Metacast Premium FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the Premium subscription in Metacast.

Is Metacast Premium available on both iOS and Android?

Yes, the Metacast Premium subscription is available on both iOS and Android.

What's included in Premium?

Please see our pricing page for details on the Metacast Premium subscription or read the Metacast launch announcement on our blog.

Why isn't Metacast free?

You can listen to any podcast for free, just like in other podcast apps. In addition, Metacast has powerful features that cost money to build and maintain. We are charging a subscription in order to build a self-sustaining business.

Can I subscribe to Metacast Premium without creating an account in Metacast?

Yes, you can! However, note that creating an account comes with additional benefits.

See Why should I create an account with Metacast? for more details.

Is there a free trial?

All new users who never had any prior subscriptions with Metacast are eligible for a 2-week free trial of Metacast Premium.

You can cancel the subscription any time and continue to use premium features of Metacast for free until the end of the trial period. At the end of the trial benefit, you can continue to use the free version of the app.