As organizations experience unprecedented levels of difficulties with engagement and retention, where people report a host of personal and professional stressors that are affecting their needs, priorities, and well-being, trust is at the center. In this episode, Dr. Carmella Tress talks with Vanessa Philbert, CEO of Community Action Partnership in Lancaster; and Jason James, Art Director at Fig Industries, to explore the role of trust in cultivating workplaces and relationships that feel healthy...
Jul 13, 2022•44 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast For most of our listeners, it’s been a brutal week, compounded by a tumultuous couple of years. We heard you when you asked for concrete advice about how to keep putting one foot in front of the other. This is required listening for leaders because you are both emotionally highly contagious to your teams (who want to feel valued right now), AND you are responsible for progress in our companies and communities. It’s a big lift when the world feels like it’s unraveling. Join Dr. McCray and Kedren ...
Jun 29, 2022•28 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast Join Sarah as she interviews Work Wisdom’s dynamic friend, Isaac Etter to discuss the art of being assertive as a leader. As an entrepreneur and leader, Isaac puts himself out there in order to move his work and mission forward. While his dynamism might not come naturally to everyone, Isaac has some helpful advice for those of us who are on the shy side. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn and Instagram, at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
May 17, 2022•31 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast Join Sarah as she interviews Vanessa Philbert, the CEO of Community Action Partnership AND an associate at WW as well as Esther Angell, Vice President at Cargas to discuss what it means to have an inclusive workplace, where to start, how we can measure success, and why it is a never-ending journey. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn and Instagram, at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
Apr 27, 2022•33 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast Join Sarah and Kedren to explore "Fostering a Culture of Belonging". They discuss what culture is and what it's not (ping pong), why "belonging" matters so much right now at work, how values can help, the four primary types of cultures, and eight illuminating dimensions of culture that enable you to more fully understand your own organization's culture and sense of belonging. They also talk about why Kedren always makes sure to wear sneakers in airports. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn an...
Apr 12, 2022•39 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast Imposter syndrome is characterized by doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who don’t believe they’re deserving of recognition and promotions. Psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes developed the concept, originally termed “imposter phenomenon,” in a 1978 study which focused on high-achieving women. They found that “despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, women who experience the imposter phenomen...
Mar 30, 2022•27 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast Join Kedren and Sarah as they talk about how to stop wasting effort on activities that won’t actually help you win. Don’t waste your life being in the gear that doesn’t move you forward. Learn six concrete techniques for strategic engineering so your hours and activities fold up into the life you want to live. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn and Instagram, at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
Jan 26, 2022•24 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast Join Kedren and Dr. Tress as they answer the burning question of 2021: “How can leaders continue to lead while they themselves are burning out?” Despite the emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and lack of professional efficacy that characterize clinical burnout, there are effective methods for restoring vibrancy. Kedren and Carmella share the five concrete, actionable Emotional Intelligence skills that can mitigate burnout as well as neuroscience practices that can motivate during periods of epic un...
Dec 08, 2021•34 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Behaviorist Podcast, listen in as Kedren Crosby interviews Lyndsey Sturkey and Chad Martin about being an Enneagram 6, the Loyalist. Loyalists are assumed to be the most common type and are described as committed, security-oriented, engaging, responsible, and, in darker moments, anxious and suspicious. In this episode, Lyndsey and Chad discuss what they love about being a 6, what challenges them, and what they wish others knew. If you are a 6, work with 6's, or consider yourself...
Nov 24, 2021•31 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast 19 million American workers have quit their jobs since April and the number continues to climb. Leaders are scrambling. While the answer to attracting and retaining talent is simple, it is not easy. In this episode, Kedren Crosby and Sarah Colantonio discuss the recent study from McKinsey that reports on the massive attrition happening across industries and give advice to leaders who instead want to create cultures that attract, motivate and retain employees. You can follow Work Wisdom On Linked...
Nov 10, 2021•24 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast Burnout is at epidemic proportions, with 52% of the workforce now reporting feeling burned out. In this impromptu bonus episode, Sarah and Kedren share seven concrete (and personally tested) methods that you can begin using today to restore vibrancy and prevent future bouts of burnout. You can follow Work Wisdom On LinkedIn and Instagram, at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at .
