For over 30 years, Dynamic Communicators, producers of the SCORRE Conference, Launch Conferences and The Art & Business of Public Speaking have helped speakers, authors, and aspiring communicators learn how to prepare with focus, deliver with clarity, and speak with power. Our acclaimed conferences and podcast featuring industry-leading presenters have helped thousands build their businesses and become the speakers they've always wanted to be.
Hosted by Ken Davis, author, speaker and communications trainer, the Art and Business of Public Speaking is a podcast designed to provide rich resources empowering public speakers to construct and deliver exceptional presentations that will lead people to action and powerfully impact lives. In addition, it will reveal strategies and creative ideas that will jumpstart a speaking career or catapult an existing career to the next level. If you speak, if you write, or if you perform in public, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome!
In episode 110 Ken Davis talks to singer, songwriter and comedian, Mark Lowry about getting started as a comedian and finding new stories. In this episode you’ll learn: •That audiences have personalities and you have to get to know them •There is nothing funnier than the truth •How to find new stories "People love to hear your story – people are interested in people."
Jun 20, 2017•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 109 Ken Davis talks to bestselling author Jerry Jenkins about important insights in writing. In this episode you’ll learn: •The difference between making it better and just making it different •To set goals of 2-3 pages per day as you begin writing •The importance of not sacrificing your family at the altar of your career "Getting out of the way of your art separates great artists from the field."
Jun 11, 2017•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 108 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series by unpacking the steps of the SCORRE™ Process. Click to listen to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7. In this episode you’ll learn: •The “E” of SCORRE™ stands for Evaluation •Why you should evaluate your presentation during every part of the SCORRE™ process •Why you also must evaluate the audience to whom you’ll be speaking "Evaluation goes beyond your speech”
Jun 04, 2017•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 107 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series by unpacking the steps of the SCORRE™ Process. Click to listen to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6. In this episode you’ll learn: •The first “R” of SCORRE™ stands for Rationale •How to develop powerful illustrations •That the rationale leads the listener to the objective "When the tension is gone the attention is gone” via @DCIspeak
May 30, 2017•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 106 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series by unpacking the steps of the SCORRE™ Process. Click to listen to Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 and Part 5 . In this episode you’ll learn: Why you must interrogate the purpose of your speech How to write the response to your proposition The importance of choosing a keyword "It’s not the way you deliver a speech – it’s the way you design the purpose of a speech.”...
May 22, 2017•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 104 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series and dive deeper into the SCORRE™ method. In this episode you’ll learn: •The “S” of SCORRE™ stands for Subject •To understand the important guidelines for choosing your subject •The “C” of SCORRE™ stands for Central Theme – Narrow the subject to a manageable amount of information. "So many people step to the platform and talk, but they don’t communicate."
May 09, 2017•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 105 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series continue on unpacking the steps of the SCORRE™ Process. In this episode you’ll learn: •The “O” of SCORRE™ stands for Objective – A Sentence that embodies the objective of your presentation •Instructions to write a clear objective sentence •There are only two types of propositions from which you can choose and the simple form to writing those propositions. "No presentation is ready for delivery until y...
May 01, 2017•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 103 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series and tackle the meaning of SCORRE™. In this episode you’ll learn: •SCORRE™ is an an acronym •An easy to implement, simplified SCORRE™ method of preparation to make your next presentation more powerful •To understand the true objective of your presentation Communication only takes place when your audience is moved to action”
May 01, 2017•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 102 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue the The Art of Powerful Public Speaking Series by discussing the power of focus and the importance of choosing an objective. In this episode you’ll learn: •The importance of focus in preparing your message •Why you must choose an objective or an subconscious objective will be assigned to you •Why you must chip away at all the information except what is most important Communication without focus is just entertainment."
Apr 24, 2017•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 101 Ken Davis and Matt Brady begin a new series discussing the content of our SCORRE™ Training. In this episode you’ll learn: •If you’re talk isn’t driving people to action, there is no reason to give the talk •You must figure out the “why” of your talk •If you aim at nothing you will hit it every single time, if you know where you are going, you can take everyone with you "If you’re talk isn’t driving people to action, there is no reason to give the talk.”
Apr 17, 2017•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 100 Ken Davis talks to his sister, Candie Blankman, author, speaker, pastor and master communicator. In this episode you’ll learn: •How to maintain control when incorporating another speaker into your talk •The importance of utilizing creative ways to communicate your message •Why you must be diligent about narrowing the focus of your talk "Teaching less information more productively is more important than teaching more information poorly."
Apr 10, 2017•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 099 Ken Davis talks to Kirk Bowman about the Art of Value. In this episode you’ll learn: •Value pricing •Why billing by the hour can limit your income •How to Discover value, create options and start pricing In order to discover value you must have a value conversation with the customer
Apr 04, 2017•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 098 Ken Davis talks to David Horsager about how to take your dream and turn it into a career. In this episode you’ll learn: •Why structure in your speech is so important •To study your role models and learn everything you can about them •You must be an expert on the platform, on content, and in business "It’s the little things done consistently that make a speaker who they are."
Mar 28, 2017•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 097 Ken Davis and Matt Brady continue to discuss how to use our SCORRE™ Method when preparing a scripture-based presentation. In this episode you’ll learn: •That less is more •That there can be more than one outline for your presentation •That if the keyword doesn’t work for you, it’s not going to work for your audience "Evaluate and be sure you’re focusing on what matters most.”
Mar 14, 2017•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 096 Ken Davis and Matt Brady discuss how to use our SCORRE™ Method when preparing a scripture-based presentation. In this episode you’ll learn: •How to use narrative in communication •How to present truth – whether it is from scripture or history •That the SCORRE™ method is a powerful tool that forces us to make sense "The SCORRE™ method is a powerful tool that forces us to make sense.”
Mar 14, 2017•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 095 Ken Davis brings back Andy Andrews to the show to discuss his new book, The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff. Listen to episode 16 and episode 17 to hear our first two-part interview with Andy. In this episode you’ll learn: •How tiny little shifts in your business can have a massive impact •Customer satisfaction is the lowest bar you can hit and stay in business •That no matter what business you’re in, the product is you "So many people want to make a dif...
Mar 06, 2017•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 094 Ken Davis talks to Jim Young aka J Oliver – a former mentalism magician and long time friend of Ken’s. In this episode you’ll learn: •How to keep the audience’s attention •To say yes to every opportunity that comes your way when first starting out •The importance of integrity "Never stop practicing your craft."
Feb 26, 2017•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 093 Ken Davis and Matt Brady discuss the qualities of a good closing. Click here to listen to the previous episode, The Qualities of a Good Opening. In this episode you’ll learn: •The last words that come out of your mouth are some of the most important you will say •About the purpose of the closing •A good closing should be brief "Every closing should have some call to action.”
Feb 21, 2017•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 092 Ken Davis and Matt Brady discuss the qualities of a good opening and how it can affect the rest of your speech. In this episode you’ll learn: •The opening is the only chance to make your audience want to hear what you have to say •The purpose of the opening is to make a connection with the audience •The opening is a chance for you to develop rapport "An opening is a door you invite your audience into.”
Feb 13, 2017•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast
In episode 91 Ken Davis brings back Brian Holmes from the Strategic Leader podcast to discuss the strategic point in his life that he met us and to describe the four stages of successful transition. In this episode you’ll learn: •The four stages of successful transition – discontent, disconnect, reconnaissance, re-engagement •How discontent allows us to recognize that something new is available •That transition is a long process that can be painful, but necessary "Transition happens to everyone ...
Feb 07, 2017•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast