The link between teens, marijuana and depression
What is needed is to get at risk teens early help.
An examination of medical ethics and the practitioners who define them. Sign up to receive the Second Opinion topics in newsletter form at .
What is needed is to get at risk teens early help.
Should we have the right to know what attitudes the new CDC director holds?
A good reminder to extend care.
Will people find it acceptable?
They aren't what you might think.
The body’s reaction to an emotional trigger.
Sometimes the promotions are rather sneaky.
In three important ways it does.
Who decides what looks nice?
The poor are stuck and need help getting out...
No choice about a flu medicine.
The bribes and gifts continue….
For too long our heads have been in the sand...
When does the public need medical advice and when does it not?
There is still no clear answer and the decision is not easy
If we listen there is lots we can learn from those around us.
A tough question, but perhaps it's the wrong question to ask.
What we are looking for is a partnership.
It can change – but only with effort and will.
Unnecessary antibiotics...
It is long past time to end this practice.
Let's at least agree on how we measure our health.
Complaints are far more than they seem.
Why do we overuse care that offers no benefit?
What can we learn about how to be more inclusive?
Listening is powerful medicine.
Why do more than half of Americans take these products?
Going, going, GONE!
Patients deceive their doctors…but doctors also deceive their patients.
What happens when patients fib to their doctor?