Nov 09, 2021•21 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast What does work-life integration mean to you? Is it being on a work call while emptying the dishwasher? Putting your toddler in front of a Disney movie while you attend a zoom meeting? Instead of work-life balance, which pits our career against our personal lives, work-life integration takes the various threads of our lives to bolster and reinforce each other. Working with the same set of values, towards the same goal, it requires our clarity of purpose, clarity of our values, our crucibles, and ...
Oct 13, 2021•41 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Behaviorist Podcast listen in as Randy Berridge interviews Therese Crosby Toczek & Jen Beachy about being an Enneagram 5. In this episode we take an exciting journey into the mind of the knowledge seekers on the Enneagram. Enneagram Type 5’s are the intense, cerebral, perceptive, and sometimes detached type. These self-identifying Type 5’s discuss what they love about being a 5, what challenges them, and what they wish others knew. If you are a 5, work with 5's, or consider ...
Sep 29, 2021•35 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast One of our dearest clients wrote in an email, “I have this feeling like there isn’t enough of me as a mama, wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee, community member. Not enough time, not enough for all the needs. It feels like a scarcity mindset that is difficult to break out of.” When sociologist Caitlyn Collins interviewed working women in the U.S. she heard a similar refrain. In this episode of The Behaviorist, join Sarah as she interviews Ashlinn, Vanessa, and Carm to discuss the perils of...
Sep 22, 2021•46 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast In 2001, Netflix was hit hard by the first internet bubble bursting. They were forced to lay off a third of their team. They were exceptionally intentional about how they navigated that difficult period and stumbled upon a principle that has served them extraordinarily well for the past two decades: Talent Density. High concentrations of (nothing but) stunning employees are the foundation for creative, trusting, fast, powerful, and smart organizations. Couple Talent Density with candor and strea...
Aug 31, 2021•37 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast Many of us are tired, suffering from the fog of Pandemic Brain and the fallout of the Great Resignation. Those of us who are survivors are wondering how to lead, how to scale, how to empower, and how to build back better. While the resignations, presenteeism and disengagement continues, there are these unusual positive deviants who are doing something particularly rare at this moment in history. The enthusiasts among us are exceptionally appreciated and causing an upward spiral bringing hope, en...
Aug 11, 2021•27 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast Is it really true that ‘people don’t leave jobs, people leave bosses’? There are a lot of bosses who are reeling from this quote in the midst of The Great Resignation. On this week’s episode of The Behaviorist, Kedren and Sarah argue that perhaps now, during The Great Resignation, people are NOT focused on leaving their bosses, but instead are truly leaving for greater meaning, increased flexibility, better compensation, and more joy. In this episode, learn about mindsets, habits and communicati...
Jul 27, 2021•18 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast The Great Resignation is an indication of the enormous numbers of people choosing not to return to their pre-COVID frenzy. Join Kedren to hear about why Work Wisdom Press decided to re-release a book she wrote in 2008 which offers a prescription for living an intentional life worth savoring. Learn about her rationale for writing this book, the ingredients of this slower way of living, and what as aged well and what feels a little dated more than a decade later. You can follow Work Wisdom On Link...
Jul 21, 2021•16 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Join Sarah and Kedren to discuss how the role of leaders is changing in managing the emotional response to external tumult. Learn how to name it, norm it, make it, build it, move it and relate in order to help individuals and teams journey together through traumatic times. You can follow Work Wisdom On LinkedIn and Instagram, at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
Jun 03, 2021•34 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Behaviorist Podcast listen in as Randy Berridge interviews Dionna Wright, Aaron Spangler, and Christy Slothower about being an Enneagram 4. In this episode we take an exciting journey into the mind of the resident Artist of the Enneagram. Enneagram Type 4’s are The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, and occasionally Self-Absorbed, These self-identifying Type 4’s discuss what they love about being a 4, what challenges them, and what they wish others knew. If you are...
Apr 24, 2021•51 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Behaviorist Podcast listen in as Sarah Colantonio & Randy Berridge interview Jennifer Powell, Sarah Payne, and Will Kiefer about being an Enneagram 3. Enneagram Type 3’s are the Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type. They are adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. They are named ‘The Achiever’ because they are on a perpetual journey to achieve success in their environment.These self-identifying Type 3’s discuss how knowing their type has helped give them a new set of ...
