Collaboration can be a pretty volatile part of work… working alongside great people can make even the most mind-numbingly boring tasks feel like pure play - but when you don’t gel with a particular team, even a passion project can become a drag.
So how do you make sure you’re collaborating with the right people? And collaborating the right way?
Author and coaching expert Michael Bungay Stanier wants you to have these conversations before you even start working with a new collaborator. Before any project begins, he recommends co-writing an ‘operating manual’, a set of processes and guidelines for collaborating.
He shares the most effective questions to ask when you’re thinking of working with someone, and breaks down the reasons every team needs to have discussions like these.
Connect with Michael on Twitter or at his website
You can find the full interview here: Michael Bungay Stanier teaches you how to begin
Visit Inventium Labs to download your operating manual.
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Produced by Inventium
Host: Amantha Imber
Sound Engineer: Martin Imber
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