential scenarios that could play out for this case.