Mar 22, 2021•52 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast Join Kedren and Sarah in their quarantine as they share their methods for Remembering Who You Are. This five step inquiry process has helped Work Wisdom and other companies in moving forward through the pandemic and economic tumult with strength and clarity. These five practices enable your organization to consider how to continue achieving your purpose and leaning into your unique identity, even in times of fiscal austerity and quarantine. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn, Instagram, and ...
Apr 29, 2020•20 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast How did a humble rabbi convince the Japanese counsel to protect his community during World War II? Find out on The Behaviorist podcast. This week, Jaime Arroyo and Sarah Colantonio of Work Wisdom discuss The 5 styles of Influence: rationalizing, asserting, negotiating, inspiring and bridging plus which styles they prefer as leaders. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
Apr 22, 2020•22 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast Leading Through Crisis: In response to the uncertainty and anxiety that so many of our friends and clients are sitting with right now, last night, Kedren and Sarah recorded a special podcast on Leading through Crisis. We hope this conversation will bring you some perspective, hope, and concrete tools to take into the coming days - for you and your teams. You can follow Work Wisdom on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter at @workwisdom, and learn more at our website at
Mar 13, 2020•15 min•Ep 50•Transcript available on Metacast This week on the Behaviorist Podcast, Kimberlee Peifer interviews the lovable Lissa Holland about what it was like realizing she's an enneagram type 2: the Helper. The Helper is the caring, interpersonal type. They are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing and at lower levels can get possessive. They do intensely enjoy helping others so it makes sense that Lissa works at our public library! Some well-known 2s: Desmond Tutu, Eleanor Roosevelt and Elizabeth Taylor. If you are a 2 or work with o...
Mar 04, 2020•35 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Grief is a universal human experience. Yet workplace culture is often inhospitable to people suffering profound loss. How do we work to bridge this gap? On this extraordinary episode of The Behaviorist, we are truly honored to be joined by Ashely Garcia and Tom Baldridge of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. Last year, Ashley went through an unimaginable and sudden loss in her family. She and her supervisor Tom sat down with Kedren to talk truthfully, bravely, and frankly about how her loss was ...
Feb 26, 2020•33 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast What is a cognitive distortion? It’s when your mind convinces you of something that isn’t true. Cognitive distortions can manifest in many ways, such as black-and-white thinking, filtering (only seeing the bad stuff), overgeneralization, blaming, emotional reasoning (“If I feel this way, it must be true.”) catastrophizing, and taking things personally. There is no magic wand to eliminate one of the most potent scourges in the workplace (people lying to themselves). But fear not! On this week’s p...
Feb 19, 2020•24 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast Enneagram Type 1’s – The Perfectionist or Reformer – are rational, idealistic types. They are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. These are conscientious, dependable people who bring clarity and order to life. However, their belief that there is only one way to do things correctly can make them rigid and intolerant. On this episode of the The Behaviorist, Work Wisdom’s Kimberlee Peifer is joined by Wes Reminder, Director of Operations at Godfrey, Salina Almanzar, Visual...
Feb 12, 2020•41 min•Ep 46•Transcript available on Metacast “We’ve built a culture where it’s exciting to come to work every single day. It’s an atmosphere that is conducive for learning and to be successful.” - Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach Doug Pederson What does it mean to be a good coach? How do you move from a place of supervising and disciplining to one of listening, motivating, and inspiring? On this week’s episode of The Behaviorist, Kedren and Sarah review their coaching playbooks. Find out the difference between managing and leading, and how t...
Jan 29, 2020•27 min•Ep 45•Transcript available on Metacast Enneagram type 9’s - The Peacemakers - are self-effacing, receptive, reassuring, and agreeable. They are generous, calm, and able to see all sides of an issue with a level head. Their desire to keep the peace can lead them to becoming complacent and indecisive. On this episode of The Behaviorist, Work Wisdom’s Kimberlee Peifer is joined by Jill Laskowitz, Attorney at Blakinger Thomas, and also an Enneagram 9. Jill shares how a 9’s ability to mediate and de-escalate tensions is a valuable skill i...
Jan 15, 2020•30 min•Ep 44•Transcript available on Metacast